

“Nothing in this life is ever certain until it happens. One cannot always believe in doubts and assumptions for in the end things may turn out differently....

Gs9Gosohard · TV
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11 Chs


Capital City: Ascalon

"What is efficiency ?"The first and only High Governor of the Amal empire questioned rhetorically

" It is the ability to achieve an end goal with little to no waste, effort, or energy. Being efficient means you can achieve your results by putting the resources you have in the best way possible. To put simply, something is efficient if nothing is wasted and all processes are optimized."

"You all are the pinnacle of efficiency and the Emperor desires nothing more than your best and you all shall see to it that this shipyard is done on time and if not quicker preferably "

—— — ——

"Never have I despised such a culture as this one , filthy mongrels!"

"Indeed they are " The king nodded . As he watched the Dothraki celebration from a Cliff as thousands of camp fires and cheers were seen and echoed from below .

A night raid it was , a dangerous night raid at that . A thousand of his best riders along with 300 mounted crusaders accompanied him on his mission to the east . A mission to acquire Dothraki as the so called dragon queen did through mind blowing cunning and the use of her magical body , but for him it hadn't gone so well .

Those that lived far from the valyrian roads that ran through essos were attacked by bandits , thieves , your common group of misfits or the worst of them all … Dothrakis .

The east was one of the worse places to be for sure on planetos , even worse yet when the balance of power was overturned when the Christians arrived and overtook three of the free cities.

So there were no bribes to be given to Dothraki khals to pay them off when they threatened to attack , or threatened their caravans no more horses or promised goods to be given for the empire do not bargain with its enemies.

Southern Attack command

"Their children will make fine soldiers for the empire in the future if they make it out of this , remember the horses as well , and have your eyes out for slaves , nevertheless , show no mercy for none will be given… by the emperor's will" The commander said

Northern Attack Command

"It's the signal!"

"Finally" the baron sighed

"Form ranks! Form ranks!Prepare for charge!"

"We shall wipe this scourge off this land"

Cliff Top

Carnage that was the only thing that came to his mind . And which battle chaotic? He could hear the screams of his enemies, the screams of his men, the cries of the innocent , the cries of the animals as the camp was thrown into disarray. Fires were spreading everywhere

1300 against 4000

Many of that 4000 that should be drunken if not half drunk from their proclivities

The odds were slim but they will prevail, they had to prevail and they will .

'If he couldn't have the Dothraki none shall . He would see yo it that they were wipe clean from the earth and the stain of a culture they leave behind . They were dangerous, these were foes not to be underestimated for empires before have fell and withered to the wind before their savage might and he shall not allow that to happen . '

'For better and increased trade across the great grass sea and further east they must be removed if they won't join his side, although their children will find that they will have no decision in the matter if it ends badly, I always found the next generation to be more agreeable. '

— — —

"Casualties ?"

" 157 dead my lord and 256 injured "

"What about their Khal and his blood riders are they dead ?" Baldwin

"Yes Empire we recovered their bodies not too long ago "

"By God's grace" A monk Gasped

"A bit surprising that we won with such little losses and against 4000 no less ? " Baldwin smiled under his mask while he questioned the man .

"It is my lord but anything is possible when a man such as yourself is blessed by God"

(The emperor chuckles)

"You think it was me who ordained this plan ? "

"Your magnificence how could I not think otherwise it …."

"Stop right there abbot"Baldwin ensues

" Great men are not born or chosen , but made . Made by their minds , deeds and efforts . It was one of my commanders who came up with this plan. And I followed through. Even Small voices can make great impacts abbot , add that to your book . " Baldwin said before patting his shoulder and walking away his guards following close behind .

Emperor's tent

"The prisoners shall be sent to Essaria I want them to rebuild what their ancestors have torn down centuries ago. They shall pay this price for their crimes done into the east . They say Dothraki do not sow we will find out or they will die horribly trying " He quipped .

Essaria was the main operating base for the emperor's adventures in the east , their supplies and over 2000 men who served as a quick reactionary force were camped there . But Seemingly as he got to see more of the east for him self and the potentials of trade Boom and other profits once the Dothraki threat was cleared he set his sights on rebuilding and reinforcing the fallen fort . But such a task had to be completed rather quickly due to the threat that lie on the outer reaches of the Dothraki sea and he couldn't use slave labor for slavery was banned neither did he wish to hire laborers, so he took the cheapest and fastest route he opted to create a system for criminals and prisoners to work their days off in service to the empire rather than withering and dying away in camps or cells .

Plus Essaria now Castellum was a crossroad that lead to Saath . The Port city of the north and one of the many port cities of the once ancient yet great sarnorians. But unlike some of the many others this one wasn't destroyed.

Whatever the valyrians many cruel faults they were great builders they had done this continent a great service by connecting it with good roads which would make it easier for his merchants to travel with fair ease .

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