

His feet still glued in the same spot; Dan turned his body to the living room. Through gaps in the smothering gas, he observed Potestas and Consilium withering away while endless gunfire ravaged his dwelling. Shifting his gaze towards the windows, there was the beautiful Abigail: holding her head and ducking beneath the frame. These walls that once contained everything he called his own were riddled with holes. Its foundation unraveling and filling with toxic smoke, it was time for him to let go. His eyes firmly locked on the goddess, he found something new to cherish. She was all that he wanted. He knew it from the first moment he saw her on the bus. He even plunged a flaming sword into a fallen angel's flesh to save her. Now she needs him more than ever. Plus, she can't be his if she's dead.

Taking the first stride, his feet no longer glued to the floor, Dan slowly walked towards the window. A symbolic step, for as he took it, a door in his mind also opened. He began accepting what was happening. This was not a dream or some devious prank. As Abigail suggested, he merely needed to open his eyes to know what was real. There was no more dismissing the truth. An ancient war is being waged in the mortal plane, and he has become a part of it. With everything on the line, the margin for ignorance could not be maintained. In this very moment he had to make a choice.

What really mattered to him now? What was his purpose? He tried to analyze the facts as he knew them. The deities of Heaven had come for him and him alone. God speaks to him in his mind. And demons approach him because he can be seen. There was no denying his value in these final days. What exact purpose he is meant to serve could not be understood just yet. Though the next choice he makes would take him down one of two paths. It's direction to be chosen by him alone.

Gunfire seeming endless, he marched straight into the thick of it. With the bullets unable to harm him, as was demanded by Heaven's master, he cautiously put his hands on the splintered windowsill. Somewhere outside the smoke and dust, a man's voice was heard wailing, "Hold your fire!"

​Dan looked out and took a breath of fresh air as grey fog spewed from the fenestrated walls. He saw an army of soldiers occupying some of the taller surrounding buildings. They had distinct features. It was as if Daniel's vision evolved: being able to gaze through physical structures. Though the army stood behind walls and only small parts of their bodies could be seen within distant window frames, they couldn't hide from his sight. He didn't know if it was because he was truly different now, or because his mind was open to the actual reality. Either way, it was obvious he did not gaze upon mortal men. He could see the truth so plainly. They wore the clothes and flesh of a human, they spoke and moved like a human, but they were creatures of another realm. Through their gas masks, glistening yellow eyes pierced the veil and their bodies were hugely misshapen beneath the stretched clothing. What is my decision? He wondered to himself.

If the few things he knew were true, then he faces God itself. Daniel's new guests, exiles of Heaven, if left to perish, would lose their place in the universe. God would become one, but would he be just? History of men demonstrates that when one rules the many there is fleeting unity. Jealousy and war to conquer the throne divides that which is believed unified. One can be overwhelmed by many. However, if there are few, and power remains divided yet united, over time, battles can vanish into history. Though can one be so foolish as to apply a mortal concept to the invincibility of the divine?

​Staring into the demonic army, those whom Mythiiandros terms Zealots, Daniel had at last made up his mind. What could be expected if all power is given to one? Even something as majestic and omnipotent as God. One voice, unabated, infallible, and unstoppable, can only end in disaster for all; even the One God. It was clear then. Daniel must help restore balance. He was given a second chance. Saved by the selflessness of a beautiful goddess. He will not waste it! His whole life he's been fighting himself. Torn between desire and fear. Only wishing to find comforts of pleasure or things to make his own life better. Now he believed it was time to fight for something more.

​Looking down next to his leg remained Abigail. She was still ducking under the windowsill as he stretched his arms to the side. Offering his body as protection, he softly announced, "Go." But then in his mind he finished the statement: go and shine my Little Star. Till I see you again.

​She looked at Daniel with a hesitant nod yet didn't waste another moment. She ran to the living room and dove over what was left of the tattered couch. The soldiers reacted too slowly and missed when they resumed gunfire; their target being much harder to perceive in the thick fog.

Abigail's hand lit a glowing white as she charged Potestas with a revitalizing boost. Her voice shrieked as she transferred her life into him. Dan's head was intently locked in attempt to view her drastic play. Had he known her plan, he might not have been so hasty to enable it. For Abigail siphoned all her divine power to save the others. This sudden transfer of energy bursting with a sparkling flare cast under her palm. Moments after, her glistening eyes closed as her mind sank into the abyssal darkness that's consuming this world.

Just when it seems a night cannot get any blacker, the dawn blossoms with a new sun. A white light suddenly flashed, and with it, Potestas burst back to life. Within the heavenly glow his eyes sprung open. The grey fog cowered away as its suffocating vice was blown asunder. The god took in a great breath before observing his fallen compatriots. Without a second's delay, he grabbed both in his mighty arms and took to flight. Dan watched Potestas occupy the room for just a moment before a blur surged out of his condo, kicking up dust and debris in its wake.

​Daniel was all alone again; gunfire was heard in the distance as the chase presumably ensued. A sudden breeze swept through the room. The toxic gas began to move out the windows as if every molecule were commanded by a puppeteer. The gas canisters ran empty and their hissing assault was put to rest. The sky brightened as the storm clouds receded, and with its passing came the uncomfortable feelings of calmness. He let out an exhale and closed his eyes. Trying to remember Abigail's face one more time. Doing this in preparation, for he believed these would be his final moments. Visions of her face were all that could offer comfort in so dire an hour. Without protection from the gods, Dan's mind and body were forfeit to whatever being would come claim him now. However, an agent of death was not meant to visit him this day, as was foretold by the exiles. Something else had arrived.

​"Open your eyes, Daniel." A familiar voice said, though this time, not from within his mind. Rather, it came from his condo; or what's left of it.

​When Dan did as he was told, his vision fell upon a hazy form standing just a few feet away. Commenting on the sight, he was the first to speak. "Legion spoke of a superior one. He spoke of them in a special way. I remember his words so clearly." Taking a bold stare into the deity's eyes, he asked, "Are you Him, the One God? Are you That Which Dwells Within?"

​The one to whom he spoke had long black hair, piercing yellow eyes, and a lavish soft cape made of a strange animal's brown fur. His slender face boasted a long dark beard. It was braided and woven with an intricate collection of jade and onyx gems. His body was covered in glistening silver armor and his hands looked more like claws with sharpened steel for nails. Reaching down, the new arrival moved his hand towards a piece of rubble. Though as he closed his plated fingers, his palm moved through the chunk and curved into a loose fist. As if this man were a ghost, incapable of grasping physical matter.

Exhaling in disappointment, the newcomer explained, "I am That Which Dwells Within…but I am not the One God, yet. So long as the exiles exist in this world, I can never truly rule my kingdom. I can only observe and give my blessings to those of flesh and bone. Like you I am a prisoner, a prisoner of my own fear. Therefore, I need you Daniel. We can free each other. That's why I'm not angry. Even now as you stand against me, I understand. Perhaps you need only persuasion, or have already been persuaded?"

​Affirming his position, Daniel sternly replied, "I have made my decision, I will stand here –in this place. Because this was meant to be their place of death. I remain to shield them from your attack. It is my sacrifice for her."

​Returning to a full stance and facing Daniel, the god announced, "Yes of course, the woman, Abigail. An illustrious and immaculate conception of both vision and flesh. How could you resist? She is, as you may have realized, the Guardian of Light and the Bringer of Life. The purest light in all of creation. Truly, hers is the power most cherished in Heaven. And so, her charge was to reward mankind. Giving blessings of warmth and good health to those who worship the gods. It is no mystery that your passion for her imbues your body –firm with the majesty of blind and unquestionable sacrifice. My favorite form of conviction. Yet perhaps someday, you will see her image is but a tool she uses on the mind. For gods do not give their gifts freely. We are in competition for the faithful you see. And she has chosen her weapons carefully. Amassing acolytes both true and devout." He chuckled in mysterious amusement, "Though it seems only when a god has ultimately failed their servants, their servants look elsewhere to instill their faith. One day she will fail you Daniel; fail you like she has done so many others. Eventually you will come looking for an answer she cannot give –a need beyond her ken. Therefore, I do not grudge you my child; your time has not yet come. Soon will be the perils found unchallengeable. That is when you will seek me, and I will give you my blessing in our time of need. You deserve holy justice, as does all of mankind."

No mortal words followed the voice of divinity. His speech cutting through to the bone. The mere echo of His voice shook Daniel's entire body. The muscles in his jaw clenched so tight that he couldn't speak even if he wanted to. Being forced to tremble in silence and humility. What if he made a mistake, what if he chose the wrong side? This god, That Which Dwells Within, has quickly shaken his faith. 'Faith' being a word he never subscribed to, never having considered the paths of the divine. Humanity had smothered all notions of it in his mind. Though now the considerations are unarguable, and the future after this life became an all-consuming reality. The only thing that could bring him comfort now was thinking about Abigail's face again. Even though this god, That Which Dwells Within, has offered reprieve from his treacherous decisions, was there to be mercy? Forgiveness from that which he will not speak? Is such a thing even meant to exist? This being commands all things both in life and in death. Surely, He could liberate Daniel from his fear of passing into the afterlife. But at what cost he wondered. What would be the punishment? He has already willingly defied God.

Letting his words sink in and permeate Daniel's mind for a few moments longer, the celestial being smiled. Not a devilish or deceitful grin. Rather a mark of satisfaction. His omnipresent voice rang out once more, "My name is Mythiiandros, and I'd like to tell you a story. There are tales echoing for millennia. Running to the stars and carrying hollow tunes of former days. But first, let me ask. Do you know why you stand against me, why this universe is divided?"

​Trying to find a sense of clarity, Daniel at last managed to unlock his jaw. Taking time to choose his words, he slowly replied, "I KNOW little, and believe I've pieced together some other stuff. There are six of you, each with your own special purpose. You desire absolute power over the Heavens. The three that I've met, plus another two, were once Heaven's leaders as well. And the universe was ordered so long as power remained divided."

​Nodding, Mythiiandros expanded on Daniel's words, "Yes, amusingly enough. What you have said is rather accurate. However, there are details in the past that may give you more perspective. Before the candle came to harness the flame, all was balanced. The gods were worshipped, and men were blessed. Yet as humanity grew, Heaven strangely failed to match. Being stunted by stubbornness. In the light of mankind's growth, the divine inevitably receded. It seemed a sickness was upon us."

​Heavy footsteps interrupted the speech as two hulking Zealots came through the doorway. Stinking saliva dripped down the seams of the poorly fastened gasmasks on their faces. They looked expectantly at their master with familiar yellow eyes. Mythiiandros had a sudden glare of wrath. He did not like being interrupted. It was even more offensive to him because this was a rare occasion. He enjoys these kinds of talks. A bond with someone in the mortal plane. New ears to hear the tales of his glory. Even if the circumstances of their meeting suffered from some unusual consequences, he would cherish these few minutes together.

​Waving his plated arm to the side and glowering with an even deeper intensity, the bodyguards were quickly dismissed. No words need to be cast and further interrupt his speech. The Zealots left the condo and ensured no other interruptions would take place. They obediently stood guard while their master happily continued his recollections.

Looking back at Daniel with glistening eyes. He grinned once more. Though this grin was not one of satisfaction for it slowly flipped into a frown. Mythiiandros continued to explain, "We came to believe mankind was given too much. How could your lives ever matter if not in servitude of the gods? It was unfathomable. Yet what a strange miscalculation we made. Man took one look at the world we had given and believed it was their own. And as a disobedient child mocks their superiors, so too did mankind challenge the gods. Going so far as to dismiss us from their lives entirely." Mythiiandros released a light chuckle, "This child should be punished we said. This child should be reminded of their place we said. Yet all we did was talk and talk. Endless days of debate as more and more turned from the gods. With their numbers growing, so too their corruption. Every hour moving further away from the loving hands that once guided and protected them." Casting his eyes to the side, the next line took effort to recite. "Intent on maintaining their presence in men's hearts, the first of us succumbed to trickery. A desperate play to restore one's value; leading the first throne to be abandoned. And with it, the devolution of our divinity had begun. We were disconnecting from this world. Somehow it got into our minds that our lives began to bare a diminished purpose. Like mankind, we too had lost our way. It was childish selfishness that overcame our once careful plotting." Passing his hand through the tattered hallway wall, he continued. "A god is an intangible being of pure energy, while humans are beings of flesh and sensation. Sensation and prosperity becoming more valued in human mind's than their obligations to the divine. We resented you. In rancor and jealousy, we would take mortal form! Abandon the Heavens so we may come and reap the pleasures of this world. Taste and touch are human things, things we've never known, nor considered important. Yet, the more that humanity grew and adored these things, the more we wanted to take them from you. It became a game to us." Shaking his head with a disappointed exhale, he took a moment before continuing. "We were stupid, and some of us became insatiable. At first, we would only take turns and come to this world for a short while. But eventually our lives were only satisfied while being human, and our responsibilities were abandoned entirely. Mankind was forced to embrace both the growing darkness and the fleeting light. Ultimately being set upon their own path as they desired. Balance had been undone."

​Turning to view the glistening sky outside, Daniel pondered these words. He asked, "So when did the war begin? Why are they here, and you there?"

​Frowning at the question, Mythiiandros turned and began slow pacing as he revealed the story some more. His chin held high and his arms crossed behind his back, he explained, "Times were changing my child. We all knew it. The gods were diminishing. We were simply becoming a cosmological excess. Every day closer to detaching from the mortal plane entirely. All energy in the universe must go somewhere, and it is constantly recycling –passing through That Which Dwells Within, and That Which Dwells Without. Yet as mankind believed they did not need our blessings to thrive, the flow became misaligned. For without Heaven fulfilling its role, the darkness grows without limitation or interpretation. While humanity has attempted to evolve into self-sufficiency, they fail to realize their lives are being corrupted. Without the light, their future falls into deeper shadow. So far there have been plenty of examples to witness what this influence promises. Mankind has already made a tragic mess of this world in their wake. Murdering and slaughtering their brothers, vying for dominion over ravaged lands. Every day malice seethes in deeper. The other five understood this very well but never had the courage to act! They were complacent, and decided for better or worse, life should be natural; no longer ushered by the gods." Slamming his fist across his chest, the clanking armor made a notable thud as the deity roared, "This cannot be I said! For the gods are meant to serve a purpose! We keep this world and the hearts of men in balance. We keep the darkness from consuming all that is ordered and blessed!"

Taking a moment to regain his composure, the plated god returned beside Daniel and looked out at the city. Mythiiandros observed all of those beneath him. They were all his children. He took this moment to cherish what few comforts the world had left to offer on a sunny day. A place where some happy people still walked in the light and carried on in blissful ignorance. "It was certain then; it would be my sole obligation to return things to the way they should be. I love this world, and mankind. Yet I must save them from each other. For without my guidance, without blessings of order and justice, all will fall into utter damnation. Eventually, apocalypse will claim us." Thinking back to endless discussions with the former masters of Heaven, he frowned. "Of course, my ideas have never been supported, and so long as I shared the power of Heaven, I would never be able to save us." He paused again briefly, painfully recounting other memories of former days, "I had to take steps, you understand. I loathe the level of deviousness that I succumbed to; but no cost was too great! The restoration of order was all I could focus on. No matter the shame I would forever endure…or the deals I had to strike." Closing his eyes, Mythiiandros suffered from a silent battle in his mind. Dishonor has tormented his plotting and the memories of it seethe like poison within. It took almost a full minute before he could stifle the internal conflict and continue his story. "It was about five millennia ago that I devised a plan to empty the Celestial Kingdom. By then the exiles had completely turned to vices of flesh rather than obligation of duty. They had become like delinquent teenagers. Coming and going as they pleased, stopping back home to grab a few things before heading out again. I couldn't stand it any longer. So, I used their own weakness against them. I lured them out with the Festival of Grapes. The greatest celebration of all time! Everything a person enjoyed took place at my festival: feasts, wine, opiates, sex, combat…everything. None could resist. When my festival had succeeded, and the Heavens were emptied, I returned to my throne and locked the gate. However, I had overlooked one thing. The very moment I cut them off, Heaven suffered its most devastating blow. Unknown to any of us were the consequences of my actions. For it would seem that divine power is like a river. When we're all connected to the Celestial Kingdom, the river flows and the gods reap it equally. We are at our most powerful. But whenever someone is cast out, the river dries and stagnates. I have become so very weak, we all have." This was to be the last pause in his speech. As it neared the end, it would resolve with an offer. Another bargain to strike. Things mustn't be rushed, for mortal ears have never been privy to so much divine history before. The moment had to be perfect. Giving a few more seconds for idle observation, the noble deity watched slow casual motions of a mother and daughter crossing the street. Their hands were clasped, and the toddler peddled on without worry. Careless and free. The kind of life Mythiiandros intended for all of humanity

***I will be releasing new chapters every 1-2 weeks. Check back on Saturdays. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

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