

Sant now alone looked at his rewards, most of what he received were gold coins because of his hunting missions, but there were rewards for being a pioneer.

[Corrupted Grimoire: Enchiridion]

[Rarity: unknown]

[This grimoire was written and wielded by a pope from the past. He served the god of light, but when he died he was revived as a black priest and all his light became darkness. Once revived he put a curse on the grimoire.

"He who bears it shall suffer the temptations of the dead and fall into the grace of the devil"].

'this grimoire emits a high concentration of black elements, it hasn't even been identified yet and is already emitting such a superb amount'.

"identify Enchiridion"

Just as the first time the grimoire appeared, a giant eye formed in the sky and seemed to be looking for something, and not long after it disappeared, inside the room where Sant is, turned completely dark, muffled voices moaned and tried to scare those in the tent.


[Rarity: common]

[Special condition: sealed]

+ 50 int

+ 50 wisdom

+ 25 of mp per second

Magic damage: 30

Random elemental damage: 30

[The seal of this grimoire can be partially broken by consuming 50 souls]

[Special ability: revival from the dead]

[mp cost: 30]

[Condition: the creature must be revived within 24 hours of his death]

[Condition: if the living being has a very strong soul, it won't be possible to revive it]

[Special ability: blood curse]

[mp cost: 10]

[Other skills will be sealed until the seal is broken]

[Effect: the user will be able to contact the dead]

[Effect: Locked]

[Additional information: the pope of the church of light was the one who wrote this grimoire with his own hands, after his death he was revived by an evil being, and was later sealed by his son the cardinal. His last words were: "He who carries this book will suffer what I have suffered, but if he is stronger than I, can find the light hidden in the darkness"].

'the Enchiridion. this grimoire was found in a ruin of a church of the god Lux, what followed was an era of chaos and darkness, and this player was killed by a bunch of npcs and had his body imprisoned with the grimoire and no one else heard his name'.

The grimoire in his hand looked worn out and had a dark brown color, it didn't look very flashy, but Sant could tell for sure, if it wasn't for him, if it was another player who touched that grimoire, it would be corrupted in seconds.

'I understand, the pope's curse is a kind of test, as long as I can keep myself "pure", there will surely be a reward'.

[Fragment of emptiness]

[Rarity: legendary]

[Info: ????]

'a fragment of the void, a rare item until 10 years later, has unknown and random abilities until it is identified. The most powerful fragment of my past life had the ability to teleport en masse, and was used in an elf town'.


[you don't have the required target level to identify that item]

'of course a fragment of emptiness would not be common, but I am sure that if I grow my kingdom, my destiny will grow correspondingly'.

[Amulet: Attraction type]

[Rarity: rare]

[Info: Once activated this amulet will increase your city's attraction by 50%]

"a relatively common item, but I'll know how to use it when the time is right".


[Summoning Token: Knight type]

[Rarity: unique]

[Info: this token gives you a team of riders, all brought from a specific time period]

'Hm, I think I should use'.

"Use Summoning Token: Knight type"

[you have successfully invoked 10 golden-age knights]

In front of Sant, 9 men and a woman appeared, all with different appearances, but all with one thing in common, all looked young and wore only linen clothes.

"Where am I?, who are you?"

The first to speak was the blond man with blue eyes, he stood out from the rest of the men with a common look of black or brown hair.

"I am your king, and you will be my knights".

His expression went from surprise to offense. He pointed at the woman and shouted.

"Don't tell me nonsense, as you can say such blasphemies, a woman could never become a knight!"

The woman with curly brown hair and freckles on her face looked intimidated, she looked at her own feet and moved her fingers.


She tried to talk, but when she saw all the looks directed at her, she shut up.

A man not far from this blond took advantage of the confusion to put more firewood on the fire and shouted as he pointed to Sant.

"yes, he's telling the truth, and you're too young for me to kneel before you!!."

The whole place was full of questions, all the men wanted answers, Sant was not patient, he loosened a little of his aura and this made everyone shut up.

"My name is Sant, before I answer all your questions I suggest you all introduce yourselves, then I'll see what I can do about your doubts."

The blond man looked into Sant's eyes and spoke his name grudgingly.

"My name is Arthur, a peasant, and I will never become anything great like a knight".

Beside Arthur was a strong and rustic-looking man, his dark hair is red and he has a thick beard on his chin, his shoulders are wide and his arms long (this was the one who screamed in the middle of the confusion).

"My name is Ricardo, and I will never kneel to you, young man!".

Next came a tall and strong man, with hair that covered his eyes, his hands were thick and gave an impression of being heavy and his thick arms gave him a strong appearance.


Seeing the quiet approach of his partner the next decided to be more energetic, because he shouted and spoke extremely fast. He has a common appearance, despite having a thin nose and straight hair, his body looks well trained.

"Call me Eduardo!, I am the son of a nobleman, so I will never swear allegiance to you".

Very close to him was a man with burnt yellow hair and big nose, he is not very tall and also did not look very muscular.

"I'm Willian, nice to meet you young, but when can I leave?"

Following the cue, a man fatter and in a good mood pronounced, his face is round and he has a shiny ring on his index finger.

"Cid at your disposal my lord, but I believe I do not fit into the role of knight"

The man who hadn't spoken a single word until now and who had just been moving his black hair spoke for the first time.

"Roland, that's my name, but where is this place?"

"I am Henry and I wish to get answers"

The man in question had sharp eyes, and he certainly didn't trust Sant, meanwhile another man, a thinner one with a quieter presence, he was analyzing everything around and keeping quiet.

"I'm Bertrand, what makes you think we peasants will be knights?"

They wanted answers, they seemed to have forgotten that there was still one more person to introduce themselves, Sant looked directly at her.

"Speak, you're the only one left".

The woman trembled a little and immediately raised her face and spoke with her eyes closed.

"I am Joana, sir, I am a woman and therefore I cannot become a knight".


[Minor rewards]

[0 gold, 20 silver, 70 bronze]

[Common equipment: 3 pectoral, 2 gloves, 1 boot]

[Rare equipment: 2 swords, 1 helmet, 1 shoulder pad]

[Unique equipment: 1 lance]