
Goddess of Change (Fairy Tail Fanfic)

A stupid young girl given the powers becoming of a god. What will she do with them? Will she become good or bad? Lead a dark guild or light guild? Read to find out!

kittycrazy_29 · Others
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4 Chs

My Entire World Is Upside Down

The terror that ran through me as the God Pantagnòstis spoke paled in comparison to the awe that froze my feet to where I stood. The God that holds all the knowledge of the world in the palm of it's hand is standing before me right now! It's any scholars dream come true. I am so happy right now I can't control my facial muscles, they are turning my face into look of admiration.

Pantagnòstis [Ah!? Why are you looking at me like that! Stop it it's scary!]

Phia[I'm sorry but your the God of knowledge, the smartest being alive! It's a dream to meet you!]

*Pantagnòstis blushes*

Phia[ But why did you have to curse me? I thought only Ankhserham could do that? I haven't decided who should live or die. I've just been doing some science experiments. *Stars crying* Also why did you have to bring my sister into this, what did she do?]

Pantagnòstis [All the Gods can curse people but, the Ankhserham is the most famous because that curse can kill people. Also, your sister did nothing it's your fault for treating her as a lab rat and not a human. Do you know what I am going to leave you a sheet of what the curse does and how to minamalise the effects it has. Not because I like you or anything, but because your the first person to be this gluttonous for knowledge, making you my first cursed human.]

Phia[* very confused * U-ummm, O-okay.]

Pantagnòstis diss appears with a flash of blue light leaving a sheet of paper to float down to the floor.

Phia[Oookay! Let's see what I can do]

The contents of the sheet:

'You can rob others of their knowledge when you view them as insignificant beings or tools. The less you think of someone the less knowledgeable they become. E. G. You view so one as a lab rat = they gain the intelligence parameters of a rat.'

Phia[ What? No! This can't be right I don't actually view my sister as a lab rat! I love my sister! She's my best friend! W-wait now that I think about it. I did only use my sister for experiments. S-so I-it's true I only thought of my sister as a tool, a science experiment.]

Tears form in her eyes as she continues reading.

'A foolproof way of stopping people's intelligence from being robbed is to let emotion cloud your judgement and become, in simple terms, stupid. I'm sure with your magic you'll find a way to make it work, after all your power can rival nearly any other God than me.'

Phia[* In a hollow voice* Let my emotions rule my judgement and become stupid? I have to give up my very identity to stop this curse? *Tears flow down her face her voice full of sadness* But there's no other way. This is the only way I can save others! I'll stop my superficial way of thinking! I'll be really kind and caring from now on!]

Phia walks up to her bedroom and writes a letter to herself detailing what to do from now on.

Phia[Okay! I'm ready I can do this! I can't back out now!]

Phia"Change being Metamorphia Lobsters mindset into one ruled by latent emotion and discard the hunger for the knowledge of the universe."

Phia hold onto her consciousness long enough to get to her bed as her personality rearranges itself.


24 hours later.

??[Lady Metamorphia, Lady Metamorhia! Wake up it's very important!]

Phia[I'm up, I'm up! No need to worry Albert I'm all okay!]

Phia bears a big goofy smile.

Albert in thoughts (Is she okay? Wait nevermind that!)

Albert[Lady Metamorphia do you know what happened to Lady Michelle she has gone missing!]

Phia bursts into tears that flood the room.

Phia[Whaaaaaa!!! I-it's a-all m-my f-fault! Whaaaaaaaaa!!!]

Albert[Lady Metamorphia are you okay? You are never usually, how do I put this, emotional?]

Phia[sh-she'll never be the same again. She probably won't even wake up. A-and its all because of me. Whaaaaa!!!]

Albert[It's okay, we'll fix it, you just need to show us where she is.]

Phia[O-okay. She's in my lab. I'll give you the key 'cause I don't wanna see her again.]

Albert goes to the lab and tries to wake Michelle up, but fails.

Albert[W-wait! I know! The young Lady probably used magic to do this, so if I hire mages the young lady will awake.]

After Lady Lobster agrees a request is sent out to the top guilds in Fiore. Weeks go by with no success, there is now a group of 8 mages working on Michelle refusing to give up. Phia takes it into her own hands and goes to confront them.

Phia[You should just stop. There is nothing you can do for my sister. I've tried everything. Mortal magic cannot break my curse. Your life will just waste away not being able to do anything to save my sister.]

Mage 1[Ehh? What are you talking about we are really powerful and smart you know?]

Mage 2[Yeah! What can a little girl do that is so much better than what we can do? We are mages!]

Mages 3-8 all agree and mock Phia.

Anger overtakes Phia's body.

Phia[Oh really now? You dare to mock me, one who's power rivals a God!?]

Phia"Change location of 8 people standing around me to hazardous places where very few would survive."

The 8 were gone as soon as she finished her chant.

Phia[ I think it time for me to finally join that lesser know guild. I'm very bored.]

The story will be picking up in a couple chapters I promise!

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