
God X God

The Norse god Modi son of Thor found himself in the realm of Greece in attempt to prove himself worthy of the term god.

Herobrine_1306 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Modi Climbed down from the peak and saw that he was in the middle of a forest. As he walked through the lush trees and green grass, he soon heard the sound of singing.

"Who's there!" Modi shouted with his guard up, axe in hand. The singing continued unbothered by Modi's outburst. Modi intrigued followed the voice as it grew louder and louder, he could then hear the sound of rushing water. It wasn't long before he found a waterfall and a pond. this seemed to have been the spot where the singing came from. He looked around till his eyes fell on a beautiful woman in the pond her body and large breasts wet from bathing herself. Modi turned away and thought about running as to not get caught. However, it was like he was fallen under a spell he couldn't look away for long and his eyes rested on her beautiful long brown hair. The way her voice filled the sounds around her with a melody. Modi watched for only a few seconds, tho it felt like hours. Till the women saw him she rushed to cover herself.

"AAAHH!!!" The women screamed, "How dare you spy upon me you brute of a man? Do you know who I am?" She questioned. Modi worried of the upcoming conflict was speechless. With a wave of the women's hand, she became covered in beautiful robes and weapons to her sides.

"I apologize I was taken aback by your beauty. Please I wish not to fight you. let me introduce myself I am Modi son of Thor, god of wrath," He explains. The woman is taken aback by the mention of him being a god.

"You don't look like any god I have ever seen," she tells Modi.

"I come from a land far away from here." Modi said.

"Well Modi, god of wrath, I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and war," Anthena said trying to sound threatening. Modi's eyes widen at the fact that he is meeting a new god.

"You're a god," Modi realizes surprised. "No wonder your beauty knows no bounds," Modi continues. Athena blushes at the statement she grabs one of her weapons a Spear and points it toward Modi.

"Flattery will get you nowhere here," Athena threatens. Modi knowing what will come next grabs his Bifrost for a quick escape however remembers his fathers words.

'Coward,' echoing in his head.

Instead, he grabs his axe and prepares to fight.

"You hesitated a bit, scared of what comes next?" the goddess asks.

"No, I was thinking of how your head would look like on a stick," Modi threatens. He runs at her and swings his axe the goddess doges and punches Modi causing him to lose his balance. He gets up and dusts himself off. Athena attacks with Modi to counter she threw her spear but he deflects it and swings only for Athena to block it with her other weapon, a shield.

"Hm, you fight a lot in your homeland?" She asks.

"Only if you want to die a hero," Modi responds.

They break Athena grabbing her spear Modi, wanting a quick end to this fight, sees that she can't call her weapons back to her hand. He then throughs his axe with Athena dodging.

"You missed, Dumbass," She gloats.

"I know, I was hoping so," Modi assures her. He snaps his fingers and like a boomerang the Axe fly's back, tripping an unprepared Athena, till it's back in his hand. He then kicks away her sheild and spear and points his Axe to her.

"Give up, please," Modi begs his fallen enemy.

"Death first," she tells her attacker.

Modi raises his axe and he looks into the woman's eyes. Beautiful green eyes sparkling even in the face of death. He stands there telling himself to do it. but in the end, he sheathes his axe and heads over to the pond and sits on a rock. Athena watches him take pity on her, she grabs her spear and shield and heads over to Modi.

She stands behind him and asks, "Why didn't you kill me?" looking down on the man with his face in is hands.

"I couldn't do it, I was overcome by... something," Modi explains. He sits there looking at the pond. Athena looks to him and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Come with me," She gestures to the mountain that Modi had landed on. Modiu gets up and follows the goddess. At the base of the mountain. she takes his hand. Modi flinches at the sudden contact. "Calm yourself," she tells him. And with the wave of her hand, they float up the mountain they see the animals and vegetation of the mountains as they float higher and higher through the clouds and as they rise higher, they see it. The great home of the Greek Gods the palace of marble and gold. Olympus.