

"Lexi baby, if you do that I may just have to spank your butt if you keep doing that" As our Mc dreams of dirty things, he has no idea how his life is going to change. From what he has gone through it can only go up from here. As he makes his way through his new life he will continue to grow into something that he has no idea if he'll be able to recognize himself by the end of it.

SKAHLY · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Start

"Lexi stop messing around... Oh, I know what you want. You want some sexy time."

"Ahem, it's time for you to wake up now."

"Oh, Lexi the things you're doing to me."

"Wake The Fuck Up RIGHT Now."

As the horny voice began to wake up they saw themselves in a bright room. They were sitting across from a glowing ball of light. This freaked out the horny voice because it fell asleep in bed last night. So waking up in this bright room with a glowing talking ball was really freaky. It made the horny voice want to freak out, but it felt weirdly calm.

"That's because this room has a calming function added to it. It's to help newcomers quickly adapt to their situation. Hopefully helping them to survive longer." Glowing Ball said calmly. Almost like its earlier outburst had never happened.

"Survive? Survive what exactly?" Horny voice

"Well, Godhood of course. For you see you have been selected along with others the opportunity to become a God. Well of course you won't start off there, but eventually, you'll get there. Again, only if you survive." Glowing Ball said with a serious tone at the end.

The horny voice again was freaked out. Everything the Glowing ball said was a great cause to freak out, but the room kept the horny voice from doing exactly that. This made the horny voice able to move on from what the glowing ball will say next.

"Good, sometimes if a soul has become so overrun with emotions the room is little help. So I am here to be your guide, but only for a limited amount of time. After that time is up you will be going through trials to start you on your path to Godhood."

"Okay, that is cool and all, but I want to focus on something you just said. You said, soul. What do you mean by that?" The horny voice said in trepidation. It even went so far as to start shaking. This shaking was caused by the need not to look down to confirm if his body was there or not. More specifically a particular body part.

"Your body is not needed so it is of course left in your home world." Glowing Ball said joyfully.

The soul felt as if his heart was breaking. Oh, how will he ever hold Lexi again? This was devastating news to the soul.

"Based on your memories this Lexi had never spoken to you. So I suggest you use this time wisely." Glowing Ball

The soul looked at the Glowing Ball and decided it needed to do what it had said. The soul had so many questions that it wanted to ask but where to start first it had no clue. It wanted to ask the Glowing Ball if it could just tell the soul whatever it needed to know.

"I cannot do that. In a sense, this is your first trial. Whatever you gain here can have a lasting impact on how far you go and how much you gain along the way."Glowing Ball said casually, but inside there was a relief to it. It had seen plenty of souls get so sidetracked on what they had lost that they wouldn't have any time to get knowledge on what they were on the cusp of a great gain. That few in this universe have a chance to get.

That made the soul really think. 'What would need to know both now and in the future' the soul thought. Then the soul remembered before the devastating loss of its member was brought to its attention the Glowing Ball said that the soul had a limited amount of time. So the first thought was about the trials and how was best to survive them. 'Would the glowing ball just answer how to survive'

"No, it must be more specific than that." Glowing Ball

The soul then started reaching for any questions to get the ball rolling. The best question would be the one that can start a chain reaction of questions. But there was only one question the soul had that kept coming back to it. 'What is something I already have that will help me survive?'

"That's an easy question, it is your willpower."Glowing Ball

'Willpower? Is that something that is going to be measured in the trial?" The Soul

"Yes among other things as well?"

Yes, the soul thought that he had finally gotten on the right track.'Are these other things traits as well?'

"Yes and no."Glowing Ball

'Is Willpower the most important one?'

" For the first trial yes."Glowing Ball

'What is the first trial like?'

"That I cannot say." Glowing Ball

'What is the second trial like? Is it just as important as the first?' The Soul

"All I can say about the second trial is to trust your instincts and all trials are important. Don't slack on any of them."Glowing Ball

'Okay, so I know what a couple of the trials are like, but I don't want to be caught off guard about what happens after the trials. Something tells me it won't be all sunshine and roses. I'm conflicted, but I already know that all trials are important. So why not plan a little for the future first? Then if I have enough time I'll ask more about the following trials.' The Soul

" You have just over 5 minutes remaining."Glowing Ball

'Dammit, what's the most important thing to a growing god?'The Soul

"It is Stability, you can take that for whatever it may mean to you." Glowing Ball

That confused the soul because the soul thinks stability means the same to everyone?

'What happens after the trial?'

"You will be sent to an infant divine world to gather followers." Glowing Ball

'How do you gain followers?'

"Well, that depends on the situation. There is no right answer to your question, But that is your time. I have seen both worst and better questions asked. I wish you luck on your trial."

[ 1st TRIAL Begining in 3,2,1.]