
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 11

Volume 1, Chapter 2

Upon arriving at the office, Moore first informed the secretary, including the two Nikes, that they had followed orders to report. The secretary nodded and relayed the information via internal communication, then immediately granted permission for them to enter.

After finishing expressing his gratitude, Moore moved to the door of the Vice Commander's office, and as the door automatically opened, he entered with a salute.

At the other end of his gaze, he recognized the Vice Commander who was working at his desk with a terminal in hand. Moore's heels clicked as he adopted a rigid posture, placing his right hand with all five fingers aligned against the brim of his military cap and shading his eyes.

"──Lieutenant Moore and the other two have reported at 0930 as ordered."

"──Good. Relax your posture."

Instead of saluting, the Vice Commander, with his gaze directed at them, ordered them to relax. In response, Moore removed his cap, placed it under his left arm, and with both hands behind his lower back, he spread his legs to shoulder width. The two women also adopted a more comfortable posture.

"...Welcome. I'm Anderson, serving as the Vice Commander of the headquarters. Feel free to call me whatever you like."

He said "feel free," but the rank insignia on his epaulets indicated he was a Major General. Given Moore had just been commissioned, there was no way he would be permitted to choose how to address him so insolently. All Moore could do was maintain silence.

The one who appeared to be troubled by this was Anderson. He intended his previous comment as a joke to lighten the mood, but quickly cleared his throat, seeming to transition for the main topic.

"...The reason I called you here is that I want to run a test. It's not too difficult, so I hope you'll approach it with ease."

"A test, you say?"

It was quite a sudden order. Moore repeated it to confirm, and Anderson nodded.

"I want you to head to the simulation room as you are now. You'll hear the details there. And after the test in the simulation room with these two, Lieutenant Moore, you're heading to Central University Hospital immediately."

This was another unexpected order. It seemed Moore had an additional task assigned to him. But why the suddenness? That was what raised questions.

Looking at it positively, it might involve a thorough examination. However, the feeling that he might be used as guinea pigs for some experiment was hard to shake off—perhaps that's just his overthinking.

"...That's all."

"Huh? Did you call us here just for that?"


This is the Vice Commander we're talking to. Watch your words. Rapi wanted to say that to Anis or scold her.

However, Anis wasn't satisfied either. She had come here to discuss something that could have been handled in writing. Moreover, the Vice Commander had personally named them, which made it all the more perplexing.

"What is it? If something's bothering you, you only have to ask."

Please, not by my side when discussing something that could make my stomach ache. Moore's forehead wrinkled slightly, showing he was at least somewhat nervous.

"I just wanted to meet you two in person. Isn't that enough of a reason?"

With a faint wry smile, Anderson's response seemed to stump even Anis, who had pressed on.

Is the conversation over? Just as they thought so, Anderson muttered, "Oops."

"I almost forgot. Lieutenant Moore, come over here."

Moore, who had been mentioned by name, blinked his deep brown eyes a few times, then walked a measured pace toward the front of the desk where Anderson was seated. Acknowledging this, the Vice Commander stood up from his chair, moving closer to him.

Both had a similar build, but Moore was slightly taller. The situation now put Moore in a position where he looked down at the Vice Commander.

"...Congratulations. You've been promoted to Second Lieutenant."


As Anderson announced his promotion, he removed the bronze rectangular rank insignia, vertically elongated, from the shoulders of Moore's uniform. Then, he proceeded to attach silver insignia of the same shape, indicating the rank of Second Lieutenant, onto both shoulders.

"...While I appreciate the gesture, I've only recently been commissioned..."

"...Standing shoulder to shoulder with Nikke, facing enemies and artillery on the battlefield, not to mention fighting Blacksmith and surviving. The government doesn't have the luxury to let such a commander play around."

Think of it as prepayment for trouble. Moore felt like he heard such delusions in his ears.

"While this is meant as a congratulation for your promotion... I'll give this back to you."

Anderson casually opened the lid of a briefcase he had placed on the desk, revealing a .45 caliber automatic pistol inside.

Needless to say, Moore had found this pistol during the previous operation, but after their return, it had been submitted to the central government along with the belongings of the pilots.

This was due to the rule that items found on the ground were essentially owned by the Central Government.

"We've examined it, but it's just an old model pistol. It won't contribute to any new technologies. Apparently, its only strength lies in its durability. Therefore, it's come to me. I'll return it to you."

As Moore accepted the pistol and closed the briefcase offered by the Vice Commander, he unconsciously spoke his thoughts.

"Your Excellency, may I ask a question?"

Anderson, appearing puzzled, glanced at the wristwatch on his left wrist to check the time, then nodded slightly, prompting him to continue.

"Marian...who I led with the operation before, and the one I took care of disposing of the Nikke affected by corrosion. I've been pondering if the corrosion might have started while she was inside the Ark. I apologize if this question is inappropriate, but if you happen to know something, I'd appreciate it."

Rapi and Anis, waiting behind, held their breath upon hearing his question. They probably hadn't even considered asking this.

However, Anderson seemed satisfied with hearing the question. After all...

"...I can't answer that question. The only thing I can say for sure is that the Ark's protective barrier is sturdy. It's absolutely impossible to breach."

"...Your Excellency, thank you for answering such a bold question."

—The crime wasn't committed from outside but from within. The Vice Commander himself vouched for that. There was nothing else to be satisfied with.

Anderson had to attend a meeting soon, so he urged Moore and the others to leave the room.

Doing a neat about-face turn, Moore returned to Lapi and Anis while maintaining a steady pace. But unexpectedly, the Vice Commander stopped Moore.

"—Wait a moment, Lieutenant. I have one more question for you."

Just at the midpoint between them and the Vice Commander, Moore halted and turned on the spot to face Anderson.

"What can I help you with, Your Excellency?"

"Let's say, hypothetically, someone intentionally embedded a corrosion code into Nike for some reason. And let's say that 'someone' was something so massive that you couldn't even hope to confront it—Lieutenant, what would you do?"

"Why are you asking me about something like that?"

"Just a bit of curiosity."

"Probably... well, if it were me, I would make an effort to be compensated."

"Compensated? Compensation for what?"

Anderson repeated the words Moore had spoken. Before he could ask what kind of compensation, Moore's lips curled into a faint smile, and his pupils in his deep brown eyes contracted.

"...Of course, it would be the life of that individual."

"I see. Understood. You may go."

"Excuse me."

Although he should have been outside the door, he was facing them directly. Moore put on his cap and saluted Anderson, then, after a light acknowledgment, he left the room alongside the two women while holding the briefcase in his left hand.

After seeing them off, Anderson took out a handkerchief from his uniform pocket and wiped away the cold sweat trickling from his temple.

"...Indeed, just as expected."


"...Even Lieutenant too is participating, what's up with that?"

"...Are you dissatisfied?"

"Not exactly. How should I put it... In the previous operation, things were tough and I didn't have any spare time, but why you could use firearms for Nikke' ones ? It's still odd."

It's troublesome to be told such things at this point. Moore, his bitter expression evident on his face, along with Lapi and Anis, had entered the armory adjacent to the simulation room.

Rapi had received an explanation from Ingrid, the CEO of the company that manufactured Nikke, during the briefing session, and they were currently preparing before heading into the simulation.

Since the women were already armed, they were loading rubber bullets into the magazines provided for the simulation. Meanwhile, Moore was in the process of selecting a firearm to use.

The shelves were packed with various types of firearms. Moore picked up each one, trying to see if it felt comfortable in his hands, but none of them seemed to fit. While being picky wasn't the best approach, it was still wise to choose something that felt comfortable.

"...Even if I say it's odd, it's not like I have a choice. Well... it's not bad, but it's kind of mediocre."

Elysion-manufactured firearms were likely all excellent, but none seemed to suit Moore's hands. None felt right. He looked around the shelves, wondering if there was a Tetra Line-made assault rifle like the one he used in the previous operation, but it appeared to be absent.

Interestingly, the assault rifle he put back on the shelf, referring to it as "mediocre," was the same model that Lapi was going to use. Anis didn't miss the fact that Rapi, upon hearing this, narrowed her red eyes with a somewhat offended expression.

"Be careful with your words, Lieutenant. You never know when Lapi might accidentally shoot you in the back."

"Huh? Me?"

Anis playfully teased him while laughing mischievously, and to Rapi too. However, Moore just shook his head in response.

"...Let's get on with it, LIEUTENANT. Time is pressing."

Why did Lapi's words feel like a thorn? Had he done something wrong?

Becoming increasingly perplexed, Moore finally decided:

"...I'll go with this one."

"...Wait, didn't you just call that one 'mediocre' earlier?"

"It's because it fits reasonably well in my hand."

In the end, he chose the assault rifle that he had just returned to the shelf. Its appearance was similar to the one Lapi had modified to her liking by removing the grenade launcher.

Taking hold of the assault rifle, Moore picked up a magazine that fit its specifications and started loading rubber bullets into it.

Anis, who was next to her, naturally didn't miss the sight of Rapi, who seemed to have somewhat improved her mood.


Author notes:

"I mean, doesn't it feel unpleasant when someone criticizes the gun you're using? Well... it does (intense sincerity).

In the simulation room, it feels like live ammunition is being used, but upon closer thought, it's indoors, and I had this strong feeling that if we shot recklessly, ricochets might occur. So, I went with rubber bullets. I hope you don't mind."

Rapi is such a kuudere~~~

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts