
Chapter 2:God's Plan

God:HAHAHAHAH I'M FINALLY FREE FROM ALL RESPONSIBILITY!. This must be what those mortals on Earth who have nothing feel like. What're they called again?.... Oh Hobos! THAT'S IT! I'LL BECOME A HOBO!

*God with a simple blink of his eyes is surrounded by a blinding blue light, disappears from his former position and is now floating in front of Earth in a lotus stance.

*Meanwhile in Heaven*

Satan: This f*cking pervert of a brother of mine has a big stash of hentai WTF. *Knock Knock* Tch Come in!.

* A Angel surrounded with white a aura that resembles holiness itself opens the door.

Angel: (In a cold voice) Hello.... Satan or should i say disgrace.

Satan:You have some nerve calling me that while standing right in front of my face, you know damn well i could kill you now if i so pleased.

Angel:Oh yes! I do indeed know this but we both know that won't be happening, now will it (He says with a grin on his face)

Satan: Freaking Angel's i swear when i see that brother of mine I'll beat him to death for placing this hurden on me. What do you want anyways? I'm guessing you didn't come here just to insult me.

Angel: I've just come to tell you that you have a meeting in five minutes with the other Supreme Angels. Follow me I'd hate for you to be late on your first day.

Satan: I hate this job( he says under his breath) *he then follows the Angel*

*Back to God's Pov*

God: In order to make this adventure of mine exciting I should restrict all of my powers unless im in a urgent situation.

*SLAP! God slaps himself* I've really got to get over this habit of talking to myself, I've been lonely for far to long.

(With a simple wave of his hand a portal opens up next to him. He walks in and appears out the opposite side with a different appearence. Standing at six foot four, with sandy brown hair that looks golden when sun shines on it, and hazel colored eyes. If anyone looked at him they'd feel warm like how they did when they were in the womb.

God: it looks like I'm in Paris,France since i can see the Eiffel tower from where I'm standing. What's the purpose of building such a thing? these humans are confusing and funny as always.

(As god walks he takes notice of all the scenery around him, he's amazed and yet also confused by how such tiny people could creste such big things)

It seems I've spent to much time reading and got caught in time. The last time I checked on Earth and it's human residents they were still working on cars, oh how times have changed.

God's thoughts: Why're all these women looking at me like im their prey or something!? Don't they know that I'm God in the flesh and blood! Oh well I'll just let these things slide i should've known making my appearance this way would cause attention.

(After God is done exploring it's finally night and everyone is inside unlike God here.)

God: Today was fun, I haven't had this much fun since I battled my brothers and sisters when I was younger. I look forward to the next six months of living the life of a mortal, who knows I may even stay here forever. *sigh..... Tomorrows a new day I need some sleep.

*God closes his eyes and slowly drifts away to sleep. But little does he know that someone was watching him from a distance that very night.*

I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter I tried making it longer this time. This is my first novel and I'm really just testing things out, if it's anything i need to fix please feel free to comment.