A sudden app invite completely changed Shibuya Rai's life, allowing him to bid farewell to his ordinary days of misery and poverty. He was currently shouldering immense debt and suffered due to his mental health. Suddenly, receiving this gift awoke something inside him, a desire to improve to reach higher. Fate had allowed him to turn his rubbish reality into a magical world of power, money and women. So Rai took it with both hands, desperately grabbing this golden treasure. Entering the Eternal Dungeon.
Not long after I had accepted the facts about Aki, at least when hearing that others around me might be the same and they were somehow either the reincarnation of various goddesses from the dungeon or their avatars, it unsettled me greatly.
I liked speaking to Lupera and Asteria and would feel a sense of loss if they were to vanish and suddenly never speak to me again.
So, the thought that they might also disappear when fusing was just as worrying compared to losing the human I had met so far.
"That will not happen, Rai." Eternia and her soft voice were always comforting and supportive, but it wasn't quite enough to stop my worries.
"You say that, but how can two people fusing not cause one to vanish."
I felt that my logic wasn't wrong—for them to become one, didn't they have to discard one of the personalities?