
Chapter : 34

Twenty-two, ninety-eight thousand dollars, the equivalent of nearly eleven thousand.

Moreover, this was just a young cub. It would be even more expensive to buy a mature cub.

However, all of these things were bought, Zhang Han had no idea about money, Han Yang Immortal had never lacked for money.

Although he had just reincarnated and was currently not rich, Zhang Han believed that he would be rich in the near future.

After telling the delivery address and time, Zhang Han drove to the end of the street.

The time was now 10 o'clock, and after driving for 10 minutes, he saw a farmers' market. There were many people there, and even though it was past the time when gold was crowded, there were still many people walking in and out, making it extremely difficult for them to drive in, thus Zhang Han parked the car by the side of the road and carried Mengmeng inside.

There was a bazaar full of everything from melon seeds to drinking mineral water, to clothes, pants, canvas shoes, to vegetables. The style was very complete.

As everyone knew, the market had never stopped ever since the ancient times. However, as the technology gradually developed, the number of people in the market also decreased.

The older generation liked to go to the market. After all, this was something they had memorized for decades. However, the younger generation today liked to buy things from a variety of supermarkets.

"So many, so many old grandpas!" Mengmeng mumbled in PaPa's embrace.

The little princess didn't see the stalls on both sides of the road. Her eyes were filled with the eyes of an adult walking.

After walking inwards for five minutes, he finally saw the person selling the stupid chicken.

It was a woman in her fifties, with gray hair. She was chatting with a small old lady at a vegetable stall.

"How much is this stupid chicken?" Zhang Han coughed lightly as he asked.


The stall owner was in the middle of a lively conversation, so she didn't hear it at first, but the stall owner at the side reminded her instead. Only then did she turn her head, look at Zhang Han, and answer:

"Two hundred apiece."

"I want thirty." Zhang Han said.

"How much?" The vendor was taken aback.

"Thirty." Mengmeng answered on behalf of the PaPa.

"So many?" The vendor's face broke into a smile. "Then you'll have to come with me to my house to get it."

"Yes." Zhang Han nodded.

"Erya, help me take a look at the stall. I'll go back and get the chickens for him." With that said, he brought Zhang Han to the side of the house.

As she walked, she looked at Mengmeng and laughed: "Aiya, this child is so cute and beautiful, young man you are so lucky."

"Haha, my daughter." Zhang Han grinned.

Outside, when others praised their children, the parents would be happy. Whether it was a perfunctory response or the truth, it was fine.

"Is the child your own? It doesn't seem like it! " The stall owner said as he sized up the stall from top to bottom.

Zhang Han smiled, and his expression froze on the spot.

What do you mean? You call me ugly?

The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched, and said: "They are biological."

"Erhehehehe …" The stall owner also reacted. He awkwardly smiled and said, "The child should be like her mother. Her mother must be very beautiful."

"My god, my mother is extremely beautiful. My PaPa is also very handsome." Mengmeng said with her childish voice.

"Yes, yes. Young man is actually quite spirited." The stall owner said with a smile.

She followed the stall owner to her house. It was a courtyard house with many stupid chickens raised at the back.

Zhang Han bought thirty chickens and a rooster. He bought all of them were for adulthood, so he could directly lay eggs when he brought them back. However, in terms of physique, they were definitely on par with those chickens he grew up in Mount New Moon.

But Zhang Han was also prepared to spend some money to let the cows, sheep and chickens feed him some Pure Yang. The water was used to improve their physique. After thinking about it, he bought another thirty chicks. In Mount New Moon, their growth rate would be higher than normal, and after the first batch of chickens was eaten, the chicks would grow up as well.

After asking the stall owner, she brought some ducks and geese to the people inside. Each of them was composed of thirty puppies, Pure Yang. Water was limited and could not be consumed excessively. Otherwise, he would have to buy some food to feed Pure Yang. Just water.

Because he knew he couldn't swipe his card, Zhang Han took out some money in advance. After handing it over, the stall owner found a truck and packed all the chickens, ducks and geese, and followed Zhang Han and the Gipu Wrangler to Mount New Moon.

After arriving at Mount New Moon, because there was only a driver to deliver the goods to, Zhang Han had to do it himself.

The adult chickens had their legs tied up and were placed in bags, while the ducks and geese were all puppies placed in cardboard boxes.

After going back and forth a few times, Zhang Han placed the chicken, duck and goose in their respective regions.

At first, in a strange environment, they were all running around.

Seeing that, Zhang Han waved to Xiao Hei who was playing with Mengmeng.

"Little Black, come here." Zhang Han pointed to the regions that the chickens, ducks and geese were in and said, "This is their territory, do not let them run around."


When Blacky heard this, its eyes lit up. It was time to act cool again!

It bared its fangs and dashed over like lightning.

Some of the ducks and geese that had originally wanted to go elsewhere were completely scared senseless compared to Blacky. After a few tries, they also realized their own range of movement. Although they were in a circle surrounded by holly, this circle was like a small plaza, enough for them to play around.

"PaPa, I'm still waiting to play with Little Black." Mengmeng played with the toy on the side for a few minutes. Seeing that Xiao Hei was still not back, he spoke unhappily.

"Alright, alright, Little Black, go and play with Mengmeng." Zhang Han said with a faint smile.

After Blacky heard this, it grinned at the goose inside and let out a low threatening voice, as if to say:

"All of you f * cking behave, or else this old man will eat you all!" "F * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f * cking f!

After roaring, Xiao Hei turned and ran towards Mengmeng, instantly changing her expression, the way she looked extremely obedient and cute, to the point that she had already realized that the little mistress must have the right to speak, little master's words must be the strongest.

As Xiao Hei and Mengmeng played, Zhang Han took out his phone and continued to learn foreign languages.

The spirit energy was constantly gathering at his head, to the point that he almost couldn't forget anything. Adding on the fact that he was listening to some spoken words, Zhang Han's learning speed became even faster.

Last night's two hours of study and the morning's study had already allowed Zhang Han's English to reach the level of a Level 6. It seemed that soon, a Level 8 in English monster would appear.

Furthermore, after learning English, Zhang Han still planned to learn other languages. In front of Mengmeng, he had to be multi-talented and proficient!

After an hour of reading, the pet shop delivery man called.

"Mengmeng, the pets that we bought are here. Let's go and receive them." Zhang Han stood up and said.

"Alright." Mengmeng immediately stood up, patted Xiao Hei's head and said: "S-Little Heihei, I've chosen many children for you."

"Awoo, awoo, awoo." Blacky happily called out twice.

In the Mount New Moon, it had no interest of its own. Such an overpowered emperor dog was something others could not see, but now, with a companion, wouldn't it be able to display its might however it wanted? You can posture however you want?

Arriving at the entrance of the Mount New Moon, the delivery man was placing all the dog cages beside the jeep.

"Aiya, my god, what is this!"

The young man that delivered the goods suddenly saw Little Black and was so scared that his entire body trembled.

"Don't worry, I won't bite." Zhang Han gave him a comforting look.

"Are you sure you don't want to bite? It's too big. " The man said with some fear.

"Don't worry." Zhang Han laughed indifferently.

After waiting for five seconds, the man relaxed when he saw Xiaohei's arrogant expression, as though he was an overlord over the world, ignore him.

He looked carefully at Blacky's eyes and said, "Eh? This seemed to be an iron-clad dog, how could it grow so big? How could a metal bag be this big? Furthermore, she's so beautiful. What kind of dog is this, sir? "

"Ironbag Golden Emperor Dog." Mengmeng patted Xiao Hei's head and said.

"I'll do it!" This, this is the first time I have seen this kind of appearance, it's unbelievable, the metal bag's gold looks so good, if this were to spread out, it would probably cause quite a sensation, this is simply a miracle! " The man said with a surprised expression.

"Let the dogs out, you can bring the cages back, I don't need them." Zhang Han looked at the little pet dog that anxiously came out of the cage and said.

"Ah?" "So many dogs, if we let them go, they'll run away. We won't be able to see it for ourselves." The man hesitated.

More than 30 dogs, yet they were worth 230,000 yuan. If they lost a few, it would be painful to think about it.

"It's fine, don't worry about opening the cage." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

"This... "Alright then." The man smiled wryly before walking over and opening the cages one by one.

When I opened the first one, it was a Husky.

The famous "don't let go", after coming out of the cage, the little guy happily ran to the side.

"Awoo!" Blacky's expression turned sinister!

The time had come to establish his might!

It let out a roar and moved like a bolt of lightning. In a few steps, it arrived in front of the little husky and bit down on it.

The man's heart skipped a beat when he saw the sharp teeth.

If he were to spit it out, little Husky's life would be gone.

However, the next scene left him stunned.

He saw Blacky's thunderous voice soften as it menacingly bit down on the little husky with its mouth. Blacky swung its head and threw the little husky directly to the front of the cage.


The little Husky fell to the ground and rolled twice before standing up. He shook his dizzy head, not knowing what was going on.

"Woof woof woof!"

Blacky aggressively barked a few times at the dogs in the cages, causing them to tremble with fear.

The man looked at Xiao Hei in shock. Only after being reminded by Zhang Han did he regain his senses and continued to release the pet from the cage.

This time, the pets were honest. None of them dared to run to the side.