
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

Sebastian_HEsse · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Speedrunning the Ninja-test thingy?

When Yami woke up Tsunade was lightly snoring next to him, she looked very cute and he couldn't stop himself from pinching her cheek. He laid together with her a bit but he had something important to do together, so he had to get up.

He tried to get out of bed without waking her up but like a dragon whose treasure was about to be stolen, her eyes shot open and she pounced on Yami.

"Where are you goinnggg?" she asked while hugging him from behind and pressing her breasts against his back. Yami felt that she looked like a spoiled cat that didn't want to let its owner go.

"I'm going to the academy." Yami said with him slightly smirking because of the great sensation he felt. He turned around and hugged her and laid her on the bed right after, she was obviously still very sleepy.

"Oky..." Tsunade said and with the stroking of Yami she fell asleep once again in no time.

"Have a good rest and once I'm back I will be able to bring you on an adventure with me." Yami whispered while looking at her defenseless and enticing sleeping figure and he left through the window.

He still wanted to wait for a bit before doing her, after all he confessed to her only yesterday. Also, his first wife would probably be the one who would lead his harem and he thought that Tsunade wasn't really suited for that job. It was a dumb but intelligent reasoning at the same time.

After getting out of Tsunade's house he roof jumped towards the direction of the academy. He could have just walked through the streets but it felt better doing it that way, now he felt like a real ninja, though he also liked assassins.

(I should make myself a robe like one of those from Assassin's Creed, they look badass!)

After a couple of minutes he got there and went inside through the door.

When he got to his seat, Hinata was already right in front of him, he couldn't even feel her presence till a second ago. This feat should actually be impossible with his senses.

(Is this the power of a yandere? This is very dangerous, I should probably look at this collar I got from God later.)

"Hey Yami-kun," Hinata said with hearts in her eyes.

"Oh, hey Hinata-chan" Yami said while laughing inside at the display in front of him, he didn't even know how the hell something like that could happen, but it was probably not something logical.

Hinata was blushing heavily while drool kept coming out of her mouth while she was looking at Yami.

[The constellation "Sun Tzu" recounts one of the Arts of War: "Remember, don't stick your dick in crazy unless their yanderes"]

(Does that also include a certain blue haired beauty? She is most definitely crazy.)

[The constellation "ONE OF THE BEST WAIFUS IN EXISTENCE!!!!!" has started to manipulate fate.]

Yami didn't know what wheels he just set in motion but he quickly changed his attention back to the yandere in front of him, ignoring such beings wasn't a good idea.

"Are you ready for the test today?" Yami asked while enduring her intense gaze.

"Of-of course I am!" Hinata said with surprising vitality.

"Good", Yami replied with a straight face, he was also excited because this day would mark the start of his real journey.

"Everyone get to your seats and we will begin the written exam." Said Iruka-sensei who entered the classroom just now.

With that everyone in the classroom sat down. The sheets were handed out and they started the written exams. It was easy for Yami because of his "Perfect Brain" and he had Eve who could give him the answers if he needed help.

After 4 minutes he flipped the paper over and put his head down and waited for them to be finished. He started talking with Eve in his mind to pass the time. She also mentioned that he would unlock a few skills after he finally graduated from the academy.

When the teachers saw this they thought two things either he got all of them wrong or he's a genius prodigy. Considering what was known about him, it was probably the latter.

"Everyone, time is up! Please flip your papers over", said one of the teachers after a while.

Everyone did so and one of the teachers said; "Everyone stand. It's time for kunai throwing and taijutsu spars. This will determine a lot of points for the test."

Once they arrived outside they saw target boards and giant circles on the ground.

Yami had an unfair advantage once again since he could use his eyes and his brain to just predict the path the kunai would travel. But he didn't even need to use it because he had practiced so often that he could just throw and hit through feeling. It's like when you play football/soccer or any sport like that, you don't really think but rather feel where the ball will land and where you have to aim to score. He also had the sharingan and so on so he was practically just cheating.

Anyway it was Naruto's turn to throw the kunai and surprisingly got 7/10 which is above average in kunai throwing. He also got a few lessons from Yami, so that might have helped. The same goes for the next contestant.

Next was Sasuke's turn, he activated his sharingan and got 9/10 which is the same as Minato Namikaze the fourth hokage who died when sealing the kyuubi in Naruto.

Then it was Hinata's turn she activated her Byakugan and got 9/10 from her 360 vision

Lastly it was Yami's turn and he activated his sharingan and got 10/10, but he was able to hide the Sharingan because he could actually change the appearance of his whole body, so changing how his eye looked to others was easy.

On a side-note, he doesn't have all the powers from Rimuru yet, only a few, if you want to know more, read until after the graduation.

Anyway, next was the Taijutsu spars. Naruto lost his one against Kiba but he should still pass because of Yami's tutoring.

Next Sasuke beat his opponent which was Shikamaru because he gave up.

Then there was Hinata, she was fighting Sakura and she absolutely beat her shit out of her because Sakura was Yami's fangirl and Hinata is a yandere so after during the match she absolutely demolished Sakura. Well, Sakura was useless to begin with so the fight was very easy for a Hinata that was powered up by having the title of "yandere".

So she won while breaking a "few" of Sakura's bones in the process.

And last but not least Yami, he was fighting against a random and demolished him with one punch. He had a bit of a sadist side, but only towards women.

And all of the rookie nine graduated and we will know our teams tomorrow .

-Timeksip no jutsu-

After Yami woke up he went to his classroom and waited for his name to be called.

"Team 6 will be Ino Shikamaru and Choji" Said Iruka-sensei

"Team seven will be Yami Hinata Sasuke and Naruto" Iruka said with anticipation

They had to wait for their jonin senseis to arrive and Yami's group was the last to get their sensei.

He was five hours late and when he finally came here Naruto and Sasuke yelled at him for being late.

"You wouldn't believe the traffic outside," Kakashi said with both his hands up in defeat.

(Did this man go to the future or something? There are no cars in this time period! At least not on this continent!)

"Anyway let's head to the roof to introduce ourselves" He said then disappeared in a shunshin no jutsu.

Naruto and the gang went up the stairs while Yami did a Shunshin no jutsu and appeared right next to Kakashi

"Hmm so you have talent I see," Kakashi said when he looked at Yami

"Nah, I just didn't meet a black cat." Yami said with a smirk

"That hurt really bad!" Kakashi said with fake tears spilling out like a waterfall.

While he was busy crying fake tears Hinata and the gang came out onto the roof.

"Hey how did you get up here so fast?" Sasuke was a bit confused while looking at Yami however, he knew that his "big brother" was someone who was skilled enough to even get directly behind him without Sasuke even noticing.

"You know, I'm just that awesome" Yami replied with a smug look. It sounded a bit narcissistic, but he had the skill to back it up.

Well, Yami was not really prideful or anything, he knew that arrogance was just dumb and a weakness. But he wanted to act like a badass big brother.

"Hey, we're here to introduce ourselves, not to have couples therapy!" Kakashi said while looking smug because he thought that his joke, which made no, sense was quite good.

"Anyway White Eyes, you go first" Kakashi said while looking at Hinata

"My name is Hinata Hyuga my hobbies are; Yami, watching Yami, watching Yami while he sleeps, eats, baths, and when he's at the academy. I also like to slit the throats of whore's who look at my Yami-kun. My dislikes are filthy sluts who dare to look at Yami and try to take him away from me. My hobbies include thinking about Yami and all the things we will do together while being a bad girl, I like to sniff his clothes and think about ways to make him happy. Also I like watching him when he's naked though I often pass out while doing that. My dream is for Yami to ravage my body and have as many kids as possible together and for him to marry me!!" Hinata said with drool coming out of her mouth and hearts in her pale white eyes while she looked at Yami's lower parts.

That's when everyone on the roof, other than Hinata, thought the same thing: "THAT'S WHERE THE MISSING GIRLS WENT?!"

(I didn't even write anything about a Yandere into the "Backstory" in regards to Hinata, how did this happen?)

[The constellation "Danger is hot!" is telling you an old saying handed down from his ancestors: Well you know what they say YANDERES ARE THE BEST!!!]

After they coped with having a Yandere within their ranks Naruto continued to introduce himself.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and my likes are my Big brother Yami and Ramen from Ichiraku ramen. My dislikes are when people disrespect me or my Big brother Yami and when people call me a demon. My hobbies are eating ramen and training with Big brother Yami. My dream is to become the strongest hokage." Naruto loudly proclaimed while looking smug

Hinata glared at him with all of her killing intent because of the times Naruto called Yami big brother.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. My likes are my Big broth-" he paused after Hinata glared at him, "-Big Brother Figure and my dislikes are people who slit people's throats as well as yanderes. My hobbies include training and talking with Yami. My dream is to kill Itachi Uchiha."

Then Kakashi looked at Yami.

"Me? Uh… Um… I'm Yami, I don't have a second name because all my family has probably been killed, Uh… I'm looking forward to studying with you, though I will probably leave the village pretty soon, Ah, um… I'm not good at anything in particular. Uh… I'll work hard to get along with everyone."

[The constellation "The greatest protagonist Villain?" I really like your introduction, 400 points have been sponsored. Attached file: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwEIJ9lV8PM]

Nobody in the room really knew how to respond. This introduction was just so out of place and totally not fit for Yami. Kakashi heard from everyone that he was a prodigy and would probably become the Hokage in the future, but this introduction just didn't match the things that had been told to him at all. Kakashi sighed and decided to continue.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. My likes, well I don't know my dislikes, I don't know my hobbies either. I also don't intend to tell you and my dream is classified."

Everyone looked at Kakashi like he was crazy.

"Anyway we're doing the bell test tomorrow and don't eat or you'll puke." Kakashi told them.

-timeskip no jutsu-

That night Yami and Tsunade had a round of strip-poker, though Yami intentionally lost a few times.

It's been a day and Yami and the others were currently on field 7, waiting for Kakashi. Once he finally got there he explained that the bell test's objective was to get the bells from his belt in order to pass or else they will go back to the academy, however, there were only three for the four of them.

"Everyone, please gather."

Yami decided to take charge, he didn't want it to be like in the anime and he was also suitable for this role.

"Listen here, I think that everyone should understand that we won't be able to defeat a jonin by ourselves, so we should best work together."

They nodded but everyone also knew that there was a problem with this strategie.

"Big brother Yami, didn't he say that there were only three bells, doesn't that mean that one of us would fail even if we succeeded in taking the bells?"

Yami felt a bit proud that Naruto seemed to be more intelligent than in the anime.

"Indeed, however, I'm sure you have heard that every group has failed his test until now, so what would make us better than all of them? Also, if you are unwilling to cooperate because you are afraid not to get a bell and thus fail, I can reassure you. In fact, I volunteer to not pass."

Everyone first looked confused, then surprised and then anxious.

"Bu-but Yami-kun, if you were to sacrifice yourself for us, there would be no point in me passing, I only want to be with you! I'm very happy that you would do something like that for me though… Aaaahhh, I'm falling in love with you all over again."

Naruto and Sasuke didn't know how to feel about this yandere, but they also nodded in agreement, they couldn't accept that their big brother was sacrificing himself to help them.

"Don't worry, in fact, I'm the one who is the least interested in succeeding in this test. I already told you before, but I intend to leave the village soon after this is finished. You should all become great ninjas so that you can help me, I will go my own way. Don't worry, even if I fail, Tsunade is there to teach me about anything about ninjutsu and so on and I'm not that interested in being sent on missions and so forth. Enough of that, let's make a plan to defeat the lazy bump over there, look he is even reading a ero-book as we speak!"

Kakashi had his fun reading, but was interrupted by a punch from Hinata. He dodged while continuing reading. Naruto also came and started attacking him, they were cutting off his escape-routes and obviously planned to lure him into a trap. Kakashi decided to play along with them and they chased each other until they arrived at a big flat land with a river nearby.

Suddenly a fireball came at him, Kakashi dodged but was surprised by the potency of these flames. He had to congratulate Sasuke on being a genius.

Hinata and Naruto had also caught up now and the three started to corner him. Kakashi was pleasantly surprised that they were working together, but didn't know what happened to the forth one. If they decided to beat one of them and then take the three bells for themselves that would go against the intention of his test.

Sasuke spammed his fire and Hinata and Naruto kept Kakashi trapped inside the flames. He wasn't really hurt by them but had to congratulate them on being able to hold him. He was still able to read his book while all that was happening.

He didn't really know what they wanted to achieve. He remembered that the last one, Yami, was praised, not only for his skills, but also for his brain.


Kakashi now understood what they were trying; even if you were a ninja, without oxygen your body would slow down and potentially you could die. The fire "ate" the oxygen that his cells needed and he slowly felt that himself weaken.

"Not bad." Kakashi had to praise this idea. He was a lot stronger than them, they were children after all, but with this trick they could at least weaken him.

"Thank you for your praise."

Suddenly he was hit in his back and sent flying into the water. Now he was wet and his clothes were soaked as well, he was not happy. But more than that, he wanted to know how Yami was able to get close enough to hit him without Kakashi noticing him. He looked at his hands and noticed what Yami had done.

"You changed your appearance into my book? Why couldn't I notice you?"

Indeed, Yami had used the skill from Rimuru Tempest; "Shape-Shifting" to become the book. That was also the reason why Kakashi didn't notice it, Kakashi was looking for ninja-techniques but this ability was a skill unique to Yami and quite powerful at that. He could let people see through his disguise but if he didn't, he was very hard to notice.


Yami gave another signal and a fireball, bigger than all the previous ones, came flying towards Kakashi. He was ready to receive it, but suddenly a big wave of water came at him from his right, it wasn't a threat, but he was curious why Hinata would do such a thing.

He also saw several Naruto's coming at him, either throwing kunai or wanting to attack him directly.

Kakashi guessed that they wanted to create steam with the fireball and the water wave and Naruto would then attack him while he was blinded by the fog.

And indeed, the fireball and water hit each other almost centimeters away from Kakashi and he was soaked even more now. He was annoyed that he had to dry his clothes after this. Naruto was already near him. But Kakashi was confident to defeat him even with this steam and with the weakening.


Kakashi heard Yami's scream and was now confident that he knew their plan. He focused on Naruto to be prepared for anything that Naruto may throw at him.

But just as he was about to hit the first Naruto-clone that entered his sight, something happened: All the Narutos transformed into beautiful naked ladies.

Kakashi was stunned and confused at this move, he predicted all kinds of attacks, but not this one. And this was the perfect opening.

Yami suddenly shot a fireball into the sky making the clouds dark and stormy. He raised his hand with a chidori on it and said "Vanish with the roar of thunder kirin Lightning Dragon Technique!!" he then threw his arm down and a massive lightning dragon came flying down with a bellowing roar.

Next, Kakashi felt his whole body being electrocuted and then his vision went blank.

The ground was scorched and Yami used almost all of his chakra in the process of doing that jutsu. And even though he managed to knock Kakashi out, it's mostly thanks to the water, because even though he managed to complete the jutsu, it was very weak compared to the original version from Sasuke.

Yami was happy that his plan succeeded as he took the three bells from Kakashi. Though he was very tired, he couldn't let go of this chance to celebrate his victory.

The plan was pretty easy compared to what some ninjas did, but still effective.

Frist, getting Kakashi to the right location. Second, giving him the image that he could easily defeat them. Third he told Sasuke to just bombard him with fire to deprive him, or rather his body and brain, of oxygen to weaken him. Fourth, attacking him from his blindspot through transforming. Fifth, getting him soaked and into water. Sixth, creating steam to obscure the vision and get ready for step nine. Seventh, using Naruto to give Kakashi a false impression of their plan. Eight, stunning and confusing him through Naruto's sexy jutsu, making an opening for: Nineth, using all the previous elements to cause a perfect chance to electrocute Kakashi with lightning, while improving the effect through the water that was soaked into Kakashi's clothes and the river around him. Tenth, winning and sitting on him to make fun of him.

After Kakashi woke up he wanted to use the ultimate move on the butt that was in front of his face, but Yami quickly dodged and took distance.

Yami was also in a good mood because he got quite a lot of Points for his strategie, but even more for sitting on Kakashi. He also got a lot for his interaction with Tsunade and Hinata.

[System Points: 20 000]

In a bit of a foul mood but also proud of this team, Kakashi used this opportunity for the final test.

"You defeated me, but you still have to choose one person who will fail. So?"

He wanted to know how they would react. They were a good team, but now something came up that would really test the cameradie of them, they had to use one person to step on to continue their journey. This was the real point of the test.

He looked at Yami who still had the three bells. First he gave one to Hinata who practically exploded in happiness because Yami patted her head to praise her for doing good. Next he gave one to Sasuke, however then Yami did something that left Kakashi confused; he gave the last bell to Naruto. Yami then looked at Kakashi and just shrugged his shoulders.

"It seems that I'm the one who will fail the test. I hope you will take good care of the three of them, they are really great kids. I will go now, I still have some stuff to do before leaving the village. Train hard so that I can be proud of you once I return."

Even though Yami already told them, Hinata, Sasuke and Naruto were really moved by his words. They wanted to apologize to him and thank him at the same time. However, the sound of clapping could be heard and they turned their heads towards Kakashi.

"Well well well, congratulations, you passed the test."

After he said that he explained that the test was about teamwork and that all of them passed.

"Anyway, starting today you are official Gennin" Kakashi told them and disappeared.

[The constellation "Psychopaths are hot" likes your manipulative side. 100 Points have been sponsored.]