
Gods boredom.... *Heavy sigh

God: I wish I wasn't so powerful, being this strong isn't fun anymore. I wonder what satan is doing.... who am I kidding he's probably doing some evil sh*t.

*God opens his hand and white particles start to merge together making a brand new mac book. Opens up webnovel and starts reading fan fics.

God: (talking to himself) I'm getting real tired of these authors making me seem like I'm such a careless person. *Sigh Ok maybe I am but how would they know.

* A dark purple portal appears right next to him. If you listened quietly you could even here the screams of people begging for mercy

God: Oh your here, what do you need this time? Satan...

Satan: HAHAHA oh dear brother is it so wrong of me to visit you. You aren't even doing anything no need to be so rude HAHAHA.

God: Tch... Well it's good you're here i need something from you anyways. I need you to Watch over Heaven for a while.

Satan: Me! watch over heaven!? You know i hate it here and it's not like your Angel buddies like me here anyways. You know if humans heard you ask me this they would go crazy.

God:Oh i know, But those mortal folk don't know that you're actually a kind soul now do they.

Satan: Ok bu-

God: Before you say anything just hear me out. I'm tired of living this boring life but I have to much responsibility. So i came up with a solution, I'm going to take a *uses hands* "vacation". I've already informed the angels and I'll also reward you.

Satan: Trying to bribe me now are we, What's the reward if i do this favor for you.

God:How about I give you access to my porn collection?

Satan: .... F*ck you're lucky Im such a pervert. Fine you've got yourself a deal then bu-

God- Ok bye!!

(God vanishes from the spot with a snap of his fingers leaving satan standing in the same spot. God flys across the universe searching for the place he'll continue his adventure.)