
God V. Titan

Dive headfirst into a high-octane quest brimming with danger, moral conflict, and courage, set against the backdrop of a merciless world. Here, we meet an unexpected band of champions - The Nullifier, battle-hardened; Dim-Dar, the resolute wheelchair warrior; Joseph, master of conjuring and summonings; Seth, master of mystics; Boulder, a slumbering giant with a heart of gold; Rocket, a dynamo with an infinite recharge; Zurel, whisperer of secrets; and Olen, a dreamer with unshakeable resolve. A mundane life and school's lecture halls are illusions they crave. Yet destiny deems they must master their gifts, tirelessly training for the onerous mantle of world saviors. Alien climates, treacherous terrains become their classroom as they uncover hidden lineage mysteries and confront both allies and adversaries. The intense climax? Preventing the cataclysmic penance, a doomsday design by "the order", hell-bent on erasing their world only to sculpt it anew. Are you strapped in to partake in their audacious destiny?

Xerian_Williams · Action
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8 Chs



 The Nullifier emerges, carrying Olen, his nephew, on his shoulder, accompanied by Joseph and Dim-Dar. They trudge through the cold, snow-covered woods, making their way up a wintry hill. Dim-Dar rolls alongside them in his wheelchair, braving the elements. The group embarks on a journey toward a secluded concrete temple, bearing ancient scribbles scattered across its surface. This hidden sanctuary remains untouched and undiscovered for centuries, nestled within the Tundra Mountains, evading human contact.

Olen, too weak to resist, isn't certain if he's been rescued or recaptured. Plagued by his feeble state, he murmurs, "Just leave me... alone." The Nullifier, unfazed by Olen's despair, continues in silence. "Consider this place your new home, where you'll find solace. A home for you and all." Dim-Dar says cheerfully, expressing his optimism. 

"The future your father envisioned for you. Your siblings, all of you will be trained for it," says The Nullifier, flinging Olen off his shoulder and onto his feet. He brushes the snow off Olen's head and gear, emphasizing that he will embark on the path set by his father when the time is right.

"My father..." Olen mutters, puzzled, looking up at The Nullifier. The Nullifier gently cups Olen's face in his hands and says, " I will guide you, to walk the path he has set for you."

As they draw closer to their destination, Joseph kneels down, revealing hidden rocks buried beneath the snow, guiding the way with a gesture. Olen, barely able to walk, gasps and struggles, pushing himself forward with every step. His vision dims, and his breaths grow deeper. He manages to take a few more steps before his body succumbs, collapsing into the thick, cold snow. As he slips away, faint and unconscious, a haunting melody begins to softly play in his mind. Slowly, he descends into darkness, succumbing to unconsciousness.


Dim-Dar tenderly tends to Olen and checks him for injuries while he remains unconscious. Four boys then bust into the room housing Olen. Rocket, filled with skepticism, asks, "Is he even alive? He looks like a lost cause." Seth glances at Zurel and mutters, "Let's give him some time. He's been through a lot before we rescued him. We've all experienced similar struggles, so I hope we can show empathy and understanding." The other boys grunt and nod in agreement. 

Dim-Dar concludes, "Well, I'll be on my way," as he rolls out of the room. Boulder, curious about Olen's condition, listens intently for a heartbeat by pressing his ear against Olen's chest. After a brief pause, Boulder smirks and confidently exclaims, "He's still breathing!" The relief is palpable, and the group immediately refocuses their attention on Olen.

Zurel approaches the bed where Olen lies and stares at him intently. "He doesn't look like us," he remarks. The boys gather closer, observing Olen while he sleeps. Boulder muses, "Uncle may have claimed he's our brother, but how can we be certain?" They all move in closer to get a better look.

"He does bear some resemblance," mumbles Rocket while taking a hit from his inhaler. Seth eagerly leans over the bed and yells, "Well forget it, let's wake him up then! All this waiting around is starting to bother!" Seth's words prompt a stern and rude response from Rocket, "Use your powers dumbass? First your all don't wake him up, don't wake him up then u just switch up all quick like that?"

A disagreement between Rocket and Seth began to brew about waking up Olen. Rocket's rude comment towards Seth prompts a stern response from the Uncle, who appears out of nowhere and re-instructs them to let Olen rest. Seth is disappointed but follows the Uncle's command.

Before Seth can even touch Olen, the Uncle interrupts and tells them to stop. Rocket, now terrified, asks the Uncle how he got into the room, but receives no answer. The Uncle explains that they'll see what Olen can do when he wakes up and emphasizes the importance of his rest. He then leads the boys out of the room, scolding them for still being awake and instructing them to go to bed.

Once alone with Olen, the Nullifier reveals that Dim-Dar informed him about Olen's weakened state due to past violence and the attempt to suppress his true potential by corrupting his Kaiju Glands. He promises to purify Olen's body and train his mind to prepare him for his father's vision.

Placing his hand on the side of Olen's head, the Nullifier's touch begins to glow, creating an aura around Olen that grew larger and larger, purging his body of corruption. Satisfied with the purification, the Nullifier extinguishes the candles and quietly leaves the room.


Olen's eyes slowly fluttered open, and he found himself sitting by a crackling campfire in the midst of a deep, mysterious jungle. The noon sun cast eerie shadows through the dense foliage, leaving Olen disoriented and unsure of how he arrived there. Determined to gather his thoughts, he sat in silence, the flickering flames providing the only source of comfort.

Suddenly, a figure materialized before him, adorned in robes and radiating an otherworldly presence. It was the Kami of Death, a deity steeped in darkness and offering blessings to those deemed worthy. Kneeling before Olen, the Kami praised him with reverence, extending a ghastly hand in an offering of power. But Olen's soul recoiled in disgust, refusing to embrace the tentacles of his past.

With resolve in his heart, Olen set out on a treacherous journey back to familiar terrain. But as he ventured deeper into the jungle's heart, the darkness grew more oppressive and ominous. Whispers and cries permeated the air, floating and intertwining with the rustling leaves. At first, the voices were indistinguishable, a cacophony of distress. However, the haunting pleas soon transformed into a chorus of familiar tones.

Out of the shadows, a ghostly figure emerged, its charred body reaching out with a desperate grip. It was a female corpse, its voice trembling as it questioned Olen, "Why?" Flames licked the decaying flesh, but the hold remained firm, the anguish palpable in every scream and cry of anguish.

Olen tossed the lifeless body off of him, and began his desperate escape. All around him, spectral figures ablaze with an eerie light manifested, their cries filling the air. Each specter posed the same anguished queries: "Why!?" "My family?!" Their pleas for home and cries of undeserved fates echoed as Olen evaded and battled these spirits until, suddenly, nothingness.

 In his frantic escape, he stumbled and fell into absolute darkness. The sight that met his eyes was horrifying - contorted faces of the dead, moaning in sorrow, maintaining a distance this time. The chilling statement echoed in his mind, "This battlefield is your reality.. This battlefield is your reality." The first drops of rain began to fall, mingling with the tears streaming down his face. Behind him loomed the Death Kami. Its words were a knife in his chest: "The souls of those you've slain are trapped. Your existence bars their passage. They will be released only upon your death."

After these haunting words, reality returned as he awoke from the nightmare.


As daylight barely makes its appearance, Boulder, Zurel, Seth, and Rocket rise, embracing the early-morning chill to kick-start their regimen of chores and training. They often ponder about an age-old dilemma - the art of winning people over. In a world that frequently overlooks true potential, they wonder if they could withstand such negativity without losing their essence. Will they be able to overcome? Their Uncle underlines their distinctiveness; they're not ordinary boys. Even though they can camouflage amongst the mundane, they would never truly belong. They existed with the sole purpose to bring peace and to protect.

Drawing back his commanding presence, The Nullifier stood as an imposing figure. Seth, Rocket, Boulder, and Zurel, the lively quartet, anxiously awaited. "Zurel, your marksmanship is awe-inspiring," Nullifier began sternly. "We'll carve it to perfection." Zurel looked up, his eyes twinkling mischievously, "So if I ever miss the trash can, can we blame it on the training?"

Laughter rippled amongst the comrades like a softly played tune. Rocket, unable to resist, chimed in, "And if I can't outpace the Road Runner, who's gonna get the heat, eh?" Unfazed, Nullifier continued, "Boulder, your power rivals Hercules. We'll strive to transcend that."

The air bloomed under Boulder's radiant grin, "So, I suppose I oughta start looking for a lion's skin and a club, huh?" Admitting no opposition, Nullifier spoke on, "Seth, your resolve outshines the rest. Let's harness it to the fullest." Seth retorted with comic solemnity, "Leaving no stone unturned, are we unc?"

From afar, the distinct cadence of Olen's stride pierced the stifling silence, halting the infectious laughter. All attention was magnetically drawn towards the new recruit. Uncertainty clouded the air as they awaited Nullifier's introduction.

His eyes, as hardened as steel, studied Olen, "Welcome, Olen. You're proficient in survival skills, aren't you?" Olen conveyed his affirmation with a firm nod, his resolve unshaken. "This is excellent. Your wisdom will be beneficial to your brothers. Survival techniques, stealth, plant identification, mastering the art of fire-making, all of these and more. Your agility and discretion are our secret weapons to amplify our strength by the dozens."

On cue, the air exploded into exhilarated hoots and hollers. Yet, Olen stood there, isolated amidst the growing storm of laughter, weighed down by the heightened expectations. He flashed an encouraging grin towards Nullifier and stepped forward, ready to impart his knowledge. A sense of anticipation filled the air, the new chapter is just beginning.

(**Kaijū Glands: Glands in the body that produce Vigor ~ Kaijū Ability: Potential for Greatness or Catastrophe** - Kaijū, a term typically associated with giant monsters, signifies a formidable ability that could be catastrophic if unleashed.)