Just as predicted the snow stopped and the waves began to calm, allowing the Quantum Wave Enchantress to peacefully cruise along a few hundred feet behind the CV Poseidon's Nemesis which could withstand the impact of the small chunks of ice they occasionally came across.
Thanks to their proximity westward direction, the sun was at their backs during the morning hours, giving those who were on the morning guard duty shift rotation one less thing to complain about, and Zeph a reliable navigation aid during the last few hours of his bridge crew shift.
For now, the communication and datalink was holding strong thanks in part to the work of Colby Shelby and the small team of communication officers working with him in King Crab Cove as their counterparts on the CV Poseidon's Nemesis kept the ship equipment in top form, but Zeph and Norton Coats knew not to put to much faith in the weather that could change swiftly and dramatically at any time with little warning.