
welcomed unexpected

After the fight, I was walking down the hall when I saw a tall man with a sword.

"Ah shoot I forgot something"

of course this was a bait a stupid one but somehow he fell for it and followed me to the stadium.When he stepped out he looked around though I doubt he could see over his hood. He suddenly jumped to Vol and kicked his back. Vol instantly passed out.I pulled my sword and drew a circle with the tip. a black circle emerged but he was quick to dodge. He kicked me up so high I actually went into space. I had just about enough time to activate my breathing before he stabbed my arm. Oh yea I forgot master taught me a technique that was kinda like flying. I stuck my hands out and made two dark balls which exploded I dashed forward to him and nearly stabbed him but he dodged.

"Who are you"I said.

"The man who killed someone you know called hmmm Sen-Sei hahahahahahahah"

nothing but a smile crossed my face I said nothing but dashed to him again. He blocked my sword and kicked me but this kick was different. Wait he has N-NOKI!!. He drew several slashes into space that became a green gas.

"You better dodge that poisin"he said. I hardly managed and a bit of my clothes got ripped. I didn't care, he killed master. I darted to him so fast his hood came off. I looked back and saw someone familiar

"T-Tol is that you"

"Shut the hell up"he replied.

He made a tornado and thrusted towards me before he hit me I was launched into mars.

Sorry to all the things who died because of this but I'll need your souls. I used an ability to check his souls. He-He has over a septilion. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die. Wait no I won't because I'll become GOD!