
Chapter : 3

Chapter 3 - Daughter?

Dong Hu tried to explain with an obsequious smile on his face, only to see Liu Feng slapping Dong Hu ten times. After that, Liu Feng got into his friend's car and left.

"How would I know that the trash Zhang Han will win? I did something to the car! "Damn it!"

Dong Hu cursed, and sat in the Ford Mustang's car with anger on his face, and stepped on the gas pedal.


The Mustang dashed forward quickly. When Dong Hu stepped on the brakes, he realised that the brakes that he had done something to were not working properly.

Seeing that the cliff was getting closer and closer, Dong Hu's face became deathly pale, and his pupils contracted.

"Bang, bang, bang …"

A violent sound of the carriage turning resounded through the entire Mount Lang Xing, causing the faces of those who were walking to change, and make them stare.

Zhang Han's mouth curved into a cold smile, he activated the Ferrari and slowly headed out of Mount Lang Xing.

His current residence was a dilapidated apartment that he rented outside of the Shang Jing's fifth ring. On the way, Zhang Han started to think.

"As of now, I don't have any zhen qi. I can't operate any martial arts. I'm just an ordinary mortal."

"The storage ring disappeared as well!" Zhang Han's expression was a little heartbroken, "The treasures that I have collected for five hundred years, are all gone!"

"Damned divine thunder over the sky, why didn't you give me a few treasures after you were reborn?"


Zhang Han muttered to himself for a while, but he did not think about that anymore. Zhang Han's personality was more open-minded and optimistic, he would not risk his life to think about one thing, but there was definitely some matters that needed to be taken care of. After going through the line, Zhang Han would be extremely stubborn, otherwise, he would not stay in Shang Jing for five years and refuse to leave.

"Do I have any other treasures?"

Zhang Han pondered. He didn't have enough treasures, to the point where he couldn't remember exactly how many there were.

Suddenly, Zhang Han's eyes lit up, and quickly touched his right ear.

After a long time, something about a centimeter long that looked like a needle was finally pulled out from his ear.

The needle was white like a celestial jade, and after Zhang Han looked at it for a while, the excitement in his eyes became even stronger.

"divine thunder over the sky, you left me a treasure after all! thunder yang tree s and a few seeds, these are what I need to step into the realm of cultivation! "

In the vast cultivation world, thunder yang tree were considered to be a rare treasure. Its ability was powerful, and it could nourish spiritual herbs, and at the same time, it could also grow Thunder Yang Wood. This wood was necessary for many pills, even if it was a waste to directly absorb its energy, it would allow one to leap into the Innate Realm!

"However, it can only be born once every hundred years. When I was undergoing the heavenly tribulation, it seemed like it was about to grow into a Thunder Yang Wood. It should still be around five years, right?"

Zhang Han shook his head: "Forget it, no matter how long it takes, I have to find a place to plant the thunder yang tree. I can absorb the energy released by it for the first time and advance to the early stage of Qi Cultivating Stage.

Thinking about it, Zhang Han couldn't help but laugh heartily.

The laughter woke the little princess, who had slept for a while.

She rubbed her eyes cutely, looked at Zhang Han in a daze, and said with her childish voice:

"Daddy, hungry."

Zhang Han's laughter stopped, he turned and looked at the little princess, and even forgot about this for a moment.

"Little girl, I'm not your dad. I'll be back soon, I'll get you something to eat." Zhang Han pouted and said.

Hearing that, the Little Princess looked wronged. She was shy, and wanted to say something but did not dare to, as she did not know why the Daddy kept on saying that it was not the Daddy.

Stopping the new Ferrari at the bottom of the building, he felt a sense of incompatibility. He carried the little princess upstairs and into the room. The furniture inside was not only shabby but also messy. Only the small bedding on the bed and the pink suitcase beside the bed were new.

What was going on?

Zhang Han's brows twitched as he sat on the sofa. He placed the little princess on the tea table in front of him and began to study her carefully.

The little girl's face was exquisite, her eyebrows were pretty, her nose was small and exquisite, her eyes were bright and clear, and her cherry lips were as thin as a willow leaf. She had the adorable elegance of a princess, but her facial features did not resemble Zhang Han's masculine appearance.

But luckily she didn't look like one. Otherwise, a little girl who had a masculine appearance, eh? Just thinking about it made her shiver.

"Is it really my daughter? "It can't be?"

Zhang Han muttered. Suddenly, he felt a tearing pain in his head.

The memories of the past 20 years flooded his mind!

At this time, Zhang Han also came to a realization that the 500 years of memories had flowed into his body and suppressed the 20 odd years of memories in his body. Only now did they start to fuse together.

After absorbing the memories of this lifetime, which were more than twenty years old, Zhang Han was stunned.

Why did the trajectory of this life change?

In his previous life, his parents and sister met with an air crash five years ago, but now, in his memories, his parents had gone missing for five years. In his last life, his second uncle Zhang Ming still hated his family and his sister had left home, but every month, he would pay for his disappointed brother.

"Could it be that the heavens have given me a chance to make up for my regret?"

Joy leaked out of Zhang Han's eyes.

After acquiring all these memories, Zhang Han finally found out the origin of the little girl in front of him.

She only knew that she was an aloof star and had acted in many high-box office movies. Five years ago, Zi Yan was about to reach the pinnacle of his career, but Zhang Han was the peak of the silkpants who was about to fall to the bottom.

It was considered a hero saving a beauty, and the two of them coexisted in an unexpected situation. They didn't think that they would be shot once, and even more so, they didn't think that Zi Yan would choose to retreat when he was at his peak, hide in North America, and give birth to the little princess in front of him.

The Little Princess was about to be four years old and wanted her father so badly. Zi Yan wanted to return to the Entertainment Circle so he returned back to the Nation.

She directly brought the little princess to this run-down apartment and only gave the little girl seven days with Zhang Han. It was probably to let the little girl give up on her impoverished father.

When Zhang Han and Zi Yan met again, because of Zi Yan's indifference, it ignited the arrogance deep in Zhang Han's bones. After arguing for a while, Zi Yan finally gritted his teeth and left in anger, but Zhang Han still disdained him greatly.

While Zhang Han's life had begun with the little girl's assimilation, today coincidentally happened to be the third day.

After confirming that the little girl was his own daughter, Zhang Han's expression changed greatly as if he was struck by lightning. He stared blankly at the Little Princess and muttered in grief and indignation:

"Not with a handle?" It's a jj, not a boy's.)

"My God, are you kidding me? How can you pass on the teachings of my Han Yang Immortal without taking it? "

Zhang Han was suddenly in a good mood. He gloomily picked up the cigarette on the tea table, lit it up and took a deep breath.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The little princess coughed from the smoke.

This caused Zhang Han's hand to freeze. Although he wanted the boy to inherit the dao, the little girl was still his daughter. Zhang Han sighed lightly and extinguished his cigarette, then got up to brew a cup of milk for her to drink.

"Thank you, Daddy." The Little Princess said weakly.

Looking at her timid appearance, Zhang Han sighed once again. If he was a man, he would say it in a different way: "Dad, I'm hungry, don't just stand there, hurry up and take the milk."

Unlike the daughter in front of him, she was weak and timid.

But the emotions disappeared really quickly, and very quickly, Zhang Han looked at the graceful little girl carefully. Unknowingly, a hint of gentleness appeared in his eyes.

After finishing her milk, the little girl put the bottle on the tea table, stretched out her two slender arms and said in a low voice:

"Daddy, hug."

Zhang Han picked her up, the little girl revealed a bashful smile, and said happily:

"Daddy, you are able to me!" "I love you)"

The little girl did not mind her slovenly father, and directly kissed Zhang Han on the cheek.

For a moment, Zhang Han's heart was melted by this kiss.

This kiss caused Zhang Han to feel warmth and gentleness that he hadn't felt in a long time.

This kind of kinship, whose blood was thicker than water, quickly filled up the emptiness that Zhang Han had been lonely for five hundred years.

"I, Zhang Han, have a child! "Daughter will be her daughter. Isn't Daughter an intimate, small, cotton-padded jacket?"

Zhang Han laughed heartily.

Although he didn't know why Daddy was laughing, the little princess, who was in his arms, laughed along with him when she saw his happy smile.

For a time, the room was filled with laughter and warmth.

"Daughter, did your mother give you a name?" Zhang Han asked gently, even he did not know that his masculine tone of voice could produce such a gentle tone.

"It's up, it's up." The little princess raised her small hand and pointed at herself, "I …" My name is Emily. "

After saying that, the face of Zhang Han, who was originally smiling, immediately fell, and even the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, revealing his dissatisfaction.

"Emily?" Zhang Han said angrily: "This woman is truly outrageous!"

He was the dignified daughter of Zhang Han, and wasn't surnamed Zhang. What did he mean by using an English name?

"Daddy …" Seeing Zhang Han's expression, the Little Princess still thought that he was angry at her, and tears quickly filled his aggrieved eyes.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry, Dad didn't say anything about you." Zhang Han hurriedly tried to coax her.

"Daddy, don't be angry …" The Little Princess said weakly.

Zhang Han shook his head and said: "Daddy only thinks that your name is too lacking. How about we change it?"

"Okay, okay." When the little princess saw that her father wasn't angry and wanted to give her a new name, she immediately became happy again.

"What are you shouting for …" Zhang Han muttered to himself, and in less than two seconds, he looked to the little princess in his arms and said: You will be called Zhang Yu Meng, and your little name will be Mengmeng, how about that? "Is it nice?"

After Zhang Han finished speaking, he looked at the Little Princess with anticipation.

However, the little princess in his arms hesitated:

"But I, but I still like Emily. That's the name Mama gave me."

Zhang Han's expression stiffened, and said sternly: "No!"

But just as she said those two words, because of Zhang Han's serious expression, the Little Princess once again displayed a wronged expression.

Seeing that, Zhang Han's tone changed, and said gently: "Oh, little darling."
