
God the Machine

What happens to what we make up? Is it created in reality and is it possible to participate in it and change it, since we are the creators of it? This question will be answered by one young man who had no idea that he would die and what awaits him after death. Completely edited the chapters. This is a translation. The original author is a Russian writer: Westheimer183

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Dove of Peace

Miner planet Ars-34 | Several systems from repeater 314

This week began as usual, the reasonable ones rushed to work on their contracts, and everyone thought this week would go as well as the dozens before it. But it was not to be. It began with the increasing flow of Hierarchy ships that passed through the system in fleets. Then the ground forces arrived on the planet and began entrenching quickly. All of this raised questions, but the pinnacle was the Turians' ships on their way back. There were only a few dozen of them, and they looked as if they had collided with an asteroid.

That's when panic set in, and everyone started trying to get off the planet, but there was only one ship - a turian landing craft. The troops cordoned off the spaceport and began to board themselves without letting anyone in. They were begged and threatened, but nothing gave them a chance to escape. And when the ship began to rise into the air, escorted by a thousand stares, a blue ray emerged from the thick clouds that had always covered the sun on this planet and pierced through the ship. Then it collapsed as a flaming stone on the ground. At that moment, thousands of shooting lights streaked across the sky.

It was as if the city was deserted, its inhabitants hiding in their dwellings as soon as they saw the new masters. Only the huge cars of the outsiders roared, shattering the silence of the once vibrant city. And at that moment, columns of soldiers marched through the city. Their footsteps could be heard in all corners of the city and were so strong that the ground trembled.

But soon, the columns were gone, and only a small garrison remained in the city. The streets were patrolled by fighters with shields and clubs, catching looters, who had become very numerous since the change of power. But the new law was ruthless. A captured looter was executed on the spot with a shot to the back of the head or against the wall. But they did not touch the ordinary inhabitants. Soon the stores began to work, and all began to return to normal life, but now over the planet fluttered a banner with a golden eagle, which held an emblem in the form of a steel skull in its claws. But this city did not exist for long, as the resources in the planet's bowels attracted someone very powerful.

POV Citadel Council

- And how can you explain that, Apparatus? - Tevos looked questioningly at the Turian advisor.

- Nothing important happened, just an encounter with a large group of pirates. - The turian snapped.

- No," she held up a clipboard and began to read, "the redeployment of eight fleets to Terminus, the movement of two armies to the same area. Mobilization has begun, and many ships are being disarmed. That's at the beginning of the month, now the end, I read. A huge flow of wounded and ships in deplorable condition. Hospitals, even on the Citadel, are nearly full! So I say again, what's going on over there! - The turian stared angrily at the Salarian Ambassador, trying to put a hole in him. Still, all he got in return was a "what else could it be?" gesture, sighed, and began to speak without anger.

- We encountered a new race," at these words, the Ambassador of the Azari pulled herself together, "it all began with their illegal activation of the repeater. A patrol squadron destroyed their ships and went after the survivors to show the power of Space. No one saw them again, nor did the fleet that left to help them. Only a signal for help each time. A few days ago, the Primarch ordered to entrench themselves on a planet near a repeater. Three fleets and the two armies you spoke of were brought in. Up to ten dreadnoughts! - The eyes of the advisors widened at the realization of the power of the combined fleet. - Not one returned..." the turian finished quietly. - Only a few cruisers. No sign of any ground troops.

- Who did you find out there?" the Salarian Ambassador exclaimed.

- We do not know; their technology is completely different from ours. Weapons, armour, shields, even engines! - The Turian slammed his fist on the table. - We can't even imagine how it works.

- I insist that a group of GORs join your forces. The technology of the new race could make a huge leap. - The Salarian began to speak at his usual speed.

- I'll give you that permission, but what good would it do? We don't have the wreckage of their ships. - The turian clenched his fists.

- I'll instruct my staff to form an embassy ship to resolve the conflict,"-after thinking carefully, I'll contact the Council of Matriarchs and have them send fleets to your aid. That's the end of it for today. Tomorrow we'll discuss the interactions between our forces. - The reasonable began to disperse.

A couple of days later.

By the standards of Space, a huge fleet hovered in front of the relay. The Turians, Azari, and Salarian ships were ready to destroy anyone. The only ship that stood out from the armada was a small, unarmed ambassadorship. According to the data, it had to go to the other side, where the enemy armada was already and negotiate if it was not destroyed.

- I am ready, madam. - Ambassador Jasniya of the Azari reported. - You may give the signal.

The communications ship began broadcasting the Ambassador's arrival signal to the system exit on all possible frequencies. After waiting some time to receive the signal, the ship approached the repeater and soon crossed.

Jasniya was shaking, she could die in a second after exiting, and nothing depended on her. But when she got the signal from the pilot that she was about to exit, she hurriedly pulled herself together and headed for the cockpit. The pilot was an old friend of hers, and the transition time flew by while she talked to her. And then the blue all around shrank, and the ship was thrown into normal Space, nearly crashing into an obstacle in its path. Seeing what it was, the Ambassador gasped; the obstacle was a huge ship with unreal size guns and superstructures, which made it look like an ancient temple. In the meantime, the ship was unresponsive to their arrival. As the Ambassador looked around, she realized that there were thousands of these ships, and the entire Space was filled with them. She was so caught up in their gaze that she missed the information package from the alien ship. It was a map of a corridor leading deep into their formation. Giving the pilot instructions, the Ambassador left to prepare for the rendezvous.

- What's the point of licking corners, brother? - The two Adepts, inspecting the wiring, were looking out the window at the tiny vessel and discussing it.

- I don't know. Beauty justifies weakness. - answered the other one, who was picking at the wires.

- Most likely, the ship is supposed to show the power of the Heart Spirit and therefore be formidable. So that our enemies should be afraid of her mere sight and not merely the might of her cannons! - The Adept spoke up angrily.

- You have seen the battles; they can only harm us with their biggest calibre or if they chisel all at once. His shields are indeed a mighty thing! - At those words, they both made the Lord of Steel symbol with their hands.

- Well, keno's got the keno, and the wiring doesn't check itself. You got the litany? - With an affirmative nod, the two figures disappeared into the darkness of the many corridors of the mighty ship.

Soon we are nearing the end of the corridor, ending in the hangar of a HUGE ship. It's even bigger than the Destination Track, which was considered impossible! How many crew are on it...

The shuttle gently touched the deck supports after flying into the hangar through the protective field. Waiting for the ramp to open, the Ambassador stepped into the alien ship, where she was immediately met by humanoids clad in armour. Without rudeness or force, they gestured for her to follow them, which she did.

Their path led through dozens of corridors, and along the way, they constantly came across figures in scarlet robes who were doing something to the ship, either repairing or changing it. They seemed to ignore the passing delegation. But all things must come to an end, and so their journey came to an end. They stopped at a high door, and her attendants stood on either side. This must have been an invitation to enter, but is this iron door for me to open with biotics?

Surprisingly, the door opened with a light touch, letting her guest into the spacious hall.

The subdued light and huge windows lent beauty to the room, and the walls were decorated with beautiful bas-reliefs depicting what appeared to be historical events. The warriors on them were fighting each other. Still, some were united and marching in formation. In contrast, others were individual and depicted in some sort of garb, probably savages. But not only were battles depicted, but there were also cities, animals, sentient beings, and a prominent image... of a deity above a fallen warrior reaching out to him.

The beauty of the place fascinated me so much that I didn't notice the large table of beautiful wood at the end of the hall, decorated with golden patterns and the figure sitting behind it.

- Do you like it? - the question caught the Ambassador abruptly, and she jerked in surprise," Please sit down. You have come to discuss something, haven't you?

- You speak my language so well? - Jasniya wondered, taking a seat in the sumptuous armchair.

- It was not difficult for me to learn it; I know several. - He spoke the last words in Quarian.

Her interlocutor was clad in dark armour and a helmet with no hint of eye slits, a solid plate.

- Does my armour embarrass you? - as if her opponent had read her mind - You may not be surprised; it embarrasses many people, so I will make an exception for you. - In front of the Ambassador's eyes, the figure began to change, flowing into something smaller. Soon a man similar to the Quarian, with five-toed limbs and brighter skin, was sitting in front of her. He was dressed in a beautiful white uniform with a scarlet cloak. - Allow me to introduce myself, Maximilian Theros; you may simply call me Legatus," the man held out his hand to the Ambassador, who was at a loss for words.

- Jasnia T'Nasi," she murmured as she shook it, still reeling from what she had seen. - I have come here to...

- For peace between us and the Hierarchy.

- How do you know? - It was as if her eyes would pop out of her forehead.

- He knows everything and predicts your arrival long before your decisions.

- I see. - Though everything was such a mystery for her, she soon couldn't see the light of day anymore. Her gaze was again fixed on the bas-reliefs, and the girl hovered. The Legatus, following her gaze, grinned.

- I love these paintings; they tell stories of my past life.

- Past life?

- Yes, not even dust is left of many who were with me then. And my life became an eternity of service, but it was the best I could have dreamed of.

- Not even dust? How long ago was that? - Her eyes grew big again, and she stared at her opponent.

- More than two thousand years ago, even I'm depicted here," he pointed to the lying warrior, "This is where the commander of the Legion died and where the servant of the Eternal Emperor was born.

- You speak so many incomprehensible words...

- Someday, you will understand them, perhaps. But I suggest we return to the purpose of your visit.

- Yes, I'm sorry. Well, the Council sent me here to resolve the conflict between you and the Hierarchy.

- And why you and not the Ambassador of the Hierarchy?

- We're diplomats in Space, so that's our job.

- Hmm. How about I come to your Council in person, and we'll discuss a truce. Would that work for you?

- Let me discuss it with my superiors; I don't have that right. - The Ambassador was typing something quickly on her Omni when she got her approval, and the other face of the Empire returned to sorting out her piles of cases.

- Yes, it is possible," the Ambassador replied after a few minutes, "then I will fly to the Citadel. When can you arrive there?

- Very soon, if you wish, I can take you there.

- But it will take days to get there through the relays. - The Ambassador hesitated.

- Don't worry, it will be a couple of hours. - And for the third time, her eyes widened.

- Uh...that's impossible! It takes dozens of systems to get there!

- For you, my dear, for you. - "For us, it is but a moment," the Legate grinned.

He turned to the fixture in the corner and continued.

- Commander," a hologram of a man in a fleet uniform appeared before him, "plot a course to the Citadel and set the coordinates for the fastest possible penetration. - The commander pounded his fist into his chest and disappeared. - We'll be near your station shortly, Ambassador. - The man smiled.

Great Empire | Newly formed Perseus segment | New Rannoch

Shala'Raan vas Tonbai

I watched the planet with a sense of pride as lines of lights crept across it, folding into a huge city-a new home for my race. On it, we could breathe without masks, and what better way for any Quarian to do that! We might be part of another country now, but we were no longer alone and would no longer be left to die a slow death!

My thoughts were interrupted by my assistant, the Terran, as they call themselves. When I found out what they looked like, I was surprised, almost our copies! Maximilian even told me their state was not very fond of other races. Still, since we were almost identical, we did not see any aggression towards us. There was some other race, but from what I understand, they usually don't leave their capital. Everyone gives them special deference since they have some special role in society. I'll have to find out more about them later. So, assistant.

- Madam Shala'Raan, the Blessed Hisha ArʼSher is here to see you. Can you receive her here? - At the pronunciation of the arrival's name, the man's voice expressed deep reverence.

- Certainly, order a treat for the guest if she is hungry, if we can find food suitable for humans.

- The Blessed One is one of the Holy race of the Wilds; any food is good enough for her, Mistress. - Oops, here comes the third race; finally, I get to see them live.

- Good, then I'll wait for her in the Meeting Room, it's better set up there. - The man nodded and almost vanished, and I went to meet my guest.

As soon as everything was prepared, a tall woman entered the hall. She might have been mistaken for a Terran woman from afar, save for the thin, feline tail and four fingers instead of five. The rest of her race's feline features became visible as she approached. Her face was similar to that of the Quarian and Terran. However, the shape of her pupils and her face separated them all, but the woman was still very beautiful. She was dressed in half armour as a breastplate, richly decorated with gold and the symbol of a golden bird; I already knew that gold has a special status in the Empire since it is with it that they associate the power of their god. And the rest of my body was covered by a snow-white cloth. Because of all this, the woman seemed to glow slightly.

As she approached, I stood up, not knowing how to greet such an important guest. Seeing my confusion, she laughed and simply shook my hand.

- Don't worry, the Terrans have simply inflated our importance, so they've invented thousands of rituals, yet we simply carry His word.

- Yes, thank you, I need some clarification. So, what brings you here, Hisha? - The conversation began quietly, without ceremonies and special rules.

- As head of the Sisters who have devoted their lives to Him," she squeezed her eyes shut, imagining something in her head, "I couldn't miss joining new people to our house. And so I have arrived with a request for permission to build temples in honour of the Emperor in your Segmentum! Faith must bind our peoples together so our souls may sing songs to His glory!

- Temples...?

- Oh, I understand you. I know about your faith, and I'm not urging you to give it up. Some may find comfort in the Emperor's words; faith is everyone's business.

- Then, of course, I am glad to be of assistance. I will give orders for help to build temples. - I was struck by the level of communication of a person of this calibre as if we were conversing about some mundane matters.

- Wonderful! - She smiled a snow-white smile. - Then how about a drink of Terran wine, in honour of our meeting! Believe me, it's the best you've ever tasted!

The rest of the day passed in beautiful surroundings, with fellowship, food, and great company to mingle with...