
The Fiendish Binotaur's trick

The double he left there had been a ploy all along because it already suspected Alusec's weakness from their first encounter. 

The moment Alusec found it with the sword, it already used long-distance spatial travel and left it's double there to take Alusec on a wide goose chase. It's double had fed on countless cultivators which not only kept it sustained but also strengthened it. Its speculation was proven right when Alusec was deceived by thinking the double was the original.

"This means I can finally deal with him especially now that I have found this place!" The fiendish binotaur observed the vicinity with a look of excitement, "I am not wrong it truly is, hahaha!" It gave a burst of light laughter as it slowly flew above the air.

"I shall devour everything within this region!" After saying that, the fiendish binotaur opened up both its mouth and a suction force came from it.

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