
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 82

<──Vehicle 5, engine is disabled! Immobile!>

"──Get out! Provide cover! Squad, disembark and engage! Neon, keep firing from there!!"

One of the infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) was heavily damaged. It took a direct hit to the engine compartment, and the critical components seemed to have melted. Simultaneously, a sympathetic explosion occurred, and black smoke billowed from the vehicle. Moore, ordering the evacuation over the radio, brought the armed vehicle to a stop on the roadside as he grabbed his assault rifle and stepped out of the vehicle.

At the same time, Rapi and Anis also disembarked. Anis, the prodigy of firepower, half-leaning out from the rooftop, mounted the 50-caliber heavy machine gun and opened fire at the Raptures emerging from various places in the nearly cleared city, shooting beams at them.

"─Are you okay!?"

"...Damage... 62%...! I can still fight...!"

"My left arm... It got severed... but I'm still okay...!"

"Don't push yourselves too hard! Medic! Come here! Get them to the rear!!"

"But... Moore, sir...! We can still... Please... get us down...!"

"Move back immediately! Medic, hurry up! Get the field ambulance ready! Take them in!"

The mass-produced Nikke girls who had evacuated from the IFV were affected by the attack; each one had serious, severe, or minor injuries. Moore shouldered a mass-produced Nikke girl who, despite her left arm being severed and her frame exposed, tried to grip her gun.

It was the same posture as when they transported Rapi, who had been injured during a mission to investigate the power plant in the coastal city.

"─Rapi, Anis! Provide cover!"

While the infantry fighting vehicles advanced, crushing debris of various sizes scattered on the road under their tracks. The turrets rotated as they advanced, aiming the barrels of their 30mm machine guns at the enemy. The guns fired continuously, ejecting thick shell casings from the base of the barrels.

A field ambulance, repurposed from an 8-wheeled armored personnel carrier (APC) that had been waiting at the rear of the convoy, rushed forward. The ramp at the rear of the vehicle was lowered.

Several mass-produced Nikke girls descended from there—Moore entrusted the injured Nikke girl without her left arm to the medics. He then re-gripped the assault rifle, which he had slung over his shoulder using a sling belt attached to his neck and right armpit.

"──Major... Major Moore...! I-I couldn't accompany you to the end... I'm sorry...!"

"Don't apologize! You fought well! Rest at the rear! Let's meet again! ─Wounded soldiers, get to the rear! Hurry up with the evacuation! Lend a shoulder here!"

Whether she regretted being evacuated or thought she hadn't contributed much, the mass-produced Nikke girl he had carried trembled as she apologized to Moore. However, he ruffled her head while expressing his gratitude. The mass-produced Nikke girl, who had received his thanks, couldn't help but burst into tears.

"──Seriously, Commander, you really are natural flirt to Nikke girls!"


"Heh! Come on, you're being evacuated too! Get in quickly!"

While receiving cover fire from Rapi, who was shooting at the Raptures using the infantry fighting vehicle as cover, Anis also participated in transporting the heavily injured mass-produced Nikke.

Eventually, once most of the severely wounded had been loaded into the field ambulance, the ramp was raised, and the vehicle reversed before speeding away from the scene.

"─Master! Can I get more ammo, please!?"

"─Neon, conserve your shots more! The barrel will overheat!"

Perhaps he had chosen the wrong person. Neon opened the spare ammunition box on the roof, pulled out the 50-caliber ammunition belt, and immediately loaded it onto the heavy machine gun's feed tray. He closed the feed cover and pulled the charging handle with enthusiasm, pressing the trigger again to create the deep, bass gunshots. However, judging by his disciple's behavior, telling him to save ammunition would likely be futile. With his disciple calling him "master," he sighed instinctively.

Likewise, he rushed over to the armed vehicle nearby and knocked on the hull, urging the crew to open the door.

"What's the matter!?"

"Sorry, but give me a spare ammo box!!"

"Understood! Here you go!!"

A mass-produced Nike girl in the back seat handed him a metal ammunition box loaded with 100 rounds of ammunition. He expressed his gratitude, then hurriedly returned to the vehicle where Neon continued firing. As soon as he arrived, he opened the driver's side door and placed the ammunition box at her feet.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Skip the thanks! Just conserve your bullets!"

His words of gratitude were accompanied by the deep bass gunshots, but he sternly lectured her.

"You can't afford to conserve firepower!"

Now he considered asking Rapi or Anis for help next time. As he walked away from the armed vehicle, gripping his assault rifle, he headed toward Rapi, who was continuing the firefight from behind the infantry fighting vehicle's cover.

"Rapi, are you alright!?"

"We're fine over here─ Wait, 2 o'clock direction!!"

A quadrupedal Rapture appeared, crawling over the rubble of a collapsed building. Its cannon began to glow red. Prompted by Rapi's warning, Moore aimed his assault rifle and fired three short bursts. With these shots, the enemy machine, whose legs were crushed, tumbled off the debris it was perched on. He quickly pulled the trigger again.

"I got it!"

"I'm reloading! Cover me!"

As Rapi replaced her magazine, he continued firing at the enemy. Some of the mass-produced Nike girls watching this scene couldn't help but sigh in amazement internally.

They had heard rumors, but it seemed they were half-believing. To think there were human who could handle anti-Rapture weapons designed for Nikke, let alone engage in combat with Raptures - especially with a commander present - was almost unbelievable. Yet, seeing it happen before their eyes left them with no choice but to believe.

"─Major Moore! Another Rapture is approaching! Confirmed Lord class too!"

"Understood! Tank Commander, instruct the other infantry fighting vehicles to launch TOW missiles too! Crush the Lord class!"

When the commander of the infantry fighting vehicle shielded by Moore and Rapi reported the appearance of a new enemy, Moore nodded and issued orders.

Normally, Moore did not have the authority or command over them. However, in this situation, the structure naturally allowed him to take command.

The tank commander, acknowledging his instructions, communicated through the headset that attack orders were given to the other infantry fighting vehicles.

The turret, equipped with a 30mm machine gun, swiveled, and the two-barreled TOW launcher on the turret's left side activated.

The target was a Lord class that's significantly larger than the other Raptures.

TOW missiles were launched from the three infantry fighting vehicles that had captured the enemy's position. After hitting their mark, the Lord class, which had taken a direct hit, exploded due to the shaped charge warhead, scattering debris in all directions.

"The enemy is retreating!"

"Advance! Infantry fighting vehicles at the front, move forward!!"

Recognizing the defeat of the Lord class, the approaching Rapture horde seemed to realize the disadvantageous situation. They began to retreat like a receding wave. Amidst the barrage of 30mm machine gun rounds and 50-caliber bullets aimed at the retreating enemy, Moore issued instructions.

"Shifty, what's the status of the operation?"

〈We have completed the placement of explosives on the walls of the underground facility! The Absolute squad and the Cafe Sweetie squad are searching Modernia!〉

As the infantry fighting vehicle advanced with the engine roaring and the tracks grinding against the ground, Rapi communicated with Shifty, confirming that the operation was proceeding smoothly.

Two squads had been deployed to the underground facility - one of them being her former comrades. Being an elite among elites, they seemed to be doing well, at least for now.

Moore patted Rapi's shoulder in relief. She nodded in response, gesturing for him to get inside, and he followed suit, jumping back into the armored vehicle.

As Anis, who had been assisting with transportation, rolled into the passenger seat, Moore stepped on the accelerator. Anis then called for Shifty, asking a question.

"Even though it's an underground facility, you've already set the explosives, right? Can't you just detonate them however?"

〈If we don't pinpoint the target area to some extent, we won't be able to estimate their position when they come up to the surface.〉

"You can't just blow things up without knowing where they are. We don't know where those Heretic Modernia might jump out from... Besides, the underground facility extends within a radius of 20 km."

"Ah... I see now! Ahh!!?"

"Neon, I told you to conserve your rounds! How many shots do you have left!?"

While they were having this conversation, Neon continued firing at the retreating Raptures from the rooftop. The linked cartridges and ammunition outside the vehicle didn't matter if they fell off, but there was a risk of hot shell casings rolling into the vehicle cabin at any moment.

The gunner's seat was positioned in the middle, closer to the driver's side. Bouncing shell casings inside the vehicle might hit Moore or Anis directly.

Earlier, a casing had unintentionally fallen into Anis's ample cleavage, prompting her to grab it and cool her skin by blowing air onto it.

While Moore raised his voice to admonish Neon, Rapi, seated in the back, counted the unopened ammo boxes.

"Commander, we have about 600 rounds left."

"We only have six boxes!? Anis, tell Neon to stop firing—no, just pull her down already!"

They had brought out 12 boxes—1200 rounds—from the outpost base's ammunition depot, but Moore received a report that half of it had already been used up. He ordered Anis to pull Neon down, given the circumstances.

Anis, who had inadvertently trapped a heated casing, used her free hand to rub her chest and, with Moore's permission, grabbed the ammo belt strapped around Neon's waist and pulled her into the vehicle.

"What's the matter now!?"

"You're shooting too much!"

"There are a lot of Raptures, so it can't be helped—"

"Oh, no—"

Suddenly, from the ruins of a collapsed building in the direction the armored vehicle was heading—a Rapture appeared, walking on all fours. Unable to evade in time, it collided with the front bumper. The impact sent a tremendous shockwave through everyone inside the vehicle.

While the vehicle didn't overturn, the front part was severely damaged due to the collision with the Rapture. Perhaps a spark plug had broken, as the engine began to malfunction, rendering it immobile. The Rapture, thrown about 7 meters away from the impact, seemed to have suffered system errors, its single red eye flickering as it moved awkwardly.

"I messed up... my bad..."

"Don't worry about it... it's the Rapture that jumped out suddenly..."

"Thank you, Anis... The insurance...won't cover this , huh?... Take your equipment and disembark!"

It was time to bid farewell to the armored vehicle, which had become invaluable from the previous mission to investigate the power plant. Moore sighed with a sense of attachment, but in the next moment, he raised his voice and gave orders to the others.

Exiting the heavily damaged and chaotic interior of the armored vehicle, they disembarked one after another. The remaining ammunition for the heavy machine gun could be provided to the following vehicles—then it would be combat on foot.

First, they had to deal with the enemy machine that had carelessly jumped out.

With his backpack on, Moore shouldered his frustration as he aimed his assault rifle at the twitching Rapture, pulling the trigger and firing short bursts of three shots each four times.

"That bastard...!"

"Yes, yes, don't waste your shots."

Anis cautioned Moore, who might have emptied the entire magazine if left unchecked. The vehicle was expendable, and if they applied, they would likely be supplied with a new one.

Seeing an infantry fighting vehicle passing by at a distance, Moore, having vented his frustration to some extent, felt somewhat satisfied. He ordered the squad to advance, and they sprinted down the street.

"Next, let's requisition an infantry fighting vehicle. We need something that won't lose even if we collide head-on with Raptures."

"Sounds good!"

"No, it won't work. The maintenance costs and effort will double."

"But... it's just a regular vehicle, isn't it?"

"It's convenient, don't you think?"

"No, it won't work."

Rapi sighed in exasperation mixed with amusement at the prospect of Moore speaking without considering the assumption of running over Raptures. Anis laughed at Rapi's reaction, and just then, a message was relayed to Moore and the others through their earpiece and housing, creating a momentary noise in their auditory senses.

[Everyone! Brace for impact!]

Without any warning, Shifty's warning echoed in their ears, and the ground began to tremble. It was a shake so intense it felt like the ground itself was dancing.

Moore, who had trained his core, didn't lose his balance despite the shaking caused by the debris scattered around him, creating dust clouds as if struck by a major earthquake.

"Explosion successful! Modernia, ascending to the surface!"

The first phase of the operation was a success. Hearing the report, Moore sensed the subsiding tremors and signaled the three others to advance while issuing orders.

Their feet, momentarily halted by the upward thrust of the ground, started moving again. They continued their progress, marching alongside the infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles forming a convoy.

The turret of the infantry fighting vehicle rotated, and the elevation angle of the 30mm machine gun was slightly adjusted. They had spotted and captured a Rapture.

Firing a heavier caliber than the 50mm, the gun roared continuously, sending shells pulverizing the Raptures amid the debris of the destroyed buildings. Like poking a beehive, enemy machines swarmed out from everywhere.

"They're pouring out like crazy!"

This was not a matter of dozens; red singular eyes were visible everywhere.

It's a bit unfavorable—sensing this, Moore grabbed the microphone near his mouth and shouted to Shifty, requesting firepower support.

"Shifty! Requesting firepower support! Multiple spontaneous targets!"

[Confirmed, Commander! Connecting to the Fire Direction Center (FDC) for shooting commands!]

[Fire Direction Center (FDC) here! Please provide shooting requests!]

A skilled operator. Communication lines were immediately established with the Fire Direction Center, which controlled the artillery lined up in the rear. The mass-produced Nikkes relayed target coordinates, elevation, and enemy numbers to the artillery and inputted the necessary parameters for shooting.

[We'll conduct test shots from here! Impact in 20 seconds! Requesting observation!]

"Understood! Don't make any mistakes!—Incoming shells!"

Moore shouted a warning to the mass-produced Nikkes, who were engaged in combat after dismounting and taking cover among the debris. Meanwhile, as they continued to fire at the approaching swarm of Raptures from behind the debris, the sound of shells cutting through the air echoed around them.

At the moment they felt it, a 155mm shell struck 100 meters ahead, sending dirt, debris, and remnants of buildings soaring into the air. The area around the impact site was densely packed with Raptures, and the falling shell obliterated a large number of enemy machines upon impact and explosion, showering down onto the ground.

"No adjustment needed! Do it!"

[Roger! Commencing effective fire!]

A full-scale barrage began. Just moments after Moore shouted to convey this to the others around him, a massive number of shells rained down, centered around the previous impact site.

Sand, debris fragments, and Rapture components fell overhead with the shockwave, and small stones repeatedly dropped onto Moore's helmet, creating dry sounds.

The continuous impacts eventually came to a halt. Beyond the lingering dust clouds, it was unclear whether any enemies remained on the streets, but Rapture-like components were scattered on the road.

"Thanks for the swift firepower support!"

[You're welcome! Take care!]

"Thank you!—We're advancing! Check your magazines!"

Acknowledgments and responses of understanding echoed from various locations along the street. Moore directed his gaze toward his three subordinates who had taken cover behind nearby obstacles. When they nodded back at him, he stood up.





"Charge!! Forward!!!"




The order to charge was given with a particularly loud shout.

From this point on, they would sweep the Raptures and engage in close combat whenever encountered.

As Moore, leading the charge with his assault rifle in hand, rushed forward into the dust cloud, the three members of Counters followed closely behind him. The mass-produced Nikkes, as well as the infantry fighting vehicles, roared in unison, moving forward.

Most of the Raptures had been defeated by the previous gunfire, but there were still a few partially damaged enemy machines remaining.

As the dust settled, a quadrupedal Rapture suddenly appeared before them. Moore aimed his assault rifle from the hip and fired while charging, and at the moment he closed in, he struck the Rapture with the butt of his rifle.

Whether due to the gunfire or the impact, the machine slowed down, and in that moment, three more shots were fired, causing it to malfunction and cease functioning.

---...Our commander really is something else!

The order had always been given: when issuing a charge command, the leader should be at the forefront. However, Anis had never thought Moore would actually do it.

Watching Moore's back as he controlled the close combat with the Raptures, Anis couldn't help but smile wryly. She aimed her grenade launcher and fired grenades at the enemy machines wriggling in the distance.

[Confirmed Modernia's appearance to the northeast! Absolute squad, engage Modania in combat! Cafe Sweetie squad, plan for escape and rendezvous in the rear! All nearby Raptures, begin moving towards Modania's direction! Transitioning to the second phase now! — Emergency transmission, emergency transmission! To all units participating in the operation from the central government! Full firepower! Clear the way for the Special Operations Task Force to move!]

In the depths of their housings, Shifty's messages resounded through the auditory systems of all Nikkes participating in the operation.

"Understood! Major Moore, everyone from the Special Operations Task Force! Please proceed!"

"We'll clear the path!"

"These Raptures are nothing compared to the enemy!"

"When we get back, I want a photo together!"

"Ah, that's not fair!! Count me in too!"

Moore struck down the Rapture that reappeared with a buttstock blow and emptied the magazine with gunfire at close range. When her magazine ran out, the mass-produced Nikkes around Moore urged her to move forward. Some odd requests were made in the midst of it all.

"As long as we're both safe! I'll gladly take photos as many times as you want!"

"Yay! It's a promise—"

A beam of light—It instantly evaporated the head of one of the mass-produced Nikkes.

A Nikke who had likely been close friends with the fallen Nike witnessed the moment her friend was killed and rushed toward her, but it was too late.

In a semi-mad state, another mass-produced Nikke aimed her assault rifle at the Rapture that had likely killed her friend and fired multiple shots.

"Quickly, go! We'll handle things here!"

"I'm sorry! I'm counting on you!!"


Another Nikke rushed to assist the semi-mad mass-produced Nikke who kept pulling the trigger. She relayed the message to Moore while running.

Moore nodded and sprinted forward. At the same time, the members of the squad also began to run.

War is unforgiving and merciless. Treasure your friends and memory.

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts