
Assembly Of The Gods

"Who figured out the Call function already?" I asked about the uncomfortable position I was in as they flew me towards the building.

"!!! MAS!!!"

I heard something in the back of my head and I took a quick look around below as I saw two continuous steaks of white and pitch black, race towards the pulsing building, trying to get there first.

"What is that? It feels familiar..." I pondered as the entourage began to lower to the entrance which had a large platform atop of steep steps and the building was large with pillars of marble white and looked like a roofed Pantheon meant for the Gods.

This place was a place for us Gods to meet with the ultimate security which none could eavesdrop even if they were also in the same room as us.

What caught my attention was the two white and black beings that were waiting on one knee with a hand on their chests yet opposite of each other. Once they raised their heads did I notice the Half Drop on their foreheads that I remembered my two close comrades who agreed to become my personal summon beasts!

"Gasp! You're Both Alive!! I Thought I Lost You!" I cried out in excitement at the refreshing beings but became confused as once they fully looked at me did their faces sour.

As one they said the same thing, extremely pissed off, "OI! PUT HER DOWN THAT IS DISRESPECTFUL!"

Remembering that the one holding me was also groping my breasts while keeping my feet off the ground. My face flushed red in embarrassment.

Yet it did not even flinch or move to let me go... Instead it fully grabbed my breasts which caused me to gasp in surprise, as it gently moved its fingers slightly to find a better position to hold me off the ground. It would listen to the sounds I made, if it sounded like I was in pain it would move again then pause and listen, which made my face grow even more flushed red as my breathing became apparent.

The two growled angrily... But they didn't dare to make a move, for some reason, yet their claws were exposed and at the ready.

I didn't even notice the change in the lighting of the building because my vision was already blurred. Only when it stopped moving did a loud deep male voice sound emanating from the building itself.


A soft female voice followed shortly after, full of concern, "It's been Centuries since we tried to call her! We should Teleport just to make sure because Her heart beat is ecstatic so something must be wrong!"

The male voice then sounded like it was an emergency, "IF YOU CAN HERE US WE ARE COMING TO YOU!"

The building went dark... Then flashed with two different lights as you could hear something heavy land on the ground. Heavy footsteps then rushed to the entrance, slightly shaking the entire ground with each step as a large fully armored Orc came rushing out with a large looking double hammer in his hands.

Right behind him was a slightly smaller hooded figure flying fast with spirals around her hands ready to cast. It was Nyra who fully saw the predicament just before the Orc did who got even more madder and was about to slam his hammer down.

But before he could fully swing, the Dragonoid Fully flap its wings, which caused the Orc to pause and my two summons to brace themselves at the air current. Did the view become smaller as I was carried into the air at a faster speed then what we had just traveled. As it traveled to a safer distance did the Hooded Faye appear in front of its path making a barrier around the three of us.

"LET. HER. GO. YOU. TRAITOR!" She screamed as air currents became distorted like multiple hurricanes bashed against the Dragonoid and I as my Hyper Regeneration kicked in.

From Below did the Orc Bellow, "USE FIRE! IT'S MADE OF STONE! MELT ITS ARS!" A whooshing sound could be heard as he launched his hammer like a missile.

The Faye changed its element to fire as the Dragonoid moved its hands, so that one arm grasped around my folded wings and rib cage with ease, and the other one was free to use. It opened its mouth and breathed in all the fire that was raging which made its stone scales turn red yet it didn't burn.

The Faye stopped her attack and the fire dissipated the Dragonoid, seemed to breathe like it was trying to catch its breath, it seemed to wobble ever so slightly... Until it had gotten hit in the back by something solid which caused it to drop me at the height we were at.

Me... Not knowing how to fly... dropped like a rock...

"HHEEEEeeeeeeelllp meeeEEE!"

The Faye seemed surprised at my fall, but couldn't follow me because at the call of help did the Dragonoid seem puzzled like it was eternally trying to fight for self control while the Faye noticed a faint mist coming off of it as it kept debating whether to come after me or not.

Seeing the situation from below as I fell and cried out, did the Orc launch itself with ease straight up in an arc with a determined expression, as larger feathered wings popped out of his back, and launched him faster to my descending location.

Catching me in both arms in a cradled position did he sigh aloud in relief. Hovering in one spot with his back to the location of the face off, did I look up at his Orcish smiling face, "Morning, Sun's Shadow!"

"Pfft! One hell of a way to wake up, I tell you!" I giggled as tension left my body, "How did you know it was made of stone?" I asked, tilting my head slightly in curiosity.

He turned his face away with an, oops expression, "I... I... made it! In the heart of my volcano..." He slowly descended and quickly added, "It wasn't supposed to do that! I Swear! It was Supposed to protect you... not... molest you and run away... which is odd behavior in itself..." He pondered in puzzlement as he touched down, on a random roof of a tall building, as my two summons came rushing over trying to pry me from the giant Orcs' grip as he wasn't paying attention.

"Oi! Give. Her. Back!" They said as they tried every position possible to try and pry me from his grip as he was lost in thought looking up at the stone Dragonoid.

The Black One looked at the White One as if they shared the same thought. Stopping right in front of the armored Atulil they cocked back an arm similar to each other.

They quickly made sure he still wasn't paying attention.

Aimed with their other hand.

And launched a full speed straight punch at a particular armored piece in-between his legs.

Diiiiiing Doooooong

Only for a Very, small dent to occur in the armor as the Orcs attention was brought down towards them. Atulil still stood as steady as a mountain as his face distorted in annoyance as if they had just interrupted something serious.

Their eyes slowly raised to meet him as they felt a terrifying bloodlust booming down on them. Once their eyes met they retracted their hands from the 'punch' position.

Then they reached out with both hands, like children wanting ups, in my direction with large puppy dog eyes.

Which with their partial muzzled face made the Puppy Dog Face to have even more of an irresistible invisible magical pull.

A heavy sigh was heard from the large person as if he refused to hand me to two who look like children Infront of him. After a few moments of thinking, did Atulil decide to gently hand me over.

With eager energy did they snatch me skillfully from his outstretched hands and darted far away, in barely a half a second, they stopped and looked backwards before sighing and continued quickly towards the tallest most protected building.

The Castle of the Goddess, My New Home!

Any creature or being that called my City home, saw the two rush towards the Castle and they followed closely brandishing their weapons, fangs, and claws.

Once we made it past the main gate the space became distorted, but that didn't faze the mob of beings behind us as they filled the entirety of the Castle.

But surprisingly they didn't search for us... Instead they faced outwards of the Center of the Castle to their backs as they waited for either disaster or enemies to attack.

Once my vision came back did I see a large Tree with multiple Branches that had Gates and a Statue of the other Gods Infront of them. While looking around, I saw a Gate off to the side that had an odd strong pull to go through. Puzzled by the sloppy make of a stone prison over it, did I remember that, I didn't make that...



Did two loud howls that made the Branches shake, come from the Two as they stood with pride and threatening in front of the Tree.

All portals shone each for a different variety of time as a single person came through each of them. The light that was given off was enough to light up the entire Castle and startled the citizens before they started to cheer in loud voices and some sang praises,

"Long Live The Gods!"

"The Gods Descend! Rejoice!"

"Our Goddess Had Awoken!"

"The Other God's Have Come To Our Goddess's Aid! "

They each had either Glorious Armor on, or were wearing cloth outfits.

In Order from top of the Tree to the bottom we have...

[Hans Wintergreen - God Of Berserkers] Walked out with a stern look on his face as he looked around. He was dressed in a dark red Leather Armor that covered his waist, with black sandals that entwined and criss crossed up his thick legs and stopped at his knees, that had a Diamond shape Harden Leather over his kneecaps. His chest and arms were covered in Celtic Runes that flowed together and didn't clash. He had Golden Hair that was designed like the Vikings with braids and thick metal rings braided into the braids with ease.

[Rita - Goddess of Water] Floated out of the middle of the portal and was dressed in a flowing white gown that shone like steel, two pigtails of blue-silver behind her head as her hair floated as if it was in water. Curiosity covered her face as she looked around the new place.

[Halvard - God of Protection] Stomped out of his portal dressed in full body heavy armor, as he removed his helmet he looked around with a stern look on his face as if he was trying to find something dangerous.

[Abigale - Goddess of Fire] Was dressed in black cargo pants and a white tight short sleeve shirt that showed off her bosom, with hair like fire tied back into a ponytail. She also showed curiosity at the new Tree she hasn't seen yet.

[Briger - God of Blood] Appeared in fifty shades of layered red shifting armor that made him look like a Pure Blooded Demonic Deadra Warrior. Nodding his head sharply back once and to a side did his helmet retract by layers quickly into his long flowing hair with metal looking bladed tips at the ends. His face was curious as well as angry as he looked around for a specific location.

[Agatha - Goddess of Luck] Calmly walked out with a fluffy two colored dress that alternated colors. Her hair was up in two buns on either side of her head and once side was gold, the other side was red and the buns were the other color. She came while tossing a coin in her hand thirteen times to see what it would land on.

[Sven - God of Laws] Was buff and in a suit and glasses with a relatively large book with no title on it. Using one finger on the opposite hand to push his glasses up as he surveyed the area, finding nothing of value was he the first one to notice the three below.

[Nyra Bluebloom - Goddess of Magic] Came out a flying cloaked figure with smoke rising off of her as she sighed and sank to her butt with her feet to the sides as she caught her breath.

[Brutus - God of Earth] A guy built like a tank and only wearing shorts and combat boots walked out and crossed his arms as he looked around nodding his head as he saw the design around him.

[Stella - Goddess of Light] Walked out with a shine of bright light, as the light quickly faded did her appearance show. Golden straight hair, rosy red lips, pale skin and a while dress that was longer in the back than the front that barely touched the ground. She looked around at the already lit up room as she was astonished by the different colors of the grass and Tree.

[Einar - God of Air] Just appeared out of nowhere in front of his portal as his clothes like kilt and bare broad chest was shone. Did he test the air around him to see if it would listen to him or not. His face became puzzled as the Air around the Tree told its story to him quietly, as his face fell did his eyes fall upon the makeshift prison box near the three shadows on the floor.

[Atulil Magrish - God of Crafting] A large armored Orc came stomping in with a smile on his face. While one hand holding his Hammer over his shoulder and his other was dragging a Dragonoid by the back of the neck.

The first one down was Sven then the others hopped down from their Branches and landed in front of the twin creatures, one was holding the winged Soran still in pajamas.

Hans walked to the front with attitude and struck an annoyed pose, "Look Who Decided To FINALLY Wake Up!"

Giving Credits to Dakshay, Eternal Monarch, Dark Angel, & Pewkmon who helped me with my Gods & Goddesses Names and Affinities


Spartan_Creedcreators' thoughts