
Chapter 145

Upon hearing what the man just said Ethan couldn't help but ask.

"Private security?"

Ethan's voice carried a hint of amusement, his head tilting slightly.

The man couldn't help but his smile shifted, becoming more genuine – and somehow more dangerous.

His eyes glittered with dark pride. "Not exactly,"

he purred, stepping closer. His expensive cologne couldn't quite mask a subtle scent of gunpowder. "We operate in the shadows, you might say."

His gaze was still focused on Ethan and for some reason, he doesn't look even afraid or moved.

But he couldn't help but continue.

"The underground's elite trust us with their lives,"

he continued, gesturing to his men. Each stood like a coiled spring, ready to unleash violence at a moment's notice.

"We're the best in the business. Those who can afford us, fear nothing because we offer the best when it comes to securing them."

"Is that so?"