
Godly Gene

Do Eun suddenly finds himself in a strange world after an unexpected accident that causes her to travel her consciousness to an extraordinary world. He wouldn’t think a great reader like him in his favorite fiction actually exists and experiences it today. He still loves to discover strange things and dreams of traveling in the future. What if the things he would find out were much more amazing but also terrifying at the same time. He is only a 16 year old yet he died in a stupid way. He was disappointed when he found out that his favorite books he was reading would have ended up badly like if the heroes of the good books he was reading had not died he would have read only miserable endings. That is why when he landed in the world of Cultivation and was given new life to travel, go to war and discover extraordinary things he promised himself that he would value himself even the things he had learned before. in what he reads he will change. Will he be the star of his second life in the world of Cultivation or will he be a loser like the favorite book he used to read? Let's take a look at the new phase of the life of the young man Do Eun on this extraordinary journey as various types of his fellow martial artists will meet along with his journey, to change his fate, to be the strongest and not. be a total loser in this vast world of Cultivation.

Jilib480_Jilib480 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 17

After the young man Do Eun left he quickly went to a public Geno Beast Hunting Ground which is just a small place called Yellow Garden.

The young man Do Eun didn't know that this garden was actually a horror. The gardens in this world are really scary, especially if they are called gardens, but it is a Hunting Ground of Geno Beasts.

When he arrived at the Yellow Garden area he was really amazed. This area is really almost yellow, where you can see that instead of a green environment, it is wrapped in a seemingly yellow environment.

This is one of the places that the young man Do Eun wants to go especially and this is one of his hunting grounds that can be said to be on his top list of places to go.

According to her father's research that was inside its Gene Lab it can be said that the Yellow Garden was believed by the people who lived here back then to be cursed. He doesn't know if it is true because he can say that this place here is really unique. It's like a legend of this place.

At first, this area was green, mostly small insects. It is said that this garden is so small that the owner is a beautiful young woman. Its favorite are yellow insects. It is really surprising especially and there are very few yellow insects. With diligence and perseverance beautiful maiden she accumulated many small insects. It is too late to realize that its pet insects are almost crowded. But a few days after everything happened there was a change in this world and there were changes in the yellow insects even all over this place. Extensively widened the scope of this whole area which happened only gradually over days, months and years.

The elders in this area also believe that the victim of the Yellow Garden is the beautiful maiden who loves yellow insects. According to stories, ferocious insects ate this place. Her flesh is eaten by Ferrocious insects while her blood turns to yellow and make things he really in yellow. Their are some lucky insects that believe to be possessed a human nature just like eyes, nose, ears etc. that will make you insane.

It's scary to think about these things but it's just a folk tale but it doesn't mean that the young man Do Eun won't be careful because this place has a lot of ferocious insect monsters that are Geno Beasts . Most of them are still hidden in the yellow environment here. If one is not careful enough it may endanger their lives in this area.

All the Gene Cultivators who come here know that this area contains danger because of the number of insects here. If you are stumble upon a non-group insect, you'll be safe but if you stumble upon a group of insects, you are surely need to run away from them. Everyone knows this.

The young man Do Eun plans to go to this place to hunt Geno Beasts that will give him big Geno Points. If he is not mistaken almost most Geno Beasts here give one to two Geno Points that most want. Most of the people who come to this place are in groups especially and they want a team fight and precede or multiply the killing of the monster insects especially the groups of insects.

The young man Do Eun just smiled. How come he will have friends here because he knows no one has been his friend since he was young. His parents are both especially protective and no naughty visitors are allowed in their house because the Gene Lab is inaccessible to anyone. Her parents are researching and experimenting with things that are not yet certain what. It is as if they are recovering unlnown things that are difficult for anyone to resolve. If someone will be endangered inside their house it is definitely a big mess especially if someone has leaked information regarding their Gene Lab and the thing they are experimenting with.

The young man Do Eun has reached the entrance of the said Yellow Garden. This is a public Geno Beast Hunting Ground so anyone can enter here though there are dangers here but that is not a problem because this place has no responsibility if anything happens to you inside this Hunting Ground of Geno Beasts . 1-2 Geno Points are the strongest Geno Beasts here and most of them just take a walk here and only want to take a walk outside. Most hunters actually enter the courtyard of this Yellow Garden.

The young man Do Eun was amazed when he finally entered this place. One thing he is really sure of it, "BEAUTIFUL". The young man Do Eun is very amazed at the environment he sees. He really seems to be in the shows on Earth, the so -called famous tourist spots. That's what the vibes are like.

Many Gene Cultivators visit here. If there were any normal people here this place would probably be awkward. Insects can feel mortal blood and it will definitely eat normal creatures especially the person without Geno points. Basdta Hunting Ground of Geno Beasts in question we should be practical. What stupid normal creature would come here? Most likely even if you only have one or five Geno points on your body you will not be attacked by any Geno Beast here. He doesn't know why especially and he knows the creatures that are Geno Beasts are aggressive but they are more aggressive than normal creatures.

The young man Do Eun held up a yellow leaf to make sure it was real.

"Let's test it if it's really real." The young man Do Eun said as he quickly picked up a leaf.

He saw that the said leaf still seemed to have resin on the side it picked up so he could tell it was real. the young man Do Eun was especially amazed and he didn't think it was real.

But the young man Do Eun immediately found out that he had something else to go and that was to enter the courtyard of this Yellow Garden. He knew it was one of the places he wanted to go. He is speculating that when he goes here, the current 55 Geno Points he has will increase even more. He still lacks 45 points to break through and advance to Level 1.

The young man Do Eun wasted no more time and walked quickly into the Yellow Garden. There are many detours here. He only chose what he wanted to go especially and he could not explore this whole place in just one day.

The young man Do Eun chose to enter a small alley. He just feels that this is the path he wants to take. He really doesn't know much about this place, all he knows is that he needs to get more gene points here. Their graduation is near and in the next few months they will be graduating. It's really good and Hunting Month for the graduating students, otherwise he might be busy with their school activities. He knows that his Geno points are the only thing missing and he will graduate.

The young man Do Eun immediately saw himself in a wide yellow grass. The twigs that grow here are really very tall.

The young man Do Eun had just seen many huge yellow beetles in the air. If he is not mistaken they are not aggressive but when you tamper with one of them the ferocity of its whole group will definitely show. You get Geno points if you kill them and can also eat the meat of this monster which will give additional geno points. The only thing he can benefit from this monster is its pair of curved wings which is the Yellow Beetle's defense against its enemy.

The young man Do Eun just smiled especially and he was waiting for this opportunity. He can say that he is really lucky after all and it is one of his favorite creatures to kill.

The young man Do Eun wasted no time and he quickly pulled out his small knife in his hand and quickly rushed to the whereabouts of the Yellow Beetles monsters.

He saw only a Yellow Bettle on the ground where he quickly jumped on it and lay down. This Yellow Beetle was so large that it was difficult for him to stop it and was stabbed.

The blood of the Yellow Bettle monster that was killed by the young man Do Eun gushed out.

You gained 1 Geno Points!

The young man Do Eun seemed pleased with what he heard. It takes only a minute after he kills the said monster yet he gained 1 geno points.

Bsssst! Bssst! Bsssst!

The young man Do Eun heard a sound above him. He is currently falling to the ground while still holding the Yellow Beetles he killed.

"O-oh!" The young man Do Eun said when he saw that the place where he was seemed to be dark where he only saw that the beautiful fog was covered in his sight by groups of yellow beasts.

They seemed to be furiously looking at his whereabouts. It looks like they really want to kill him.

The young man Do Eun, on the other hand, felt even more dangerous and he didn't think that their comrades were here. He did not even think that there was a group of creatures of its kind.

"Ahehe ... They were cute before but now I'm taking back what I'm thinking about them, trend !!!!" The young man Do Eun said and quickly arranged himself to run away carrying the Yellow Beetle he had killed.

If only others could see these incidents where young man Do Eun is relentlessly being chased by groups of monster Yellow Beetles where it seems like they won't stop it until they kill young man Do Eun. In fact, even though the Yellow Beetles are small, their number cannot be ignored, which is almost one hundred in number. So they really don't like this kind of monster especially if you are alone because they will chase and kill you mercilessly.

"Don't follow me please!" The young man Do Eun says that he can't help but speak like the tones of his speech on Earth. He really lost his self -inhibitions especially when he noticed that the Yellow Beetles seemed to be chasing him. They are usually a cute one if on a normal day but when angry they seem to turn dark yellow their skin to almost turn this brown. That is the reason why some come here in groups to avoid these things happening to the young man Do Eun.

"I have to think hard because otherwise they might kill me!" The young man Do Eun said. He is no longer happy. He really doesn't want to spend a single geno points especially and he hasn't collected Geno points yet. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al already got some geno points. He only gets one geno point and then he will spend 10 to 20 geno points. That was an unwise choice for him.

While the young man Do Eun was thinking deeply, he was in charge of running fast. He knew they would not stop him until they killed him.