
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


We the rangers sat around a camp fire as no light came from the moon this cold night. We cover ourselves in our cloths and furs sitting close next to the fire. We were shocked the prince hadn't came after us yesterday after letting us leave for the boy.

Yet the boy clearly wasn't dead. If he had died our contracts bindings to him would have broken yet they still sat on your hand. Large paw steps could be heard as branches broke. The sound was very close to us as we lit our torches and looked around afraid the Kong's knights were after us.

Yet a snow leopard dragged our new young master, the boy Artemis. Hie was unconscious as his feline companion dragged him by his coat towards us seeming exhausted. We rushed forward to help them both trying to find what was wrong.

The boy had cuts all over him with his clothes shredded and stained with blood. Yet his companion seemed only tired dragging him all this way.

"We need to get him to a healer and quickly." One of the rangers said trying to steady the boys pulse.

His alive even after all that. But how did he survive that. When the princes elite soldiers and about thirty knights attacked him. And those wizards were not some nobles but from the elites found through special testing and trained from young ages. Yet this boy escaped and maybe even took a few of them down with him.

The problem is now what do we do. The closest town is three days away just about and that was the city we met at where we betrayed the noble family. We had to be careful no matter what now.

We cleaned his cuts and bandaged his broken left arm. Whatever happens it was clear he just survived a one sided battle against knights and wizards.

"Well done boy."

Artemis POV.***

I woke up slowly to the sun the in my eyes and the sound of people talking. Frost had his head on my lap as I sat u looking around. The rangers looked over to me.

"Nice to see you woke up." One of the rangers said walking over to me.

"Well I did just survive fighting a entire battle to save you guys." I replied trying to get up.

"Careful now your not fully healed." The ranger said helping me to steady myself.

"I can tell. Just give me a few minutes the heal and then we can go." I said sitting with them beside the fire in a circle as the wind hit on backs coldly.

My wounds and the broken arm healed after few minutes absorbing the mana in the air and we started to leave. One of the rangers carried the chest with him as we walk.

"How much is there in it." I asked tapping on the chest as walked through the forest.

"There actually is eighty like the prince said." The ranger replied.

We traveled for about a week before making a stop as the snow started to fall. We decided it would be safer to build our own place to stay rather then in a city considering everything with the prince. As such we found the entrance to a small cave and started construction.

We found the area we where in was far away from any town looking at a map and the rangers knowledge. It would be a month to walk to the closest town, but with horses two weeks top. But we worked on the the base thinking it would be best and stay hidden for a while. Besides if we started spending the gold coins so soon it wouldn't take long before someone got suspicious.

The small mouth to the cave we placed a wooden wall embedded into the cave leaving only a double door entrance. We added wooden flooring then but decided not to cover the interior stone walls yet. The outside walls we covered with fallen tree branches for now.

After a week of working on it we had a nice place and could soon expand and fix the outside. We decided we would travel in groups of three to the town and would buy horses once arrived. We could go the the cities bank and transfer the gold coins in small groups into silver coins placed into chest to carry back

But I knew what I wanted to do now. I wanted to ruin the royal family and kill that prince. I would have him finish what he started and I would end him then. I was only fourteen but already did so much. Frost had gotten stronger as the cold came along as ice beasts gather strength from the cold.

Three years later.

In the the forest of the cold north below a small mountain was a strange village. Short stone wall about ten feet high connected to the mountain and extended out creation a square around the three buildings. Another stone wall at the entrance to a cave was guarded by two individuals in black armor as they watched people practice.

The cave extended deep into the earth as people worked and some rested inside rooms carved into the caves. The walls were made of stone bricks and the floors of wood with carpets every now and then.

So many people worked here far away from any towns or cites. But inside one room was something like a throne room yet small. A boy about seventeen sat on his black furred throne as six people sat at a table below him. He had one hundred people all trained or being trained to become expert killers and those with magical abilities were placed at the top.

"So, I hear that a earls family is capturing spirits and forcing them into contracts." I Artemis Hounds said looking at the people below me.

"Indeed sir. Should we send a team to deal with the issue." One of them said looking at a map.

"No. You know very well how things work here." I said getting up.

"Of course sir. We should never interfere with contractors." Said one of the older men.

I walked down the small stairs reaching the floor the looking at them.

"It's time to bring the royal family and their reign down." I said looking to each of them.

"I agree. They have become more corrupt so quickly. But the other kingdoms have good relations with them." Another of the six said.

"And what will they do. After all to them we are only outlaws. But you know what we really are." I asked calmly.

"The gods chosen." They said proudly standing up.

"The seven Claws." They continued stating it proudly.

"So why would we fear some kingdoms. We shall begin to bring the royal family of wolves down."


Hope your ready for the set up for our story is done. The real story can now begin.

10 power stone= 1 extra chapter that week.

20 power stones= 3 extra chapters that week.

4-5 of chapters between 20-50 power stones.

50 power stones= 6 extra chapters the next week.

I will only publish 2-3 chapter every week now. I will not do more then three unless power stones reach the correct number. The largest fans not including myself will be given shout outs at the beginning of each chapter. I had published twelve chapter in three days all above a thousand words.

Enjoy as the story begins now. The start of a new week is Monday as that's when votes reset. This is the chapter for this week so Monday is when a new chapter will come out.

This book will remain free until I reach 200 chapters and then as time goes on from there I will make older chapters free. Felt like telling you this as that means it will be free for a long time. So don't worry about having to pay at like chapter forty like others.

Enjoyed. Well vote with power-stones and leave comments.

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