
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 7

Volume 0, Episode 7

What could this mean?

As Moore continued through the travel route, which would take less than an hour to reach the designated coordinates, he furrowed his brow in bewilderment.

The cause of his confusion was a single phrase spoken by the operator Shifty in their recent communication:

──The Rapture in the target area doesn't have anti-air weaponry! That's why we sent the transport plane...──

Anise had inquired why they had dispatched an unprotected transport plane into enemy territory, and Shifty's response was as such.

Certainly, the battlefield is unpredictable, with situations changing rapidly. Therefore, changes in the enemy's equipment and weaponry shouldn't be surprising.

However, given that an operator from the Information Division asserted this, it couldn't be ignored.

Moore wasn't the only one feeling suspicious; it appeared that Rapi shared the sentiment. They had quickly requested Shifty to analyze the black box data from the transport plane.

But the analysis seemed to take some time. Since they couldn't wait for the results, they had resumed their movement, and then...

〈──Wait! We've detected a high-energy reaction in the direction of your advance! There's a possibility of a Lord-class Rapture!〉

"...A Lord-class?"

"You didn't learn about it at the officer academy!?"

〈Given that it's leading a platoon-sized group, they have high combat capabilities!〉

"Ugh, seriously! Why does something like that have to show up here?"

"Commander, I propose a temporary retreat."

Seems like it's turning into quite the unlucky day. After listening to their explanations, Moore let out a sigh. Today seemed to be relentlessly unfavorable. Maybe it was because of his past actions.

Given how cautious they were, there was no doubt that the opponent was formidable. Even Rapi seemed to consider retreating.

"But... what about the missing squad?"

"We'll probably have to abandon them. You're not unaware of the recovery rate of missing Nikkes' on the surface, are you? It's 0.2%."

"...But to just abandon them..."

Marian, with a pained expression, directed a greaving gaze toward him, as if clinging to him.

Don't look at me like that, he thought, but with a sigh, he pinched the microphone of his headset.

"──Operator. Is a Lord-class really that dangerous?"

〈It's dangerous! Based on the current forces, I've run simulations, and there's a 24.35% chance of a total wipeout!〉

"...The odds of success are higher than I thought."

He let out a light-hearted comment, but it was undeniable that it was not a good probability.

Retreat or advance.

Only he, as the commander, could make that decision.

What should he do?

Time was limited.

"──...Semper Fi…"

(Translator notes: Semper fidelis is a Latin phrase that means "always faithful".)




Uttering words that weren't in the common language, he, and not understanding their meaning, Lapi, and even Shifty, who handled communications, all looked confused.

But why was that? Moore couldn't shake the feeling that he had forgotten something crucial.

"──Commander, will you... give up?"

Marian asked again. Receiving her words and her downward glance, like clinging, he made up his mind.

"──I don't intend to give up on the mission. Even if it's a 0.1% chance, we'll move forward. Even If there's only a small chance of success."

As he asserted this, Marian gazed at him with a look that seemed to mix with relief and envy. Simultaneously, a warmth spread within her heart.

"If that's your order, then please give it. That's enough for us. We'll follow the commander's orders."

"──Understood. Squad, advance."

Upon receiving the order, Rapi and Marian nodded slightly, gripping their firearms firmly, and began moving forward.

Following them, Moore started walking with heightened vigilance of his surroundings. As he walked, Anise, who was walking next to him, directed a concerned gaze his way.

"...What's wrong?"

"─Commander, you might die, you know?"

He really might. He responded lightly. It was as if he was saying, "So what?"

"Unlike us Nikke, as long as we keep our heads safe, we'll be fine. But for a human commander, it's different. You could die easily. Is that okay? Are you fine with that?"

Considering the previous exchange, it was unclear whether she wanted him to give up or if she was genuinely worried about the fragile body of a human commander. Moore, who had only interacted with Anise for a few hours, couldn't make a judgment. However, the response was clear.

"──I'm gonna die someday."

Whether from enemy artillery, being caught in an explosion, or perhaps another way. A variety of deaths were guaranteed in the line of work he had chosen.

Sooner or later, inevitably, somewhere, he would meet an undignified end.

If that was the case, he had already made up his mind to use his life for the sake of others.

After all, he would die eventually. As a human, he couldn't escape it.

Might die? So what?

"──So there's no problem."

"...Then I won't say anything more. Okay. Got it."

Her determination was clear. Recognizing this, Anise nodded, slightly increasing her pace to catch up with the others who were advancing ahead.

"──Machine gunner(Marian) ! Flank to the right! Open fire!!"

"──Aren't there more of them than we thought!?"

As soon as both sides spotted each other, a firefight naturally erupted between them. The Raptures utilized energy beams, while the squad used solid projectiles.

Taking command immediately, Moore assessed the enemy positions and available cover, then yelled out orders to his squad to move.

As Marian positioned herself and Anis and Rapi took their designated spots, they opened fire barrage of bullets and rounds. Holding a submachine gun, Moore advanced while firing in short bursts of three shots.


Just as he was about to reach his own cover, Moore felt the Raptures' attention converge on him. He leaped for cover, performing an awkward somersault due to the excessive momentum, but thanks to his backpack, he avoided any debris piercing his back.




In an instant, multiple beams of light passed just overhead. He had just narrowly avoided being hit.



"Commander! Are you alright!?"

"No problem! Rapi, hand me a grenade!"

Lapi, noticing that the enemy's fire had focused on Moore, inquired about his safety. It wouldn't be a joke anymore if the squad got wiped out by an explosion. Among the squad members spaced about 7 meters apart, Rapi was the one closest to Moore.

Despite his voice being drowned by the violent gunshots, Rapi's relief was palpable when she heard a clear voice in response.

Releasing a sigh of relief, he retrieved the requested grenade from her pouch at her waist. Confirming that the pin and the trigger's safety mechanism were properly set, Moore hurled the grenade towards the shadow of his cover.

The grenade, arching gently, was caught by the hand emerging from the shadow of the cover, which was adorned with the sleeve of a military uniform.

Peeking slightly from behind the cover, Moore verified the current position of the advancing group of Raptures, then firmly squeezed the trigger of the grenade in his hand with one hand. He pulled the pin and threw it, reminiscent of a shot put throw in track and field.

"──Frag out!!"

As the thrown grenade left his hand, the pressure on the trigger, which had been compressed until that moment, released, and the firing pin struck the detonator, initiating the countdown to the explosion.

Informing the squad members loudly enough for all of them to hear that he had thrown a grenade, Moore immediately resumed firing his submachine gun. Eventually, the grenade dropped into the center of the enemy group, which had advanced to about 100 meters away, as if being drawn in by them. Slightly delayed from the explosion, the internal explosive ignited, and the main charge exploded.

Shrapnel flew and caused damage to the surrounding Raptures, but it wasn't a decisive blow.

However, it was enough to halt their advance.

"──Keep firing!! Anis! Lob grenades into the multi-level parking garage!!"


"Just do it quickly!!"

"Ugh, seriously!"

If the enemies on the street momentarily halted, they would become easy targets. Moore's command prompted a barrage of bullets and grenades to be unleashed, making it difficult for the Raptures to dodge left or right.

Anise was puzzled by the additional order directed at her, but after a moment of hesitation, she complied. Firing multiple grenades towards the empty multi-level parking garage, where there were no enemies, she aimed to stop their movement.

Upon impact, the grenades exploded, and concrete fragments of varying sizes rained down towards the ground. Crushed by the mass of the falling debris, they pummeled the Raptures beneath.

If the destroyed Raptures triggered explosions, their fragments would be scattered among the surrounding enemies, gradually reducing their numbers.

"Clear out the remaining enemies! Squad, advance!!"

The standing young man, holding his submachine gun, started reducing their numbers while moving forward. He targeted the conspicuous Raptures, which stood out more than the other Lord-class entities, who were leading the smaller Raptures. Pulling the trigger, firing flames erupted from the barrel, and spent casings scattered on the ground as he began walking. Rapi was the first to follow, and then Marian and Anis.

The smaller Raptures accompanying the Lord-class, perhaps attempting to protect them, were obliterated by bullets almost instantly. The final blow to the remaining Lord-class was delivered by the gunshot from the young man.

Upon recognizing the enemy group reduced to wreckage, Moore ordered the squad to cease firing and regroup.

As he was about to inquire about the damages from the approaching trio, he felt a slight discomfort in his left leg.


If he were to speculate, it might have been when he somersaulted into cover. It could have been a protruding piece of rebar or a fragment of concrete that sliced through his left thigh.

Today was certainly a cursed day.

Setting down his backpack, Moore leaned his back against the body of a car that had turned into wreckage decades ago. With both hands, he lightly tore the fabric of his uniform's slacks to examine the wound.

"Commander! Are you hurt!?"

"I'm fine. ...No major blood vessels were damaged. Give me a damage report."

Waving his hand to stop Marian, who was rushing over with a changed expression, he used his fingertip to assess the wound. As he had said, the vital blood vessels were unharmed. That was a relief. The wound was about 1 cm deep, with a surface gash of about 10 cm.

Rummaging through his backpack, he retrieved a pouch containing an IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) with emergency medical supplies and a canteen.

"...Wouldn't hurt to have some antibiotics in here..."

While surgical treatment was important for injuries sustained on the battlefield, it was also necessary to address the risk of infection or tetanus that could arise later. Moore murmured his thoughts with a click of his tongue.

Finishing the makeshift treatment for now, he opened the canteen and thoroughly washed the wound. Then, inexplicably, there was a disposable stapler for medical use included, even though there were no syringes or ampoules. Although he had duct tape that could be used as a substitute, he decided to go with the stapler as it would provide a more secure closure.

Aligning the torn edges of the wound with his fingers, he used the stapler to pin them together multiple times with a series of "clicks."

Since there was no anesthetic, there was pain, but it was bearable. He finished suturing the wound and wrapped it with an emergency bandage, completing the treatment.

"──Instead of staring, could you give me a report? If I keep being watched by three beautiful women, I might develop some strange fetish."

He could hear the report during the short time tooking to perform the treatment, but Moore noticed that even Lapi was holding her breath by the sight of him personally operating the treatment. As if to cover up their worries, the squad members hurriedly started giving their reports.

Author notes:

"The current IFAK does not include a stapler, so my apologies for the gruesome scene."

Reactions of the three watching the treatment:

Rapi & Anis: "Uwahhhh..."

Marian: "Commander... (hawawawa..)"

I read the story, but this author truly put to perspective how gruesome war could be in details like this. That wound definitely hurts like a bi*ch.

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts