
Goddess Assassin

Aliya_Adekunbi · Fantasy
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Chapter Seven

Hi guys am sorry for not updating my story but I been quite busy also I have no inspiration but now am back so enjoy


Charlie pov

Omg, the boat is so big and water looks so fresh.Thank god that we have this floor to our self "Charlie where are you" I heard Elena voice " I'm here on deck" I screamed so she can here me "Charles,Charlie you guys should come to the dinning room I have an announcement" Whatever announcement she has I hope it good.Charles looked grumpy, something is wrong with that guy I swear "Whatever you have to say better be good,I was busy" Elena just ignored him "There is a party tonight in bar on the boat" Wait, what don't rich people get sea sick now they are even throwing a party. Of course I did not say it out loud "Are we invited " Charles asked "Unfortunately yes"As soon as she said that I screamed in happiness "Dressing time " I said before dragging elle to my room

Elena pov

I wished for a silent vacation but my wish never come true. Now I have to get dressed for a stupid party "Since it is a party on the sea something free should do the job" I just stared at charlie.She got me a black sleeveless straight gown with a slit from my mid thigh to the ground while she chose a normal sleeveless gown "Girls are u ready the party is in an hour "Charles said "Almost done" Charlie said.So we got ready for a party which ended in disaster actually it was not our fault it was those rich snubs fault,so we got to the party ready to have fun but it was not as expected,there was a soft music playing from a piano and people were chatting you no those rich people parties in the movies yeah that was it "Well what did you expect" Charles said and left Charlie and I alone. Something came up so I had to use the ladies I has told Charlie specifically not to drink anything even though she is tough,she is easy to manipulate.So I stood up went into the ladies room after I was done, I went out only to see Charlie being dragged by a random drunk guy "Let her go" I said calmly but the guy just ignored me "let her go " I repeated stressing each word since am not used to repeating my self. He still continue to act stubborn so I pulled him he pushed me and said "Who the hell are you bitch,get away" Now I was really pissed. Life lesson never piss off an assassin,I was gonna show him not to mess with me when some guards came and dragged him away.I was shocked but I still said nothing so I took Charlie back to our seat she seem drugged. I took the cup with a left over drink on our table and smelled it of course it was drugged. So I pinched her hand and the effect were gone one of my special abilities.When she was finally in control I told her she was drugged.She was looked shocked after I have told her everything.So we order drinks and did not do anything fun not until a bitch decided to say the bracelet I bought for Charlie was hers "Excuse you I have never met u before how can this be yours" I could feel the girl is only looking for trouble.She picked a random passing guy and said "Baby this girl stole my bracelet" The guy look confused,then I put everything together She is just a hookup girl who is looking for a guy to hookup to "Sorry madam you've got the wrong person I'm just a waiter here" The guy said and she immediately pulled away from him "You idiot how dare you touch me" She shouted and walked away "Different people are in this party" Charlie said and I nodded in agreement the real disaster has not happened yet actually