
Godblade Avenger

"Revenge is like a double-edged sword. It may satisfy your thirst for justice, but it will also consume you until there is nothing left." The planet of Stella was a highly advanced society that thrived for millions of years until they were attacked and destroyed by a ruthless enemy civilization. In a desperate attempt to save their race, they sent an infant believed to be their last hope to another planet, where he crash-landed and was left alone and vulnerable. Despite facing bullying and ridicule because of his unusual appearance, he was determined to become someone strong and make a meaningful contribution to society. He eventually learned the truth about his past and vowed to seek revenge against the civilization that destroyed his home. With the help of a powerful weapon called the Godblade and his own strength and determination, he sets out on a dangerous journey to avenge his people and bring justice to his race. #WSA2023

MZAF · Fantasy
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52 Chs

End of a long journey

He continued his journey through the mountains, following the compass light that his mysterious object was emitting.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the trials he had faced so far, and the ones he was yet to face. He had been weak and helpless before, but now, with his newfound strength, he was determined to take his revenge against Zion.

He kept a sharp eye out for any signs of danger while he was traversing the forest. He knew that this place was full of dangerous predators, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment. He had already encountered several wolves and a few bears, but he had managed to outsmart them with his quick thinking and resourcefulness.

"Being weak has its advantages, " Sid thought to himself as he climbed over a large boulder to avoid a pack of wolves. He learned to use his head instead of brute force.

"I may not be able to take them on in a fight, but I'm smart enough to outwit them."


As his journey continue, he tried to avoid big animals as much as possible. However, not all wishes can come true.

One day a bear towered over Sid, its beady eyes fixed on him as it let out a low growl.

His heart was pounding, but he refused to show any signs of fear. He could feel the bear's eyes watching his every move, but he didn't let it intimidate him. In fact, he felt a strange sense of confidence building within him.

The experienced he acquired on this sudden journey made him braver.

"Come on then, you oversized furball," Sid taunted the bear. "Let's see what you've got."

The bear growled in response, its massive paws thudding against the ground as it prepared to strike. But he remained calm, his mind racing as he tried to figure out his next move.

"You may be big, but I'm smart," he continued, his voice rising in a challenge.

With that, he turned and sprinted towards the narrow path that led to the cliff, the bear hot on his heels. He could feel its hot breath on his back, but he refused to let it slow him down. He had a plan, and he was determined to see it through.

The bear began to follow, its massive paws pounding the ground with each step. He continued to run until he reached the path that led to the cliff.

Just as he had hoped, the path became narrower and narrower until the bear could no longer keep up. It roared in frustration as it tried to find another way down, but Sid had already outsmarted it. He watched from a safe distance as the bear eventually gave up and lumbered away, defeated.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a rush of adrenaline as he realized just how close he had come to danger. But he also felt a sense of triumph, knowing that his newfound intelligence and quick thinking had again saved him.

"It's as if this mysterious object has unlocked something within me," he thought, his mind racing with the possibilities.

He felt as though he was becoming smarter, more aware of his surroundings and the dangers that lurked within. Each encounter with a predator taught him something new about the ways of the forest, and he absorbed this knowledge with a fervor that surprised even him.

"Why did grandpa hide this thing from me?" He muttered to himself, his improved intelligence made him question the inconsistencies of his childhood. He had always thought of his grandfather as a wise and caring figure, someone who would never keep secrets from him. But now he realized that there was so much about his family that he didn't know.

He had no memory of his parents, and the object he had discovered seemed to hold some sort of clue to his past. He wondered what other secrets his grandfather had kept from him, and what other truths were waiting to be uncovered.

The more he thought about it, the more determined he became to unravel the mysteries that surrounded him. Each step he took through the forest brought him closer to the answers he sought, and he was willing to risk everything to uncover the truth.


"I can see the town now! " Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he reached the edge of the forest. He could see the town looming in the distance like a beacon of hope. It was still far off, but its presence was like a warm embrace that helped to have hope.

"Finally, I'm almost there," he thought, his heart pounding with excitement. He had faced many challenges and dangers on his journey, but the promise of reaching his destination kept him going.

It had been nearly a month since he set out on this perilous journey, and yet he was still alive, a testament to his tenacity and the mysterious object that had inexplicably healed his injuries and strengthened his muscles every night.

He continued on the path toward the town, he noticed that the road had gradually improved, changing from dirt to a more solid surface of stones. He marveled at the ingenuity of the people who had built it, imagining the hard work and effort it must have taken to create such a thing.

As Sid trudged along the well-worn path toward the town, he caught a glimpse of the carriages that passed him by. They were not the grandest or most opulent of vehicles, but they were still far beyond what he had ever seen in his small village. The wood was polished and the wheels were sturdy, and the people inside seemed to be dressed in finer clothes than anything he had ever worn.

It made him feel small, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to live such a life. But he pushed the thought aside and continued forward, determined to prioritize his revenge first before anything else.

"This is just my first step," he muttered to himself, his eyes glinting with determination. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but he was ready for anything.


Authors' Note

I intentionally made this chapter fast-paced.

Chapter 1-21 will be for character development so expect it to be slowpaced.

Chapter 22 and so on will be the main dish of this novel. The pacing will picked up and more surprises are waiting to be discovered..