
The Era of Gods Chapter 60: On the move

   Chapter 60 Moving House

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. The sea already has a sea god. From the name of the sea god, you can tell the ambition of the other party. It is impossible to accommodate a snake-man **** to compete with himself for belief in the sea. These two demigods Innate is hostility.

Invite the army of Yuyuan City to attack the Blackwater Marsh, make the two forces hostile, and build fire by yourself, so that the fire will increase, and finally take the opportunity to defeat the frogman and the snakeman tribe, and transfer the anger of the snakeman demigod to Yuyuan City, escape by yourself.

  The idea is very good, and it is operability, but the actual success depends on real-time operation.

  Moreover, before operating this crazy idea, he had to do another mission to kill the sea beasts first, and get the reward first.

  After all, he doesn't know whether this crazy idea can succeed. In general, the probability of kneeling is higher than the probability of success. It is unavoidable that there will be nothing to fail at that time, so he will get the reward first.

  In the early morning of the next day, Lin Xiao took more than two thousand murlocs and three hundred naga out, and entered the sea according to the signs on the map.

   Swim to the northeast of Blackwater Marsh for a distance of more than 20 kilometers, and came to a huge coral reef.

  According to the map, the area where the sea beast often moves is here.

Because the rich microbial plankton of this coral reef attracts a large number of fish, and the abundance of fish attracts a group of shallow sea murlocs to settle here, a large number of fish plus murlocs attract a large number of predators, this head needs hunting The large sea beast killed is one of many predators.

The sea near the coral reef is very clear. Through the clear water, you can clearly see the colorful corals under the water swinging with the current. A colorful fish swims around the coral reef. Occasionally, you can see small octopus or lobster crab hiding in it. Under the stone cracks.

A slender marine fish with thick arms wandered on the bright coral, gnawing seaweed, and suddenly a tentacle stretched out from the shadow under the rock on the edge of the seaweed and curled the sea fish into the darkness, and a cloud of turbidity rose. There was no more movement inside.

After a while, an electric eel nearly two meters long passed by, and the tentacles suddenly popped out and wrapped around the slender and smooth electric eel. No electric light flashed, and the tentacles became stiff. The electric eel struggled to pull the tentacle body out, and it was actually a group of table-sized octopuses hiding under the rock pile.

  The octopus was so stiff that he couldn't move, only to watch the electric eel gnawing his body.


  A short spear broke through the seawater to form a long seawater trajectory. The precise stabbing electric eel was nailed to the seabed mud and sand. The electric eel was still struggling madly, rolling up a large piece of muddy nearby seawater.

  But this spear was too powerful and hardly nailed into the deep mud under a layer of mud on the seabed, and the thick and powerful body of the electric eel could not bounce off for a while.

  A few seconds later, a large swarm of murloc naga rushed over, and the leading tall naga looked at the struggling electric eel from a distance, feeling the numbness that can be felt even if it is nearly ten meters away, and she can't help but smack her tongue:

   "How powerful is it!"

   With a move, he took another short spear from his subordinates and threw it at the target again. A javelin shot the electric eel through the head.

  After a while, the electric eel stopped struggling, and the electricity all over his body was also shining. Lin Xiao stepped forward to pull out the short spear and put away the electric eel's body.

  The value of this thing is higher for Lin Xiao than 10,000 frogmen. The frogmen can't extract anything good, but the electric eel's ability to discharge is quite valuable, so it's not for sale, but for personal use.

  He is going to wait for the next evolution of the naga to see if he can load this discharge ability into it, which will become one of the natural abilities of the evolved naga.

  Think about it, if Naga has the same electric discharge ability as an electric eel, the enemy will experience the feeling of electric shock every time the enemy fights. Thinking about it will be very sour.

The area of ​​this coral reef is very wide. It is probably more than ten or twenty kilometers in vertical and horizontal direction. There are also several coral reef islands and a large number of submerged reefs. When Lin Xiao was looking for the sea beast, he found large fish gathered near one of the coral reef islands. The human tribe is smaller than the Linxiao tribe, with seven to eight thousand murlocs.

  This group of murlocs are quite aggressive. They were attacked when they first came into contact, even if they were similar murlocs.

  Lin Xiao did not take this to heart. Anyway, the murloc who attacked was killed by his subordinates in the first place. Instead, he held his chin in his hand and became interested in this coral reef.

If that crazy plan is to be implemented, the location of the tribe must not continue to be placed on the edge of Heishui Marsh, otherwise the battle between Yuyuan City and Heishui Marsh will affect them in minutes. This is located in the northeast of Heishui Marsh and northwest of Yuyuan City. There is a coral reef more than 20 kilometers away from the sea. It is a distance from Yuyuan City and Heishui Marsh. It is not in the center of the two, and the distance is not far. It seems to be a pretty good place.

  Went around several coral reefs. The task required that the sea beasts hadn't been touched yet, but he returned immediately and mobilized the tribe to prepare to move.

  At this time, the tribe had not been built. He asked the fishmen to lift the wood and throw it into the water, tied it into a huge raft, and piled up all the food that had been saved and pushed it to the predetermined new home.

On the way to the coral reef, the smell of a large amount of food on the raft attracted a large number of predators, but more murlocs and naga scared away most of the predators. Only a few unconscious daring to attack the team naturally became Food reserves of the tribe.

  However, as they approached the coral reef, the team ran into a large group of sharks, probably 20 or 30.

  This group of sharks are also attracted by the smell of food, and they are also wary of huge fish crowds, but they do not have the meaning of being afraid to retreat. Instead, they spread out and continue to follow the team, constantly testing and intimidating the murlocs on the edge, looking for opportunities to start.

  At the same time, because of the existence of this group of sharks, more and more sea predators are gradually attracted. Each of them is huge and full of sharp fangs.

  More and more predators gathered, the sharks began to move around, and the tentative movements became bigger and bigger.

   Lin Xiao in the center of the tribe frowned.

   "It can't go on like this, or there will be more and more predators."

Any creature has a herd mentality. Once there are more and more predators, not only will they become more courageous, but they will also attract more predators from afar. This will bring two small groups of sharks alone, sharks. There are nearly fifty sharks, and it is already a large group of sharks, enough to easily hunt smaller murloc tribes.

  He made a decisive decision and took the initiative.

   Discussed with a few naga leaders, they dispersed and gathered several teams of naga, each with a third-level naga as the leader, several second-level naga as the backbone, and a lot of ordinary murlocs as cannon fodder.

  (End of this chapter)