
Gods Conduit: Group Chat of the Gods

A high school teen, Jake Thompson, accidentally joins a chat group meant for gods when a lightning strike mutates his phone. This unexpected connection reveals a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. Through trades with gods, Jake gains supernatural abilities and learns of a power system akin to cultivation. His mutated phone unlocks new functions, allowing him to travel through myriad realms and dimensions. As Jake embarks on adventures, he makes friends, faces conflicts, and experiences tragedy. His ultimate goal is to achieve godhood, surpassing even the gods themselves. Along the way, he gains new allies and encounters foes depending on the situations he navigates. The challenges he faces shape him into a wise, cautious, and calculative individual.

DeathSkull · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Realms Unveiled

Portals shimmered in the cosmic tapestry as Jake, armed with artifacts of divine origin, stepped into the first realm. The transition was seamless yet profound, the air humming with energies that defied mortal senses. This realm, bathed in hues beyond earthly comprehension, awaited the mortal who dared to mend the cosmic tapestry.

*POV 1 - Jake*

The air in the new realm crackled with unrestrained magic. As Jake surveyed his surroundings, the landscape shifted from ethereal forests to crystalline mountains, each step an exploration into the unknown. The gods' voices resonated within him, guiding his path through the complexities of this celestial terrain.

*POV 2 - Hermes*

Hermes, the swift messenger of the gods, appeared in a burst of golden light. "Jake, mortal bearer of artifacts, the essence of this realm is intertwined with the cosmic tapestry. Seek the Nexus Crystal hidden within the Crystal Caverns. It holds the key to mending the rift."

*POV 3 - Amaterasu*

Amaterasu, her radiant presence illuminating the path, added, "Beware the illusions that dance within these realms. The fabric of reality may blur, but trust the essence carried by your artifacts. It shall guide you."

The gods' guidance became Jake's compass in this otherworldly labyrinth. He navigated through shimmering meadows and arcane forests, the boundaries between the mortal and divine realms gradually dissolving.

As Jake approached the Crystal Caverns, a sense of foreboding settled within him. The cavern entrance loomed, adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell tales of cosmic struggles and transcendent triumphs.

Within the depths of the caverns, the Nexus Crystal gleamed with a celestial brilliance. Its radiant energy pulsated, resonating with the echoes of realms intertwined. As Jake touched the crystal, visions of other realms flickered before him, each realm holding a fragment of the cosmic essence needed to mend the tapestry.

The gods' voices guided Jake's choices as he embarked on a journey through the Crystal Caverns, facing challenges that tested not only his mettle but the very fabric of his mortal and divine essence.

And so, in the heart of the celestial labyrinth, Jake Thompson, bearer of artifacts, sought the Nexus Crystal and the fragments that would knit together the cosmic tapestry. The gods, their watchful gaze transcending dimensions, observed as the mortal ventured deeper into the realms, unraveling the mysteries of existence.