
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Ch 96: Injuries, Problems, Invitation

The author, who was caught off guard by the information revealed in the collaboration event with Chainsaw Man, that "Ark-made weapons generally have fingerprint authentication, making it impossible for others to use," is now hurriedly trying to reconcile this information within the story. (Could you have disclosed such information earlier?! However, if it was already mentioned and I overlooked it, that's my oversight, and I apologize!!)


「──Bring a stretcher! We need a stretcher!」

「──Hold on! Are you okay!?」

──I should have held back quite a bit.

In the spacious training facility beneath the Central Government Military Headquarters building, equipped for various training purposes, there was a ring surrounded by ropes, commonly used in combat sports such as boxing.

Amidst the commotion of people trying to transport a fallen soldier on the ring, Moore, wearing headgear and gloves, stood in a perplexed manner.

It all began as part of training, an education in hand-to-hand combat for self-defense. The instructor for this session was a member of the Triangle Unit. Thinking it would be entertaining, members of the unit gathered around the ring, and heckling escalated, leading to the impromptu decision to conduct a training session in the form of a match.

Perhaps because of a previous encounter or due to their individual personalities, members of the Triangle Unit held some animosity and rivalry towards Moore. It wasn't clear why they harbored such feelings since Moore hadn't pulled the trigger of a pointed gun at them. Maybe they assumed that, being taller and more robust than Moore, the instructor, they couldn't possibly lose.

Or perhaps──they believed that reports of the squad led by Moore's accomplishments and activities were likely exaggerated.

Handling weapons designed for Rapture, in other words, for Nikke, and being capable of fighting creatures like the Lord or Tyrant classes, it would make sense for them to harbor such thoughts based on common sense.

However, they didn't know. Moore never exaggerated in his reports.

The instructor, standing at almost 200 cm tall, faced Moore. The moment the gong sounded, Moore's figure probably seemed to disappear from the instructor's field of vision.

A momentary pause of thought──right after that, a powerful impact struck the instructor's lower abdomen, and the giant weighing 110 kg was blown away like feathers, caught in the ropes stretched in all directions.

At this point, the instructor had already lost consciousness, and he fell onto the ring, supported by the recoil of the ropes.

What happened? The Triangle Unit members who were making noise around the ring fell silent, shocked by the anticlimactic ending.

It was like a body blow in boxing. The Triangle Unit members barely captured the moment Moore struck the instructor, but they couldn't have imagined that their comrade, the tallest and most robust in the unit, would be effortlessly blown away.

They only truly understood the reality when the instructor collapsed on the ring.

Ignoring the commotion, Moore walked towards his corner, arms spread wide, leaning against the ropes, and cracked his neck, creating a momentary resting pose. Seeing this, the unit members interpreted it as a sign of composure, further fueling their desire to compete.


「──You... injuring thirteen people and sending them to the hospital. What were you thinking? At a time when the training will end tomorrow...」

「──More than that, I personally think the thing that resembles a vigilante act is a bigger issue. I have to undergo an interrogation in the afternoon.」

──What a hassle.

Seeing the expression on Moore's face, Yulha, rubbing her eyes, let out a deep sigh.

The cafeteria was crowded during lunch hours, and many military personnel were having their meals at their respective tables. Moore and Yulha were sitting at a table in a corner for lunch, and Admi was sitting next to Moore. However, the one who caused the morning's disturbances acted as if it had nothing to do with him.

「...Even if it was a practice match, do you think dislocating an elbow or causing internal organ rupture is normal?」

「And what about having your jaw crushed or most of your ribs broken?」

---You know it well. A bit of a nosebleed would be cute. It could be laughed off, but this is something I can't overlook. Especially among soldiers from other factions. The story of you sending numerous Central Government soldiers to the hospital will spread from person to person, giving rise to various speculations.

No, it seems to have already started. The glances directed toward him as he eats are the best proof.

「...Is it really that bad?」

「Well, it's not great. ─ Admi-kun, do you want this?」

「I'll take it.」

「Don't give it, and Admi too. Don't take it.」

Yulha, who prevented Moore from transferring part of his lunch to Admi's plate, let out another deep sigh. She has been thinking about how to handle the aftermath since receiving the report, but she can't come up with any ideas.

As it happened under her jurisdiction, the supervisory responsibility falls on her as the person in charge of the training. Considering the various other issues she already has on her plate, the fact that additional unnecessary work has been added is undeniable.

Even so, Yulha couldn't help but direct her gaze to Moore and Admi, who were sitting next to each other, while rubbing her eyes. When did they become such close friends? The sight of Adomi naturally sitting next to him now brought a hint of surprise to her.

「...Are you considering giving an explanation?」

「An explanation? I was just attacked out of the blue. If I have to speak at a military court, I'll just say I had to suppress him, and that's it.」

If he just apologized sincerely, it wouldn't add to the trouble. Yulha let out another sigh. It was a sigh mixed with a lot of amazement.

In these past few days, Moore's evaluation as a person who conducted the training was, "Excellent, but not suitable for organizational work." To be precise, he might not be someone easily tamed by others.

Thinking about that, Yulha momentarily felt a kind of admiration for Anderson, his direct superior. However, that admiration was short-lived. Seeing the problematic figure under her supervision, Yulha stopped rubbing her eyes and turned to him.

「In this incident, among the injured soldiers, there's a son of a high-ranking government official.」


「Not 'oh.'」

Moore, who continued to handle his perfectly cooked chili con carne with 100% of various ingredients, brought it to his mouth. It was a meal that undoubtedly ignored half of Yulha's complaints, considering it more delicious than combat rations.

「Tch... being so carefree when you don't know what retaliation awaits you...」

「I've long passed the age where special treatment is allowed. ─ So, where is that guy?」

「Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. Liver damage and intra-abdominal bleeding. Privaty is probably questioning conscious people about the situation by now.」


──Is that all?

Although it shouldn't be compared, Moore was comparing his own injury history to the injuries he inflicted on the squad member an hour ago, injuries so severe that it's unknown when he'll fully recover.

Seeing Moore's nonchalant response, Yulha couldn't help but frown. How far does this man treat everything as if it doesn't concern him?

「...Uh, for example... if there were to be retaliation, what kind of...?」

「Who knows? I have no idea what goes on in the minds of those upper-class people.」

「It's better to prepare for it not being settled peacefully.」

「...It's a hassle. If I just say it was a joke, maybe they'll let it slide.」

If he could do that, there would be no trouble, and Yulha couldn't help but let out another deep sigh, or rather, she had already sighed enough.

Moore, who finished his meal a step ahead, stood up. Admi, who had been sitting next to him munching away, tried to stand up to see him off, but he stopped her and headed towards the return area with his empty plate.


〈──So, a Board of Inquiry, you say...〉

「I'm on the verge of facing a court-martial.」

That night, Moore, seated in his assigned room, disassembled his handgun for cleaning and maintenance, a diversion to soothe his mind. Meanwhile, he connected a video call and explained the situation to Rapi, whose image appeared on the screen of his mobile device.

Before a court-martial, a Board of Inquiry is convened, gathering evidence and creating records. Although the Board of Inquiry corresponds to the first trial, it doesn't strictly align with a trial.

In cases deemed not as serious as those deliberated in a court-martial during a Board of Inquiry, where they might decide it's not necessary to proceed to the court-martial, disciplinary action is more likely.

The most severe consequence would be a dishonorable discharge, though there are subtle differences for each type of discharge. If that's imposed, it's the end.

Stripped of military status forcibly, they lose all rights available to retired soldiers, such as military pensions and retirement pay. Moreover, their citizenship is suspended. In other words, living a daily life in the Ark becomes impossible.

「...Well, I probably won't face a dishonorable discharge or be sent to a reformation facility. Probably, but...」

〈...You were supposed to go for training...〉

「...Could you not say it in such an exasperated tone? I don't think I went too far. Yeah.」

It seemed that Moore, clad in a black short-sleeved shirt, was shown in her screen, polishing the springs, which were parts disassembled from his handgun. In his screen, Rapi, in a sleeveless shirt, could be seen maintaining a disassembled assault rifle. They were both using cloths to polish the parts. Although they didn't look at the screen frequently, it was strangely clear that both of them understood the expressions the other wore.

〈...Based on your story, it seems like self-defense, but since I wasn't there at the scene... what about an inquiry?〉

「Clearly, it went too far, and it might be interpreted as an attack out of lingering resentment from the past.」

〈...You were attacked persistently?〉

「Me? No way. I settled it all in one go. There was no retaliation.」

〈...Evidence for that?〉

「I told them to check the surveillance cameras.」

That's probably the only thing he could say, but to call it a brawl would be too one-sided of an outcome. It's difficult to judge in another sense. It's unlikely that everyone lined up, waiting for him to punch and kick them.

〈...If a court-martial is convened...〉

「If they're convening a court-martial for something like this, they must be really bored, I think.」

In the end, it was just a brawl. Of course, it was a fight between professional soldiers with positions and ranks, and it was a fight between individuals from different factions. Both sides would need to find some middle ground for resolution.

「Thirteen of them came at me; it would be a problem if they couldn't take me down...」

〈There's likely a difference in basic physical fitness between you and ordinary soldiers.〉

「...I did go easy on them, you know?」

〈You say... you went easy on them?〉

This commander is really troublesome. Though it wasn't the attitude he should show to his superior, Rapi couldn't help but stifle a sigh of exasperation. There couldn't be a more unreliable word than Moore's "went easy."

「...But, don't worry. I'll do my best not to get dismissed by your commanding officers.」

〈...I believe in that.〉

Moore, who had finished the maintenance of his handgun, began assembling it, producing the sound of metal rubbing together. At the same time, hearing his words, Rapi returned a nod with a gentle smile.

The next day, supposed to be the final day of training, but Moore was seated in a small meeting room at the Central Government Army Command headquarters.

A second-day inquiry was scheduled here, but the responsible officer had yet to appear. The agreed-upon time of 9 o'clock had already passed.

What on earth could be happening?

「...Could they have gotten the room wrong?」

Anxiety sets in. Moore grabs his military cap from the desk and steps out of the small meeting room. He checks the plate, confirming there's no mistake.

Then why hasn't the responsible officer shown up? Moore tilts his head in confusion.

「──Major Moore, is it?」

Footsteps echo in the corridor. The sound of high-heeled shoes resonates, and along with that footstep-like sound, his name is called. It was an unusually catlike, high-pitched voice that caught Lapi's attention, but when he heard it, Moore turned his head, just putting on his military cap.

「Nice to meet you. I'm Papillon. I've been assigned as Vice Admiral Burningham's aide.」

「...Vice Admiral Burningham?」

Approaching is a flamboyantly dressed woman. With magenta hair and a dress with vivid colors that emphasize her body's lines, and it's short. Moreover, she's wearing a dress made of materials that reflect light like sequins. It's impossible to guess that from her appearance. It looks like she's about to head to some party. It was hard to believe that she worked for the Central Government Army, a strict organization.

Moore's dark brown eyes narrow with suspicion and distrust. The cleavage revealed by the wide opening of her dress has ample bosom, but she doesn't seem to care at all. She feels unexpectedly surprised by his total lack of concern, given that most men would either leer or sneak glances at the cleavage in such an outfit.

Setting that aside, she had business with Moore.

「──Yes. Vice Admiral Burningham wishes to meet with Major Moore.」

Putting on a made-up smile, she, with an unexpectedly fox-like smile that would be aptly described as "female fox" if Yurha were present, speaks. Moore's sharp gaze is further narrowed with increased suspicion and distrust at her words.

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