
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

Sebastian_HEsse · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Timeskip no jutsu? Timeskip no jutsu!

Yami looked at himself once again through his system, even though his body was only 14 years old, he already looked really good with his white hair and red eyes. At the moment he could probably be compared to Bell from Danmachi. In other words, he looked handsome but also cute as CUDDLE!

"Alright Yami start showing the class a Fire Jutsu."

He looked up to the teacher, or rather ninja, who called him.

He was currently standing in the courtyard of the academy. As a good student he quickly replied, "Yes sensei."

There were several pairs of eyes on him as he walked in front of the rest of the class. There were different emotions in the eyes, but they were mostly positive or beyond that.

There were many main characters like Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Ino, Sakura, and the rest of the rookie 9.

[It is still really interesting seeing them in real life, even if I meet them nearly every day.]

He changed his train of thought back to the situation at hand and prepared.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!!!"

As soon as he finished, a fireball as big as a boulder came out of Yami's mouth and incinerated everything it touched.

The other kids cheered at seeing such a spectacular performance.

"WOW THAT'S SO COOL DATTEBAYO!!!" (Ball of sunshine Naruto himself)

"Hn, that's what I'd expect." (Mr broody Himself)

"W-ow Yam-i-kun!!" (Ball of shyness herself)

The rest of the class gave applause and compliments as well.

As the last one, the teacher praised him as well, "Yami, good job! As expected of the number one student."

"It's all thanks to your great teachings and the help of the people around me."

"You are really humble, and also a glib tongue. Many girls will probably fall to those sweet words of yours. Well then, that was all for today, you are free now."

After talking for a bit everyone went back to their homes, as did Yami.

He walked at "normal speed" and arrived at the entrance to the Senju Compound after a short time. You should take note, that not even a running adult would be able to catch him.

"Home sweet home." Yami said while walking in.

Yami was immersed in his thoughts, "I need a wife to greet me! Or maybe a Sweet Home Alabama? No, I shouldn't think of that, though something like that is pretty common in this world right? I have the blessing of God so what morals are there to worry about, if they are only the fabrication of my previous world?"

He talked to himself, he picked up that habit in the void and still kept it since in had some advantages, namely

[The constellation "SWEET HOME ALABAMA" is approving your words, 200 points sponsored]

When he first met God, he had a bit of reverence for him, but now, after all the time he saw God having his fun, he just laughed in his mind a bit and enjoyed that God seemed to get more creative with time. He also had Eve, to whom he built up a husband-and-wife relationship, for which the Editor would go through any lengths to have!

If you're wondering why he lives here? That's because he's actually the Senju heir.

It's flashback time! You will see this powerful Jutsu quite a bit :)


{Host thank you for making your character(s). You can change your appearance, however, you should stay in one main body since the others are just the same body looking different. Also, I feel a bit strange as you wife, if you suddenly look different and I believe your harem will think so too. Now then, the next thing is to pick your clan}

[ -Senju-






-exc- ]

{You can pick two but it will delay the time you awaken those powers.}

"Hmm if I pick two it will give me an advantage but it will delay me..." Yami suddenly thought of something pretty reckless but badass yet again.

"How many can I have in my body without it killing me?" His grin would even make the statue from Solo Leveling think of him as creepy.

{Dear can have three-four but it may cripple you, so please don't do it, I don't want to see you suffer....}

"I'm happy that you are concerned about me, but I NEED TO BE OVERPOWERED! So, DO IT! I CHOOSE YOU; SENJU UCHIHA UZUMAKI HYUGA!!!"

{Darling you… Baka... *sigh* progress starts, 1% 10% 35% 87% 99% 100%, Prepare for pain, my reckless husband.}


{I told you to prepare but you were busy cheating the system and God… Don't you dare to ever cheat on me, otherwise this pain will be nothing but a sting in comparison.}

"I can cheat god, but I won't cheat on you, you are my partner!"

Yami clenched his teeth, but still managed to tell Eve not to worry. She was actually moved seeing him able to make such a promise while in such pain.

{Alright host, now some information to your reincarnation; because God finds it boring to watch you grow up, you will be conscious at the age of 8, but everything you wrote in your backstory will be reality. Your body will be like a puppet who lives according to your thoughts and backstory.}

"Indeed, watching me shit my own pants is probably not the best entertainment and it is actually pretty good that i don't have to spend more years not being able to actually do anything.


Yami went to his room to lay down on his bed.Learning ninja-techniques is very interesting, but also very hard, especially since he is training non-stop and even keeps working during the night.

"I'm tired *yawn*"

He almost closed his eyes, but then the system screen appeared in front of him:

[Host's body is ready for power boost]

When Yami read this he smiled widely, it was a mix between being really happy and anticipation. He already wondered when he would really start his journey, he had trained restlessly to be able to give God a good show and it seemed that the time had arrived. He was still not sure why God let him live quietly for all the time, but maybe he was also of the opinion that a story should have a bit of time before actually starting. A good story at least has a bit of built-up before all the stuff happens, but this buildup is boring most of the time.

Yami stopped thinking about it for the moment because there was just one question that was really important; when? "How long until it activates?"

[Process will start once you fall asleep, after waking up, you will have the "Jesus's Body"]

"So it will finally be my time to shock everyone by doing stuff that completely goes against common sense? But why Jesus? Can I make water to wine or what?"

{Dear, do you want me to elaborate?}

"Yes please."

{This body is something created by God himself. To make it short: there are no restrictions for you if you have this body, because those restrictions are not able to bind god or something made directly by him. Most simple; you can use water and fire magic at the same time, you can learn anything and so on. Also, you will become the most perfect being there is, literally a person who seems to be made by the hands of god.}

"That's great! But why Jesus though? Didn't he say that Jesus wasn't even one of the people he associated with?"

{Probably just a joke and reference. However, if you were to go to the heaven of DxD, you would be thought of as the new ruler. And if you were to become a "Hero" from Fate, you would be the strongest Servant there is.}

Yami took a bit of time to digest all this information and after a while he simply put his hands together as if praying.

"Thank you for your grace..."

[The constellation "All-Father" is nodding at your prayer.]


[The constellation "I'm your father" doesn't know if he should laugh or cry, but he is entertained, 300 points sponsored.]

Yami laughed at his new "father" and went to sleep. With the help of a lullaby from Eve, he is in the land of dreams after a few minutes.


When Yami woke up he felt different... he felt… Powerful, as if chains that held him down were now gone.

He went into the Senju Compound courtyard and said "Status."

A screen appeared in front of him:



Name: Yami

Level: 1


Strength: 125

Defense: 110

Dexterity: 200

Magic 350

Resistance 1000

Intelligence: 500

Luck [?????]

(Normal people have 10 in each, but varies according to the specific strengths of the person.)

Aktive Skills:

Jutsu lvl 198/1000

Taijutsu lvl 143/1000

Genjutsu 43/1000

Kenjutsu 200/1000



Absorb + Dissolve (Weaker versions of locked skills "Predator" and "Glutton")

(More locked skills)

(unknown skills)

Passive skills:

God's blessing


Jesus's Body:

Perfect Resistance (Illness, Mind-control, Poison,… usw…)

Perfect Face (Charm + 10000000000000000000000000 xD)

Perfect Body (Horny + 9000000000000000000000000000000)

Perfect D (You know +99999999999999999999999999999999999999)

Perfect Soul (Very strong will, own soulspace, Unable to be seen through …)

Perfect Brain (Very fast processing, very good memory[except if not] …)

Perfect Senses (Better sense of hearing; smell; vision; taste, feeling)




(More locked skills)

Gatcha God

Supreme Harem Protagonist:

Pheromones (Increases rate of affection from girls)

Intoxicating Aura (Increases rate of love from girls)

Perfect Man (Increases rate of adoration from girls)

(More unknown skills)


Enemy of all boyfriends

Enemy of all dumb MC's

Enemy of all thots

Enemy of (...) (..) (...) (...) (...) (all unholy beings) (...) (...) ... [Not unlocked yet]

… (More, but the screen is already full)

Kekkei genkai:

Wood release (sealed), Sharingan (sealed), adamantain Chakra Chains(sealed) Byakugan (sealed)

Bloodlines: Senju (sealed), Uchiha (sealed), Hyuga (sealed), Uzumaki(sealed)



Slime (No need to; eat, drink, sleep, breath.)

Subordinates: - - -

None so far


Naruto: Brother Figure (100)

Sasuke: Brother Figure (100)

Hinata: On Verge of Yandere (???)

Sakura: 100% Fangirl (99)

Kiba: Rival (40)

Shikamaru: Best Friends(80)

Ino: In love (70)

Shino: Friend (50)

Choji: Best Friend(81)

People start from 0. It can also go into the negative zone. ]


If you're wondering why his stats are so high for level 1 that's because he trained a lot.

Stat points can be gained through training. If you train your muscles, your strength will increase and so on. If you level up you will receive 10 stat points which you can distribute however you want.

Skills will get better the more you use them and the more proficient you are with them. If Yami wants to level up, he either has to kill monsters and the like or complete quests.

He can get System Points by doing quests or doing something that God likes, such as getting close to females.

That's why he already flirted with a lot of women, and he was a natural at it. His perfect looks helped him a lot with that as well. But now with his new perfect body, they will be like a moth drawn to a flame.

He still couldn't use the System-points because the shop function hasn't been activated yet, but be believed to know what the requirement for it was; He had to kill to unlock it. Why did he think that? Because he got a tip from Eve: "Prove your worth". It was a reference to the first scenario (quest) of Omniscient Readers Viewpoint and you had to kill a living being. But it seemed that he had to kill a specific living being, probably a human, because he had already killed animals to unlock the shop. After that Eve also told him that he needed to wait until he could use the shop. And that this requirement was just to gain access to one part of the whole shop. So he didn't go out of his way to kill a human, he also didn't know the consequences of such actions.

As he thought about it he came back to thinking about ORV because he noticed something, Probability was something that had been plagiarized from this novel...

"God, you are a plagiarist!"

[The constellation "Godfather" is trying to fix the power for the halo on his head while whistling]

[The constellation "Godfather" has send you 100 System Points to keep it a secret]

"You plagiarist! I demand Uriel as my constellation!!"

{"The Demon like Judge of Fire", or Uriel, is actually in heaven from DxD. Because of your "Jesus's Body", you will be able to easily get her into the harem. And not to worry, husband, she has different preferences from the Novel.}

Yami was relieved, he wasn't really interested in men.

"Wait a second, does that mean that you didn't even make something new, but just copied the "heaven" from DxD? GOD IS ACTUALLY NOTHING BUT A PLAGIARIST!"

[The constellation "Plagiarist God" wants to bribe you, 200 System Points have been sponsored]

This went on for a while and Yami was able to get quite a few points.


Yami was now in the academy and talked with Hinata.

"H-hey Yami-kun.", she said while blushing severely and it looked like steam was coming out of her head. Now his presence was even more intoxicating for any female around him.

"Hey Hinata-chan.", Yami smiled a little seeing her act so shy and cute. He wanted to hug her but held himself back, since he would be able to cuddle with her as much as he wanted once she joined his harem."

After the little greeting they sat down and waited for they're teacher to come into the classroom.

{Master, Master, you can now use the Naruto Shop.}

(What do you mean by that, I thought I had to wait or meet a requirement to open parts of the shop?)

{Well, it was actually unlocked this morning along with your new body. The part that was opened for you is the "Naruto" part. Once you are deep enough in one Anime, you will gain access to the specific shop from that anime.}

(Hmm might as well see what I can buy with all the system points I got from entertaining God.)

[Current Points: 18200]

[Raise stats -1000 system points for 20 raise in any-

Unlock 1 kekkei genkai -4000 system points-

Buy 1 weak kekkei genkai - 3000 system points-

Buy 1 normal kekkei genkai -5000 system points-

Buy 1 strong kekkei genkai -10000 system points-


(Hmm, a lot of cool stuff... I wanna unlock my kekkei genkai but I shouldn't throw away all my points… God gives me 100-500 Points if he likes what I do. Quests will probably give me more.)

As he thought of this, Hinata went over to him and said "Umm Yami would y-you... l-like to eat lunch with meee?"

Yami's concerns about the shop were washed away by this adorable creature in front of him. He smiled warmly at her and nodded, "It would be my pleasure."

"I was thinking of barbecue from that restaurant that choji's parents own," Hinata proposed.

"Sure, let's go."

"Alright come with me." He stood up and walked along with her.

Yami talked with her while walking. Hinata often stumbled upon her own words, but it was very fun. After a while they made it to the restaurant and sat down inside the booth.

"Hey Hinata, order whatever you want I'm paying for you." Yami said while handing her the menu.

(He is paying for me… He is sooo nice to me!!) thought Hinata as she had an even greater blush than before with enough steam coming out of her head that you could use it for an engine.

"O-h I-i guess a salad Ya-Yami-kun" Hinata lowered her head to hide.

"Sure." Yami patted her while picking his meal as well. She was more like a cute animal than a ninja.


After finishing their meal Yami paid and took Hinata out of the shop. But Hinata still felt guilty for making him pay for her.

"I would like to give you the money you paid for me…I feel without paying you back for you kindness"

Yami's smile transformed into a grin, but he hurriedly hid it.

"Hinata, I won't take money from you, but if you truly want to pay me back, I would rather request something from you."

"What do you mean Yami-ku?".

Before she could finish Yami grabbed her waist and pulled her towards himself, before she could even react her lips were sealed by a kiss.

Yami knew that it wasn't time yet, so he just kissed her lips and let go of her after a short time.

"I hope we can continue this once we can both be honest with our feelings."

She was still in a daze and didn't or couldn't move. Even as it was time for the break to end, Yami had to pull her back to the academy by her hand.

Once he reached his seat in the academy he heard a ping from the system

[*Ping* Hinata has now been categorized as yandere. Be careful of any woman you talk to, jealous women are dangerous. She will stalk you when you're naked, sleeping, not home, or even while taking a bath. She will threaten any girl who has a crush on you and if they try to get close to you while you don't like them.]

[You have also received a message from God:

Hey Yami. So you got your first yandere huh? Good for you, but don't stick your dick in crazy, unless they're yandere right? You should train your yanderes a bit.

Maybe I should become a comedian? Anyway, I wanted to say; congrats on your first woman but when you reveal your wood kekkei genkai or uzumaki chains and sharingan you'll have to revive your clan right? More girls for you :) I just wanted to give you some system points so good luck :) And something to help you to train your Yandere.

+500 system points

Item received: Collar

End of message.]

"I think I made a mistake," Said Yami while sighing, a yandere was a lot of work, and it was the first girl at that. But God seemed to have sent him some Item that could help him, he should look at it later.

"I should unlock my kekkei genkai now!" Yami decided with a grin on his face.

"System unlock my Wood release and Sharingan"

{Husband, by doing this you will also unlock the special traits of the clan, meaning, their eye colors and hair colors as well as their way of talking and everything like that. Do you still wish to use them now?}

"I should probably do it at home if that's the case, especially since the Uchiha-massacre already happened and I don't want people to see that I suddenly have a sharingan or something."