
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Fantasy
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13 Chs

To Prove Myself [1]

The sun had not come up yet however, I had woken up and made my way down the staircase here in the inn. I hadn't bothered with having Frost put into the scroll as I felt it would keep the idiots away. I walked down the street going towards the mansion with a seven foot fence surrounding it. I walked all the way until two guards at the gate looked at me and walked towards me.

"Sorry this is a restricted area." The guard with blonde hair said.

"I'm looking for a job." I said as Frost took a seat next to me.

Both the guards looked at me and at Frost.

"Sorry but aren't you a little young. Besides the family is fine with their current staff." The man said.

"I know but since I'm proficient in magic I thought they might be interested." I had just played my trump card for plan A here.

"How proficient exactly." The other more stoic guard asked.

"I can show you." I said taking a step back and held my hand out.

The air became cold and crisp, as it came by and ice formed on the ground around us. I broke the ice apart as it rose in particles around me.

"This is how proficient I am with it. However this is mostly for show I can make an ice sword appear without any of this." I said as they looked both concerned and shocked.

"Maybe we can help you." The blonde haired man said taking a step forward as the snow fell to the ground.

"Really. So where to." I asked.

"Will we need to have you assigned as a basic guard here before anything special but it won't take long. Come along." The man said opening the gate amount for us to pass.

'great the plans workings.'

"I'll stay here like normal." The black haired guard said.

"Suit yourself then." Said the man leading the way.

We took a hard right toward a building with wooden walls but no center roof. I noticed how this is where they train and rest considering how their Where morning guards here.

"Hey captain this boy looking for a job. Pretty good in magic too." The blonde hair spoke to another man pointing his thumb back at me.

"Really now. And what's with the pet." The man said pointing at Frost.

"His family sir. But he can also use basic magic." I replied.

"You're very young to be a guard. Hope you dint mind but can you spar a few of my men to see if your actually worth it." The captain said waving his arm to a small training area with bare ground.

"Sure I've been itching for a fight since I left the forest." I said walking out.

"Everyone form up." The captain said in a commanding voice as everyone formed into rows.

I stood beside the captain as he looked at the twenty guards.

"I hear this boy can use magic. Someone willing to show him up." The captain said as five people stepped forward.

Two of them were girls while the other three were lean but clearly strong boys.

"Will do captain." One of the boys said.

"Okay take positions for a duel." The captain said as everyone stared murmuring and walked to the side walls.

The man who spoke seemed in his early twenties and was holding a basic sword looking at me.

"Hey you need a weapon or gonna have your pet fight for you." The man said.

"Frost would be so kind as to wait over there." I said pointing behind me where no one was.

I drew both my daggers getting into a attack position. Both the dagger I was holding were faced away from me with the hilts meeting in the middle.

"Nice form. But can you fight." The man said as his sword fought on fire.

"Oh we can use magic." I said straightening up and relaxing my posture holding the dagger loosely at my sides.

"Okay. Begin." The captain said with his hands behind his back.

The man rushed towards me and swung his sword from above my head. But as his sword was about to come down a shield of ice formed in front and above me slamming into his jaw. He staggered backwards confused.

"By the way I don't need a wand." I said as the ice shattered and floated mid air.

I rushed forward to my left and then right before running up in front of him. It was blur to everyone's eyes except the captains. I sliced the man on the arm and held my dagger to his throat.

"I give, I give." The man said dropping his sword.

I moved the daggers from his throat as he stepped backwards.

"How old are you." The captain asked.

"Fourteen." I said loudly with confidence.

"Anyone else?" I asked looking around.

No one stepped forward most likely seeing no reason to be humiliated.

"Listen your too young to be a guard. But not as a attendant." The captain said walking up to me.

"With your kind of power at your age. I think it's best you stay close to the nobles willing to help you." The captain said letting everyone leave.

I was lead into a private room where he sat behind a desk.

"Listen kid. I'm willing to have the family talk about you but you need to give me something more. Your still young so I'm giving you a choice. One is you wait until tomorrow and hope you get the job. Or two you join the rangers." The captain said looking at me then worried towards Frost.

"What's a ranger?" I asked.

"A ranger fights on the houses behalf, but on less stricter rules. You join a small group like in the army and keep the place safe. You protect the family from the shadows by riding ahead to clear any danger and when their not going anywhere your taking care of bandits and the such. Eventually you can join us here if you do will." The captain said kindly.

"What pays more." I asked caring only for the money.

"Well if it's like that then you should join the rangers. You get a salary of five silver a day with extra depending on deaths and such." The captain said trying not to laugh.

"I'll take it." I said confidently.

"Okay but it's a tough job." The captain said relaxed.

"Sir I lived by myself in the wood fighting magical beast since I was ten and before then I was still out running them." I replied.

"What about your parents. Actually forget I said that for the looks of it I already should know." He said as sullen look took over.

'The poor fools don't know they just doomed this family.'

"Thanks. So when do I begin." I asked.