

Jin_Ymir · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

A month had passed since Artemis was adopted by the Goddess,which made Apollo feel miserable as he misses his brother.All he did was cry and cry while swinging the stick he had picked a while ago.

He sought to avenged his parents as he can't accept that the old man unalived them,There were days he'd try to kill himself just to be with his parents but then he stopped as he can't just die leaving his parents death not in justice.

While he was practicing with his stick Mary approached him."Apollo come, i'll tell you something"she said smiling at him which made Apollo think it will be a good news.

He did come near Mary and asked what it was."What is it Ma'am?". He asked while smiling happily,"Someone came here to adopt you". She said while looking at him feeling happy for Apollo as he will be with someone she know that will take care of him greatly.

"Re-ally?".Apollo asked as he was in shocked as he never thought of someone adopting him.Mary nodded which made Apollo happy but still a little sad as he won't see his brither anymore.

"Let's go in and i'll show you to BB."Baby?".Apollo asked in his mind.

They walked in and there they saw a tall woman who had long brown hair and hazel eyes with freckles in her face and my oh my would you look at that slim body of hers(oops you can't see it". Apollo looked at her and he was amazed at her beauty and he was thinking how old the woman was as she looks too young to adopt a child.

"Hi there little boy"Bb said that made Apollo look at her with a confused face.Well he greated her back with just a little bow and hid on Mary's back.

"Apollo it's ok"Mary said as she kneeled down to match Apollo's height and looked at him in the eyes as if telling him it will be ok."She's the one who will adopt you". She said and carried Apollo and went near Bb.

"It's ok little boy i won't hurt you,im just going to take care of you ok?. Bb said while looking at Apollo right in the eyes as if telling him she wasn't lying.

"Come here"Bb said and was about to take him from Mary but he resisted."No"Apollo said and hugged Mary not wanting to let go of her.

"Im sorry Apollo but you're better of with Bb than with me hmmm?. Mary said convincing the kid as she was starting to get emotional,even though it was just for a while she already gotten close with Apollo.

Apollo then  let go of Mary and gave her one last hug."Bye bye"He said while he was starting to cry.

Bb just stood there watching the two humans in front of her."Let's go Apollo"she called out to him,making Apollo look at her and smile."Ok!" He said and went to hold her haid which made her taken aback by the action as she thought the kid will behave badly.

"Let me carry you ok?" She said asking for permission which made Apollo open his arms as if asking to be carried. 

They started to walk out of the orphanage while Apollo was looking at Mary,smiling at her then he suddenly shouted"Bye bye!!!!"which made Mary smile and wave her hands while saying goodbye to the kid.

Bb smiled as she thought the kid will grow up to be a good person,she looked at Apollo and was kinda surprised that he was looking at her too and that made her smile and Apollo smile

Mary smiled as she watched her friend and the kid she adores walk away from the orphanage she worked in,whishing them a safe trip and hoping they'll be safe....

i showed this to my friend and the name Bb caught his eye,he thought it meant brown"B word"haha but no it does not so yeah im just sharing it yeah bye........

Jin_Ymircreators' thoughts