
Godly Ban in Seven Deadly Sins

Just a wish fulfilment story in that will start in Seven Deadly Sins

MarcusMongoose · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

First Day

I woke up to an extreme heat both around me and inside me. I could feel a warm sweet liquid running down my throat.

My eyes shot open only to be met with the most angelic looking girls I had ever seen kissing me to pour the fountain of life down my throat in order to heal my bisected shoulder.

This Image I could see of her would have made me feel like I was in heaven if not for knowing about the hole in her chest.

I instinctively used me new magic and teleported away from the demon with Elaine in my arms.

"Elaine hold on, everything is gonna by fine"

is said as I used my Arc of Embodiment once more this time to create the fountain of youth.

Elaine's eyes widened in shock "Ban how.."

"shh shh shh just drink for now I'll explain everything later"

I held the chalice to her lips and watched her drink every last drop and saw how the hole in her chest almost immediately healed up, the only evidence of her every being injured was the hole in her dress.

Seeing this I finally released a sigh I didn't realise I was holding. I mean seriously what a way to start my new life.

Looking at Elaine I smiled "let's deal with this demon now shall we"

Hearing me Elaine also smiled the most radiant smile I had ever seen and used her nature manipulation to seal the demons movements.

Using this time I used Arc of Embodiment and created Gate of Babylon which I immediately used to rain down hell on the demon. Like seriously, there is no way a demon is able to survive various mythological weapons (including some holy) falling down on it like droplets of rain. The bastard was turned into swiss cheese in seconds.

"Now that the demon has been dealt with do you mind explaining what all that was" Elaine asked with an understandable shocked expression all over her face, after all someone she has known for a while suddenly displays new strange powers making the seemingly impossible, possible.

"When you made me drink the fountain of you it seems I awakened to a new magic that works based on pure imagination"

"Is that how you created more fountain of youth"

"yep" I said as I held out my hand and created another while passing it to her.

"The Forrest has been destroyed so you'll be needing this won't you"

Elaine however just jumped at me to hug me with her arms around my neck as she broke down in tears,

it seems the two of us nearly dying really shook her up so I simply smiled and reciprocated the hug.

Elaine = best girl and before you ask I'm not into legal lolis... normally atleast.

After calming down I took Elaine's hand as we gathered all the seeds we could and began the work of rebuilding the forest. This was finished pretty quickly as along the way we met other fairies who would help us and the fact that the forest wasnt as badly destroyed as in the manga because the demon was killed almost immediately.

With the forest growing at a visible rate I came up with a plan in order to get recruited by Meliodas like in the story. I stopped and looked at Elaine noticing my change she looked at me and said "you're leaving aren't you"

"Yes and no" I said "There is something I need to do but I will be back soon so don't worry. Also I'm going to use my magic to make it look like the forest is destroyed instead of it healing at a visible rate and until I get back I want you to find a replacement for you self and to make that easier here..."

saying that I created a Sacred Treasure Chastiefol just like the one king has.


"Yeah so while I'm gone find a replacement and give them the Sacred Treasure to make defending this forest easier and when I'm back we can leave and spend the rest of our immortal lives together" I said with a laugh.

Now that I have had time to think I was finally able to go ever everything Ban had ever seen or felt before I took over and feeling his feelings for Elaine after everything we have just been through together, nearly dying together I couldn't hold my self back anymore and knelt down, holding her chin facing her to me I kissed her. This kiss was unlike any I had ever had before hell it even tasted sweet like I was sucking on fruit. Elaine's eyes opened wide in shock with her face as red as a tomato but quickly got into it and even taking the initiative to use tongue which was a nice surprise.

As we separated I smiled at Elaine and said "I'll be back soon, I promise"

"En" was all she said with a smile as she kissed me again.

Walking out of the fairy kings forest I quickly put up an illusion of the forests destruction and waited for the cavalry to arrive and not much later they did.

A number of Holy Knights that have come to find the culprit that destroyed the forest.

one of the Holy Knights spots me an immediately calls out.


I dont know why he said that because I already wasn't moving, waiting here for them.

"What can I do for you Officers" I chuckle

"What is this Officers, we are Holy Knights of Liones can you tell us what happened here"

"Well I stole the fountain of youth, drank it and the forest withered not long after".

After hearing what I said it seems it took awhile for it to sink in because the holy Knights just looked at each other before finally reacting and surrounding me.

"Ladies, Gents, calm down I am hear to surrender. Look I'm unarmed with my hand above my head" I said and I noticed the Holy Knights relax a little with one approaching me cautiously to tie up my hands.

you might ask why allow yourself self to be captured like this well the answer is simple in the manga Ban is captured while afterwards he is tortured and executed numerous times for four to five years until Meliodas comes to recruite him. Now of course I'm not going to subject myself to torture like some massocist just for the sake of following plot instead I have made my real self invisible and am remotely controlling a clone I made with magic.

This clone is of me so obviously it's also immortal and wont suddenly die or disappear because after its creation the only mana I use is when I want control it. Now as for the real me I can go back and enjoy the next four to five years with Elaine while checking on the clone whenever it informs of Meliodas turning up.

As soon as I got back to the forest Elaine was shocked at my return to say the least but its seems she has found a replacement already.

"Ban this is Gerheade, she is the younger sister of the first fairy king and advisor to the second"

"Nice to meet you Gerheade" I said only to be met with a look of distrust.

This was something I expected and I dont blame her after everything she has been through.

Gerheade is wearing a long yellow dress that covers the stumps of her legs lost at the knees and a green hat adorned with a flower that covers her right eye socket both injuries caused by one of the human members of Stigma.

I didn't want this distrust of me being human to potentially get between Elaine and Gerheade so I took the initiative to bridge the gap, sticking out my hand I imagined her eye healing along with the legs and wings regrowing back to their former glory and that's exactly what happened but man that really puts a drain on my energy.

As I was huffing away due to my lack of energy Gerheade burst into tears looking at herself.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you how can I ever repay you"

"Just dont betray Elaine's trust and look after the forest when we leave until the Fairy King gets back"

"Absolutely you can count on my"

Hearing her i just smiled and took Elaine by the hand.

We walked around the forest in silence just enjoying each others company.

Today being the most hectic day either of us has ever gone through, we became immortal, killed a demon, saved to forest, fell in love and all of that was done in a few hours. Now I'm sure there will be some asking how I fell in love so fast but dont forget I have all of bands memory and feeling.

Hand in hand we eventually got back to the giant tree where the fountain of youth is and with a wave of her hand Elaine created a wooden hut with nothing but a bed inside, leading to the bed we simply lay down in each others embrace and shortly after fell asleep.

Any mistakes let me know

MarcusMongoosecreators' thoughts