
godly cultivation

guage bennett is a normal every day 15 year old kid but his life changes forever after a pain staking car crash he is reincarnated in to a world of cultivation were he becomes the greatest god ever.

Guage_Bennett · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 003.

The king

Maid after i run out of the room i run to the throne room to tell master that his son is awake. I still cant believe it hes been out for so long the master even paid the finest doctors around to see what happend to his only son.


Kings pov. Its a nother boring day at the castle theres just meeting after meeting its to uneventful "sigh" if only my son was here with me but after he was almost assassinated he hasnt woken up since....i miss him. he says with tears in his eyes.


Maid" I burst through the door and i scream hes awake hes REALLY AWAKE.

Kings pov" HES WHAT?????!!!?!?!?

Maid" YES MASTER HE IS!!!!!!

King" I JUMP OFF MY THRONE AND BURST OUT DOOR STRAIT PAST THE GUARDS. They run after me and ask whats wrong i scream. MY SONS AWAKE they look at me shocked as we continue running as i reach my sons room somthing i never thought would happen happens.....