
GODLY SYSTEM : Origin Of New God

Join the story of Jack who is an orphan, who doesn't have any ability due to which he is bullied in the cruel society where the strong prey on the weak. Join his journey as he gets his hands on the [Godly System] and thrives to become even stronger than "THE SO-CALLED GODS" "EVEN THE GODS MAY BLEED! .IF THEY CAN BLEED, THEY CAN BE KILLED!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: "Hello! your friendly neighborhood author here, this is my first novel so, please be kind to me and comment if you find any mistakes in my work. I will try my best to improve!" Please Enjoy!!

AMS_overlord · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Past (1)

In City Y, inside an old-looking worn-out abandoned house.

A day after jack was carried by Mick and Mark to their home.

"hmm~ mmmhmmm~ mmmmhmm~~~ lalala~ la~ la~"

twitch** twitch** jack's eyelids twitched.

jack slowly opened his eyes as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings and he sat up. he was in an old room that looked like it came straight out of horror movies. his clothes were changed into a simple T-shirt and shorts which were too big for him.

he had his body warped in an electric blanket which warmed him.

the room he was in, was lit with a dim light lamp.

he heard a sweet singing voice from the entrance of the room that came from the following room.

'where am I?'

'I was sleeping in the corner of an alley and it was getting cold and I had that sudden urge to sleep and after... I don't remember anything after that' jack thought.

jack got out of the old bed, still keeping the warm blanket warped around his body.

'Did someone kidnap me? No, it's not possible. I am dirt poor myself, what will they gain kidnapping someone like me?' jack

'Am I kidnapped by those smugglers that I heard of, who sold children to the species who enjoy children's flesh ' jack, a sense of dread came over jack's mind.

he hurriedly and cautiously walked to the entrance of the room and peeked out of the Room.

and was momentarily stunned. the only word that came to his mind was.

'Pretty' jack thought as he gazed at a person who looked a little older than him. That person had Sholder-length Golden blonde hair and sparkling deep green eyes and pale white skin which seemed to glow in the dim light of the lamp even his eyebrows and eyelid were blonde colored.

That person was wearing an apron and appeared to be cooking while humming a song in their sweet voice. That was the most pretty person he saw in his life.

"Brawl~ brawl~~" a strange voice filled the atmosphere as jack's cheeks got flushed red as he got embarrassed by the voice that came out of his stomach as he smelled the aroma of the food. jack had not eaten any food for the past few days.

That person turned around and saw jack peeking out the entrance of the room. they smiled at jack and beckoned jack to come close.

hesitantly jack got close to that person. that guy hugged jack suddenly. a sweet smell came over jack's nostrils.

"Aaaow you poor guy you must be also a victim of 'that' place. Aha, how rude of me I should first introduce myself" the guy backed away.

" I am Kyle, you can call me 'Kay'.people close to me call me that. I am aa....a..male yes I am a boy" kyle thought 'He will get uncomfortable if he finds out that I am a mixed breed, with a unique situation. '

An awkward smile came on kyle's face.

"I am called jack. I don't have a nickname " Jack introduced himself.

brawl~ brawl~

again jack's stomach replied like it was forgotten.

an awkward silence filled the room for a few seconds.

"You must be hungry jack let's eat first, the food will be ready within a few minutes.

go sit there at the dinner table, we will talk after you have eaten" kyle smiled at jack again.


jack's stomach was singing as he smelled the aroma of the dishes presented before his table.

Aha, How embarrassing jack thought.

before jack were many dishes, although they were not luxurious dishes but for jack they were. the meal was composed of simple vegetables and meat dishes.

jack stared at the food before him while drooling.

"why are just staring? start eating else the food will get cold" kyle smiled at jack's ethics.

jack nodded his head.


Started wolfing down the dishes at a rapid pace and he choked on them...

"What's the hurry? you should chew your food properly, Here have some water " kyle offered jack glass of water.

"omm.. thanku...maah , Aaah" jack drank the water.

unknown to jack, tears started falling from jack's eyes.

kyle got near jack and.. hugged him.

"You don't need to cry, everything will be fine from now on. Don't be sad" kyle comforted jack.

jack touched his face. tears started falling like a waterfall from his eyes. jack had unconsciously bottled up his emotions since he was at the orphanage.

He felt like a lump was got stuck in his throat.

He was but a child whom no one had shown kindness before.

jack started to cry.

"Waaahhh... Waahaa.. Ahaaaaaa..."

jack cried his heart out and released all his pent-up stress and suffering.


After crying jack and kyle got into the living room of the house.

'How embarrassing! I cried in front of that person, He must be disgusted by me and think I am sort of a cry baby' jack thought as, his face flushed red due to embarrassment.

kyle looked at jack's expression with amusement.

"You don't need to be embarrassed and I am not the one who saved you," Kyle said with a tint of sadness.

jack tilted his head in confusion.

As he got cleaned he looked like a proper child his age but still was very thin. he looked cute while tilting his head with his curly hair

"Ahh so, cute! No no I am getting distracted " kyle thought aloud...

"Aahemm.., You see you were rescued by Mark and Mick last night. They are not here right now because they have gone for work with the ability Users for hunt outside the city" kyle.

'Aah that answer's how I got here. I should thank them properly after they come back. I would have frezeed to death if not for them...' jack.

Jack's expression got a little sad as he recalled his past memories.

"Don't need to be sad little guy! Till Mark and Mick come home your responsibility is on me. I will take care of you " kyle.

"So tell me about your situation," kyle asked jack.

"I..I..am an orphan. from..." jack narrated his story to kyle. who listened to his story carefully.


After hearing jack's story kyle got into deep thought.

' Those bastards** are still pulling this shit*, Working small children so, they can fill their pockets with money' kyle.

Mark and Mick had filed Complains regarding this behavior of the orphanage to the government of C1 planet in the past but they got easily silenced as the officials of the government got bribed by the heads of the orphanage easily.

"You don't need to worry from now on jack, I am also an orphan just like you but it's just that I escaped that hell on my own and I started stealing for survival unit I was caught by Mick " kyle smiled as he remembered his past "Instead of handing me to police Mick asked me about my situation and he bought me here where I met Mark. when mark heard my story he got very angry and filed a complaint against the orphanage to the government but Alas the world is not fair "

"Those bastards** got away easily. Since then Mick and Mark kind of adopted me. our relationship is more like friends than parents. They are both kind-hearted people" kyle.

jack listened to kyle's story curiously.

"Aaa it's almost time for bed. before that, I go and take a quick bath. jack you can go to sleep in the room next to mine and before that don't forget to brush your teeth. I have kept a new brush and toothpaste in the bathroom next to your room " kyle.

kyle left jack and got out of the room and soon jack heard the sound of the shower.


In the living room, jack sat on the sofa dazed.

jack thought about kyle taking bath...

jack shook his head before any dirty thought got into his mind.

'kyle's been kind to me I should not have such thoughts and He is clearly a 'BOY' even if he is pretty and beautiful '

jack again shook his head as he got up from the sofa and got into the room assigned to him by kyle.


In his room, jack hopped on the bed as he gazed at the ceiling of the room.

while thinking about kyle jack got into a deep sleep. jack felt secure and safe after he met kyle and experienced for the first time, the feeling of being with a family member. the feeling of depending upon someone.


The room next to jack kyle got into his room while his body warped in a towel.

"Aha I am not living alone now. How careless of me! to be walking in the house naked while only a towel hiding my body. it will be troublesome if jack saw me" kyle thought out aloud.

kyle's white skin had a tint of red on it and seemed to glow in the lamp light.

kyle dressed up and took a peek into jack's room.

he gazed at the peaceful sleeping face of jack before he got into bed to sleep.

"jack certainly is going to be handsome in the future after he grows up with that kind of cute face he has hehehe" kyle thougth.

Kyle giggled as got into a deep slumber of sleep...


don't forget to comment and give review of my work. I will try to upload chapters as frequently as I can.

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