
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs


Author: I appreciate your swift reading of "Victory Goddess: NIKKE -The Last Kiss-." Thank you.


The wreckage of enemy aircraft lay in a pitiful state on the narrow snow-covered road. 

At the moment the chilly wind, pregnant with dry air, swept through, a gunshot echoed.

"─Ha... Ha... Damn..."

The tall youth, panting heavily, separated from the just-finished Rapture, leaned against a rock, lending his shoulder to Nikke, a young woman with chestnut-colored hair, as they began to walk together.

"Commander... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... Do you think I'd die from something like this...?"

Wearing a weak smile, the youth – Moore – dragged his right leg, leaving a trail of fresh blood on the snow, and continued to support his subordinate, enduring the pain.

The helmet, impacted by a large-caliber solid round during the engagement, had its chin strap severed, and it had flown off somewhere. The body armor's fabric seemed torn by shrapnel from explosive rounds, revealing the ceramic plates inside. It was unfortunate, especially since he liked it. Even the sunglasses shattered from the blast's impact, and he had thrown them away.

A large shard embedded in the right thigh, just above the attachment point of the prosthetic leg, dripped fresh blood onto the snow, causing constant pain. Yet, he endured it and led Anis towards the lighthouse.

"─Commander... Anis...!"

"...Rapi... Neon... Are you both okay...?"

" Somehow... Master, I'm alright."

"...That's good..."

Everyone had suffered some degree of damage.

Rapi reported to Moore that Neon, almost alone, continued to engage the approaching enemy aircraft, having sustained damage from the explosion of explosive rounds. It would take a while for her to move freely.

"I have a damage rate of 51.80%... The damage is concentrated on the lower body... I don't want to make excuses, but... I was shot from behind..."

"...No, you did well."

Although unmanned, the lighthouse's light still rotated, delivering a light of tens of thousands of candelas toward the sea.

Recognizing the presence of all his subordinates near the entrance of the lighthouse, Moore reached for his canteen to drink water.

Drinking a few mouthfuls would provide some relief.

Closing the lid and returning it to his back, Moore belatedly realized that there was no sign of the Exotic.

"...Where's the Exotic?"

"During the battle, it got caught in the explosion and was thrown over here. After that... I don't know."

Rapi reported to Moore while looking up at him, describing the scene witnessed during the battle.

Not knowing the situation was far from ideal.

"...I'll go look for them."


"Commander, um...! Going alone is dangerous! The enemy might not be completely eliminated yet...!"

Anis's eyes widened. A large shard was still stuck in his right thigh. Treatment was urgently needed.

At the same time, Rapi also tried to stop him. Not only because of the extent of the injuries but also because there might be surviving Rapture in the vicinity.

"...If there were survivors, they would have attacked us by now. More importantly... I need to find the Exotic quickly. If the damage is significant, they might not be able to move."

And above all – looking away is dangerous, his instincts whispered.

The headset, with one housing missing, felt oddly uncomfortable. He discarded the broken device on the spot. Moore checked the assault rifle's chamber, confirming the presence of a loaded round, and began to walk – at that moment.




A dry, rattling sound accompanied the rolling of a metal tube on the frozen snow-covered road, punctuated by multiple holes.




"Flashbang Grenade──"

In the moment he attempted to shout its identity as a warning, the explosive, primarily magnesium-filled aluminum case inside the steel body detonated.

Emitting an explosion sound of 170-180 decibels and a flash of over one million candelas within a 15-meter radius, it would have surpassed the lighthouse's light for a moment.

Moore, who was nearby, was bathed in a flash intense enough to sear his retinas white. Even for a brief moment, the detonation rattled his eardrums with a noise greater than a jet engine.

Sudden vision impairment, deafness, ringing in the ears─he nearly lost his sense of balance.

"Jackal, bite them."

The voice that echoed immediately after the flashbang exploded was impossible for him to grasp.

As strength left his knees, amidst the high-pitched ringing in his head, he felt the sensation of hard metal against his temple.

─A gun barrel.

The moment he sensed its true nature, he lifted what seemed to be a rigid cylindrical object like a gun barrel with one arm.

Forcefully pushing it, he felt the impact of colliding with something---that seemed somewhat rigid for a human body.

Judging from the intervals of the transmitted shocks through his palm, he deduced it was an assault rifle or a firearm with a long barrel.

He grabbed near the area where the mechanism would be with his opposite hand, delivering a butt stroke.

It seemed to have hit solidly. Another shock transmitted through his palm─


─He knelt, struck in the right thigh. Following the delay, heat and intense pain surged.

He had been shot─he sensed it.


Due to the intense ringing in his ears, he couldn't tell whose voice it was, even if it was familiar.

However, recovery was undeniably taking place.

As evidence, his vision, which had been dyed white, gradually but steadily regained clarity.


It had probably only been a few seconds in terms of time. However, perhaps it would have been better for his mental well-being if his vision hadn't returned at all.

What appeared in his now restored vision was Crow aiming at his subordinates with gun barrels, and the figure of Jackal.

Crow held two submachine guns in his hands. He casually directed one of the gun barrels towards Moore's feet.

Despite the persistent ringing in his ears, the muzzle flash emanating from the flash hider of the aimed barrel vividly reflected in the still-bright world.

That submachine gun is also a firearm designed for dealing with Rapture. The projectile that flew out of its barrel bounced off the armored remains of Rapture rolling at his feet, hitting Moore's body armor. When he fell backward from the impact, the sling belt snapped, and he dropped the assault rifle.

"──...ugh...! Cough...!"

Fortunately, it didn't penetrate. However, an intense impact pierced through his chest. Probably, the ceramic plate had shattered from just that shot.

Breathing became difficult.

"──Sturdier than I thought."

The ringing echoes in his ears, and his sense of balance was paralyzed. Nevertheless, he forcibly moved his muscles, attempting to stand up.

"──Don't...point your gun...at my...subordinates!"

"No! Commander! Don't move!! You'll die!!"

The pain and heat that ran through his right thigh indicated that Crow's bullets grazed him, evidence of the skin and flesh being torn. Anis couldn't help but scream at the sight of blood staining the snow-covered road, but Moore, with his left eye reddened, stood up while reaching for the leg holster on his right leg with his right arm.

"──Darling. This is a return gift."

A sweet voice struck his ears, which were gradually regaining normal hearing.

Evade, his body pleaded, but it was short-lived. The butt of a shotgun collided with his right arm.

It seemed to be a perfect hit. The right arm, trying to grab the pistol, swayed powerlessly from the elbow.

At this level, the pain seemed distant. Even if a joint dislocated, he could barely sense something like an impact.

"──...Just in case...have you been...corrupted?"

Moving his shoulder up and down, adjusting his breathing, he surveyed the Exotic squad members lined up in front of him.

"No, we're normal."

Certainly, their eyes didn't emit ominous red light.

"──Rather, it's these girls who've been corrupted."

Crow casually pointed his chin towards Moore's subordinates.

"Not Rapture, but by humans."

When she uttered the word "humans," she turned her gaze towards Moore.

"I don't know what nonsense you're talking about, and I don't want to know...! But what you just did...if reported to the higher-ups, it's instant execution without trial...You know that, right...!"

Even as Jackal's launcher was aimed at Anis, she bravely looked up at Crow.

Hearing that, Crow shrugged.

"Yeah, I know. I know very well. ──But even with that in mind, it's probably better to kill your commander now."




To kill──










While the three pairs of eyes belonging to them were repeating rough breaths, Crow slowly approached the young man bleeding from the thigh where he had been hit.

"──Normal human commanders can be replaced if they die. In this world teeming with Rapture for the sake of Nikke's assimilation treatment, you wouldn't risk your precious life."

"...Is that so?"

"Yeah, that's right. ──However, you're different. At first, I thought it was hypocrisy, but...it wasn't."

Crow, approaching closely, and seeing that the muzzles of the submachine guns were all lowered onto the snowy ground, Moore tried to aim his left hand at the fighting knife.

However, as if swapping with Crow, Viper approached the vicinity of his subordinates, witnessing the sight of a shotgun pointed at them.

Instantly, he lost strength in his left hand.

Despite standing on two legs, Moore was visibly trembling, especially his right knee. The fact that the eye level with Crow, who had come within arm's reach, was still so close was evidence of imminent collapse.

Emerald eyes—those were vividly displayed with an oddly vibrant color.

"──Shaw, you're special. Truly splendid, a leader that appears only once in a hundred years."

"...Don't praise me too much, will ya?"

Just when he wondered what she would say. Despite struggling to breathe, he thought it wouldn't make him laugh, but he lightly coughed. Perhaps a rib was broken.

"But you know. Someone like you messes up my plan. Nikke and humans, Outlaws and Formals, the weak and the strong."

Wiping away the beads of sweat trickling down his cheek, Crow gently placed her hand on his cheek and spoke like a persuasion.

"Two extremes that can never coexist like water and oil──I want them to fight to the death and self-destruct along with the Ark. If there are people with leadership qualities like you, they might dream of a third way. That's no good."

Pushing away the hand on his cheek, Crow's face drew closer. Lips with well-defined shapes lightly pressed against his cheek, and eventually, as she moved away from his body, the hand holding a submachine gun gradually lifted.

"──So, you will die with that sublime justice of yours."


──He had never held up such a thing.

He was about to laugh through his nose inadvertently, but just in time, Moore stopped himself.

He had only chosen the path he considered right. Calling it justice would be too foolish and stained with mud and blood.

"──Stupid...thing...! Nikke...would never...kill humans...!"

"Don't move~"

Whether she was trying to approach Moore, who was down, or not, Rapi, still crouched, tried to move forward, but the shotgun barrel held by Viper above her head was pointed at her.

"Is that so? I don't think so. There seems to be something called NIMPH in my head, just like you guys, but unfortunately, my hatred for this world is stronger than brainwashing, and I can do this kind of thing."

While keeping the gun pointed at Moore, Crow, who was stepping back step by step, came to a stop.

With the muzzle of the directed submachine gun, once again, aimed at the scattered armor of Rapture after a renewed conflict.

As soon as the trigger was pulled, the ejected warhead bounced off the armor.

The bounced warhead──was slammed into his abdomen.


──The ceramic plate seemed to have fulfilled its role once again. However, this time, it was likely that its purpose had finally been served.

Collapsed in the shape of a 'く' on the snowy road, Moore, with his body contorted, bit down on his teeth and struggled to stand up once again.

If an ordinary person were shot with a weapon designed for dealing with Rapture, even if protected by bulletproof gear, they should have died from internal rupture or shock. However, he is still alive, and Crow can't help but admire the strength of his vitality. Crow adjusts the angle of the gun barrel, aiming for a headshot this time.


Even though he is half-dead, it seems he can still raise his voice.


"──...What will happen...to my subordinates...!"

Thinking it might be a plea for mercy, Crow was surprised to find out it was not. Unexpected──she didn't think so. Rather, she felt that was the case.

"Well, what should I do now?"

"──You're targeting only me, right? What about my subordinates...!"

"...Oh, right. I'll help you. If I kill you, we'll leave without laying a finger on them."

"──...Don't break the promise...!"

"...Of course. I won't imitate the Central Government."

Moore rises with a grunt. Crow is slightly surprised this time that he still has the strength to stand up.

While holding his right arm that sways awkwardly, he drags his right leg and eventually stops in front of the cliff of the promontory where the lighthouse stands, facing Crow.

Repeating rough breaths and feeling the heaviness all over his body, Moore removes the battered body armor.

Then, he loosens the collar of the cold-weather combat suit and cuts off the ball chain with two identification tags hanging from his neck.

With a jar, the identification tags fall to the ground, and Crow, facing them, drops her gaze. Despite the apparent lack of composure, the young man's resolute and rugged face remains unchanged.

"──...Thank you..."




──Just being shot dead is not a soldier's way to die.

──I'll pass on such a way to die.

──If I'm going to die, being shot dead head-on is preferable.




Eyes that shine vividly, not resembling someone on the brink of death.

It's somewhat regrettable to kill him, Crow finds herself thinking. However, keeping him alive would interfere with the plan.

"──No... no...! No, don't... Commander...!"

"──Master... please escape...!"

──There's no way he can escape. Leave his subordinates behind.

Taking a deep breath, he turns to Crow again and sends a glance to Rapi.

──Ahhh....so she can make such a face.

Feeling that he saw something good at the end, Moore smiled faintly and shrugged his shoulders.

"──I'm going to be executed by a gun... there's one thing I want to say before that."

"What is it?"

Hurry up and say it, Crow urges.

Unfortunately, there's only one member in the firing squad. It would have been better if the scale were a bit larger, but luxury is out of the question.

The only words he leaves behind are just one.




"──Calm down and aim well. You are about to kill a human being."




A revolutionary, whom one philosopher described as "the most perfect human being of the 20th century," imparts one of his last words to Crow.

"──Good words."

Crow's mouth corners twitch upward, and Moore's lips also lift slightly.

The gun barrels are aimed at the scattered armor on the snowy road, and the triggers are pulled.












"──No, noooo!! Commander!!"

She intended to target his heart but missed slightly. Crow, with a click of her tongue, gazes at Moore reflexively clutching his chest with his left hand.

The fresh blood overflowing from the gap in his left hand is copious, rapidly staining the ground beneath him red.



"──Aim properly and shoot!! The one in front of you is just an ordinary man!! Shoot! You coward!!"



As if squeezing out the last bit of strength, he spits out blood, urging Crow to shoot him.

There's no need to be told.

Once again, she directs the gun barrel toward the armor and pulls the trigger.










This time, the bullet surely──

"───... Ha... ahh..."




──Throws his head back, reflecting the night sky in his entire field of vision.




"──...Beautiful... ."




Even though there might have been various memories flashing before his eyes, he inexplicably felt grateful to Crow.

With his head thrown back, his tall body leans backward.

Behind him is a cliff.

The night sea is dark and cold.










Into that darkness──his body fell.

Bonus Chapter

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts