
God the Machine

What happens to what we make up? Is it created in reality and is it possible to participate in it and change it, since we are the creators of it? This question will be answered by one young man who had no idea that he would die and what awaits him after death. Completely edited the chapters. This is a translation. The original author is a Russian writer: Westheimer183

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Dead Sands

One week after the end of the war | Terminus-Primo Transit Station

- Sorry to take you away from your vacation, but I don't have any other ships. - The two officers moved quickly through the corridors of the busy station, making their way through the oncoming stream of intelligence.

- Mr Admiral, our ship still needs to be fully serviced and loaded... - The girl continued. Still, the man walking beside her stopped abruptly and turned to her.

- Shepard, orders are not to be discussed, especially those from the Admiralty. - At these words, the girl straightened up and shook all emotion from her face. - Secondly, the paint scraped off by the explosion can be applied later. You're not going anywhere. - The Admiral continued. - I have to supervise dozens of convoys in the occupied zone daily, so take care of your problems!

The walk through the corridors took another ten minutes and ended at the station manager's office. Inside, the Admiral threw his tunic on the back of the chair and sat down.

- So," the man ran a weary hand over his face, "your mission... - He ran his fingers over the terminal that appeared. - In three hours, the Phobos, the cunning ship, will arrive in the system. Your mission is on board. Unfortunately, I do not know its conventions, but you will get there and be enlightened. The secrets of the Mechanicus are hidden from 'mere mortals'. - The words brought a smile to the faces of the two men. - That is all I can tell you. Mars is in charge of this operation, so it's up to you from here. Good luck!

The girl gave a military salute and walked quickly out of the office. Outside the door, a constantly moving crowd of people of all races awaited her. Everyone was hurrying about their business, almost oblivious to the surroundings - typical of such stations. After making her way to a more or less empty room, the captain called her brother. After a few seconds, a familiar voice answered:

- Hello.

- Alex, hi. Have you finished? - Her brother was dealing with the additions that had suddenly been assigned to their ship, bloating an already not-insignificant landing party to an obscene degree.

- Yes, a few minutes ago. - Even over the communicator, his voice sounded rather tired. - Now we can go as raiders. They brought another twenty men and two robots. The freighter is full. What about you?

- Well... - the girl shifted her gaze to the door she'd come out of a minute ago. - This isn't the Admiralty. Even he doesn't know everything about the Order, and it looks like we'll be working with the Mechanicus... - there was a groan of pain on the other side. - What is it?

- You'll see, they'll give us a temporary command, and we'll have to put them somewhere, and in the cabin!

- Why there?

- Are you suggesting we put the Adepts on hold? - Again, the sarcastic chuckle made the girl smile. - Something will fall off on the way.

- You're right, well, think of something; I have to meet them now. I'll see you later. - With another sad look at the crowd, the girl joined the stream and headed towards the numerous hangars...

Dozens of ships occupied the vast space. Numerous repair crews gathered around their hulls, checking their integrity and repairing minor malfunctions. Cranes lifted more cargo containers from the holds and into the station's warehouses. Despite the constant noise and crowds, Jane managed to find a small café, which was very popular here, and even an empty table. She ordered synthetic coffee, as real coffee was extremely expensive and transporting it to all the outlying stations would be extremely costly, and she got onto the news pages.

The main news that everyone was discussing was, of course, winning the war. There were constant online debates about the correctness of this or that strategy, the success of the battles and similar topics. But mostly everyone was happy about the victory and the war's end. Next came news about the life of high society, the Great Houses and other famous people. There was even a video of the lord's flagship... Economic news... Fashion...

A few hours passed unnoticed, and the girl was plucked from the net by a clap, symbolising a break in the force field. A huge ship bearing the crest of the Overlord slowly approached the hangar. The ship looked like a giant factory, covered in smaller ships and additional modules. Jane had seen ships like this, used as common transport for the Order's servants. But there were rumours of huge leviathans that accompanied fleets and could even repair battleships in their workshops. Just trying to comprehend their size made her shudder.

Meanwhile, the ship was picked up by the tugs and driven towards the magnetic clamps. There was a distinctive click, and the ship stopped at the pier. Almost immediately, a gantry was attached to the ship, and two guards climbed down to stand guard at the airlock. Finishing her drink in one gulp, she rose from her seat. She walked purposefully to the escalator that led down to the level of the corridors. Once on it, she quickly found the right one and went inside...

... The first thing she saw was the blade of a halberd blocking her way. The entire room before her was filled with two large figures in scarlet robes.

- Present your credentials. - A steely, lifeless voice broke through, amplified by the scarlet lights glowing beneath the hoods. Gathering her thoughts, the girl fumbled in one of her pockets for what looked like a small token a soldier always carried and handed it to the guard. He deftly inserted it into the reader on his arm, then froze for a few moments.

- Data confirmed. - The guard returned the token to the Commander, and the guards returned to their posts, letting them in.

The ship greeted them with quiet corridors and dim lights. As she moved deeper into the corridor, she encountered only one Adept, who carried a pile of scrolls and paid no attention to her. After passing him, Jane soon reached a rather large hall with many more inhabitants. Some of them were flanking their companion, who stood out by his richer robes and height, towering a full head above the crowd. As soon as he spotted her, everyone around him left the hall, obeying the slight movement of his hand. Waiting for the girl to approach, he held his hand in greeting.

- Shepherd, good to see you. - His voice sounded like it was coming from a walkie-talkie. It must have been the effects of the massive organ replacement implants.

- Do I know you?

- Your mother and I go way back; we served on the same ship. Weren't you assigned to this mission?

- There needs to be more information about it, but we were under your command...

- That's right, your team performed well in recent operations, so Mars chose you.

- Thank you.

- I suggest you go to the next compartment, and on the way, I'll tell you the essence of the mission. - He pulled out two pairs of metal hands from under his Cloak, clasped them behind his back and moved slowly into the darkness along one of the corridors.

- Are you familiar with an area of space like the Krogan DMZ?

- Of course, but as far as I know, we have no interest there.

- The war has given us a free hand in that direction. That region practically borders us, but there is no control or Order. That worries Terra...

- What is my mission?

- The planet of Tuchanka is once again in the throes of civil war. Prompted by our military successes, they thought it was their turn to enter the galactic arena. But they have met with resistance from about half the clans and are now actively destroying each other. That was about a week ago when a scout ship came into orbit. Now it's an all-out war for ammunition, food, fuel and the rest.

- Do you have a plan for this?

- Yes." At this point, they passed through the far door. They found themselves in a hall filled with various chemical laboratories, tanks of liquids and test chambers. - Adeptus Biologics was able to unravel the structure of the disease that was limiting their numbers. With the cure," the Master picked up a small, glowing cube, "we will force them to submit to the Empire. But there is one problem...

- ...who to choose as leader. - The girl finished. The Adept merely nodded at her words, confirming the suspicion. - Do you have any thoughts?

- Clan Urdnoth is very promising. It's already very powerful and has several other clans around it. We have already contacted them and explained the situation. However, if the others discover, the war will gain new momentum, and there is no telling where it will lead. The leaders will meet to try and make peace; you should take the medicine there and continue the negotiations. - The man handed the cube to the girl. - Some brothers will go with you and activate the cure if everything goes according to plan.

- Understood. - Jane turned the device in her hand and held it up to the light. - I'll be leaving immediately!

Waiting for the door to close behind the Commander, the Master addressed the darkness in one corner of the hall. - Contact your brother and give special instructions to the firing squad. The guards will assign a team to them, just in case.

- Will do, Master...

- What is it, Jeff? - The girl, already in her armour, entered the cabin and leaned against a nearby chair.

- I've exchanged codes with the scout, and they're leaving the system. No sign of us on the radar, but I've already contacted Urdnot; they're waiting for us in the ruins of this city. - A map of the ruined metropolis has appeared on one of the screens. - There will also be a meeting there.

- We'll take the shuttles, no need to risk the ship.

- Roger that, Captain. - The man returned to the controls and 'disappeared' from the real world.

Once out of the deckhouse, Jane found herself in the command room filled with many terminals. This was where all the information came in and was processed by the junior officers. In the centre was a large galaxy map, which usually displayed all the information needed for a mission.

After passing through the compartment, she took the lift down to the lower decks where the landing party had taken over the hangar. The girl first saw half a hundred soldiers training on special simulators that had recently been brought in or simply sparring with each other. Two senior officers were in charge, and her brother was watching from one of the containers.

- How's it going? - The girl walked over to Alex and looked up from below.

- It's just a matter of honing their skills; they all know it, and some have even participated in actual boardings and assaults.

- We should be disembarking by now, so... - The guy just nodded and typed something into his wrist communicator. Everyone present immediately stopped training and spread out in the hangar, collecting their equipment, then lined up and began loading into the shuttles. Alex went to the ships occupied by the paratroopers, and Jane went with two Adepts to a separate shuttle but was intercepted on the way...

- Again? - Jane looked unhappily at the beautiful scientist, who was almost crying as she looked pleadingly at the captain. - What could there be to it!

- A ruin... - the scientist replied with a sniffle.

- All right, Liara, all right. Just once and not a step away from me, understand? - In moments, the Commander was hugged, almost kissed, before the Hurricane grabbed his bag and disappeared into the shuttle. With a sigh, Jane followed.

- Commander, we are being met. - The pilot's report came as the ships landed. As soon as the door opened, the dry air hit the faces of those present with the occasional grain of sand. A delegation of Krogan, led by the largest in red armour, moved to meet the arrivals. By the time Jane's shuttle landed, the paratroopers had disembarked. They were standing in a semicircle, taking control of the area.

As the rest of the group disembarked, a large Krogan approached, almost too close to touch.

- Greetings, Imperial. We have been expecting you...

- I'm pleased to welcome you...

- Rex, I am the Chief of this clan. - The Krogan extended his hand.

- Jane, Commander. - The girl shook it, then turned and pointed to her companions. - This is my brother, our archaeologist, and brother Larsal. - The adept nodded slightly. - They are here to solve your... problem.

- We'll deal with that later. Right now, there is a clan meeting. The chiefs are waiting for us on neutral ground. Are you ready?

- Ready for what...

- Ready. - Alex spoke up and approached Rex with the higher officers. - We will proceed according to the agreed plan.

The Krogan let out a satisfied growl and moved towards his warriors.

- Alex, what does this mean? - The girl grabbed the boy's arm and looked at him angrily.

- It's a job for Pretoria and the guards, I'm sorry. I'll tell you later. - He freed himself from his sister's grip and followed the Krogan with the soldiers.

Soon they reached the large door that led to the meeting hall. Their path was blocked by several soldiers standing guard. The paratroopers separated from the group and moved down one of the corridors. Alex smiled at his sister, slung his rifle over his shoulder and disappeared into the tunnel's darkness.

- He'll get it from me... - Jane muttered as she and the Krogan made their way into the hall where fifty clan chieftains, large and small, were gathered. They split into two groups as soon as they saw her, then looked at Rex.

- We are gathered here to end a war that has already drained our resources! Clan Urdnot will be the first to disarm if you all agree to do the same.

- You have forgotten your father's words! - A Krogan emerged from the crowd, his armour adorned with the skeleton of some animal. - And then you ran and killed him! He understood what we had to do, but we're still writhing on this planet because of cowards like you! - his group roared in agreement and began to shout something.

- I suggest you shut up, Vars! We're only alive because we weren't buried in the sand from orbit! - This time, another group rumbled.

- Krogan will even fight with a stone instead of a rifle. The Citadel used us then and threw us away, and we could walk through their worlds with fire!" With each word spoken, the tension between the groups grew and would soon reach the point of bloodshed.

- They pulled us out of the sand we had turned our homeland into. And you want our total annihilation?!

- They couldn't handle the bugs; I wouldn't be surprised if they begged to kill the Warrens next time! - Laughter erupted in the hall from the crowd of his supporters. - The hierarchy is gone! I urge you all to go out there and do to them what they have done to us! Let their planets burn and let them die of disease and starvation!

- You have one last chance, Wars!

- I will not discuss the world if you bring the meek to the council! - Wars jabbed his finger at the girl. - If you're pathetic enough to go to them for help, what kind of peace can there be? - His words were backed by a roar from his subordinate chieftains. - When we are done fighting, I will cut off your head, you weakling... - the speaker grinned, showing a huge knife at his hip.

- If you want a fight, then so be it... - Rex tensed as if preparing to jump.

- Try it if you're so brave! - Satisfied with the effect, Vars also took a stance.

Over the din, no one heard the growing whistle from above, and then it was too late. Impulses flew into the crowd of leaders, piercing their armour and burning through their flesh. A volley of fifty rifles finished them in less than half a minute. On the other hand, Vars was lying there with smoking holes all over his body in the blink of an eye. When it was over, the smell of burning flesh filled the room.

The Chief approached the enemy's body and kicked it off the dais. The other chiefs also examined the corpses, cutting off their trophies and picking up their weapons. One of them looked like the eldest and was taking his time.

- Rex, this needs to be corrected. - His voice was low, but Rex listened carefully and respectfully. - You can't kill on neutral ground.

- I respect your opinion, Fexar. - The Chief put his hand to his chest. - But you have led us into the abyss. I have no choice... - The old Krogan just smiled at these words.

- I remember you when you were young; even then, you tried to stick to your principles but make sure they didn't lead you away from what you were born to be. - At these words, he dropped down and disappeared behind the door.

- Who was that? - Jane took her hand from the gun she'd held for ten minutes and stepped closer.

- My mentor, the one who helped me after my father betrayed me. - There was a smile on the Chief's face. He turned to the girl and continued. - This is the first time I have gone against his advice.

At that moment, the door swung open, and the paratroopers, led by her brother, entered the hall. Glancing around the hall, he moved towards the speakers.

- You're a good shot but a long way from Krogan. - Rex slapped Alex on the shoulder, making him sway.

- So far, so good. - He smiled and looked at his sister.

- Do you want to explain what happened? - The girl's look guaranteed a painful death for her brother, not just one.

- The Pretoria had information that a ceasefire would likely not happen, so a plan was made to eliminate the head of the hostile clans.

- It's needed now. Having rivals all the time is not the best thing for us right now. - Rex grinned contentedly. - Now, their clans will be taken over by my subordinates.

- Chief, there's no Wrulus among them! - A warrior ran up to the group with a report.

- Have you looked? - Rex seemed to move close to the speaker and looked down from above.

- His body is gone, and his warriors are moving towards the Veil.

- He wants to destroy it... - Rex shouted a few commands in his own language, then turned to the approaching Adepts. - What is the danger?

- The Collegium believes that in addition to the high power explosion, it could destabilise the structure of the virus, causing it to change in an unpredictable direction. It would also take approximately 2.67 months to build the new device, which would...

- Enough is enough. Do we have anything to catch him with? - The Commander checked the load in her gun.

- There are cars at the entrance, but we must find out how far behind we are.

- Then let's go! - Everyone ran down the corridors to the gate leading to the street...

- Can she go any faster? - The chase had gone on for nearly half an hour. Enemy vehicles could be seen on the horizon, firing back at the pursuers without much effect.

- It was an all-terrain vehicle, not a racing car. - Rex sat in the gunner's seat and tried to get the enemy in his sights.

- How far to the Veil? - The girl had somehow found her way into the driver's compartment.

- About ten minutes, and we'll be there if we don't slow down. - The Crogan driver squeezed the wheel until it squeaked, controlling the car. He didn't even look at the girl.

- I see... - Jane climbed back into the cargo bay and started typing on her communicator.

- I hope it's not what I think it is... - Alex grabbed the handrail and huddled against the wall.

- There's no other way out. I'll call Jeff. - Finished, she crawled to the front window. Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then a blue light beam broke through the clouds and hit the ground far ahead. The bright flash forced Jane to turn away and cover her eyes with her hands. Soon the light faded, and she turned her eyes back to her pursuers. But instead of them, huge dust and smoke rose above the road, resulting from a hit from the ship's cannon. The explosion had wiped out everything in front of it, leaving no survivors.

- Well, better than me... - A loud noise prevented them from finishing. Suddenly, the bridge the group was crossing shook, and the road rose in a wave. The driver had no time to steer or stop the car, and the wave reached their car instantly. There was a terrible screeching sound, a fleeting sensation of weightlessness as they were thrown through the air, followed by a violent impact that threw the girl against her brother. Then the darkness caught up with them...

She awoke to someone dragging her along the ground. Looking up, she saw her brother dragging her to the hill where Rex and his warriors were waiting for them. Once the job was done, Alex came over and leaned over her. When he saw that the girl had recovered, he sighed heavily and held out his hand. With his help, she managed to get to her feet.

- Warn them next time, the plan is alright, but we stopped them. - The Chief didn't take his eyes off the horizon for long and grinned at her.

- Is there anyone else alive out there? - The bruised limbs ached and made it hard to think.

- Yes, but only a few. But they're still heading for the Cloak, which means Wrulus is alive.

Let's move faster; we're supposed to go through a plane and...

- The explosion attracted the Thresher... As long as we and it stay where we are, it's close by. When it passes, we move. - At his words, the ground shook again, and a terrible roar and gunfire could be heard behind the ruins. But soon, they died down.

- Someone is unlucky! - All the krogan grinned and began to regroup. - Now was the best time to move on before he returned. Need some help? - The girl still didn't look her best.

- No need, I'll do it myself. - She also picked up her rifle from the ground and got ready. Soon the squad moved on.

- There they are! - A group of ten Krogan ran towards the tower. They were carrying something large and probably explosive. Several impulses flew at their backs, and one warrior staggered forward. The others quickly scattered into the rubble, returning fire, but two sped up and hurried towards the Cloak with the bomb.

- We'll get them. You clear the approach! - Brother and sister ran to bypass one of the passageways while the rest of the squad engaged in a firefight. - Will the landing party arrive soon?

Alex glanced at his communicator.

- Ten minutes.

- Too late; they'll be there by then. - At these words, Jane accelerated even more. Soon they had bypassed the ruins where the fighting was taking place and entered the open space in front of the tower. Their target was right in front of them. The girl drew her rifle and fired the first shot, instantly knocking one of the fleeing men to the ground. The other grabbed the device and zigzagged towards the base. Shots rang out at his sides but missed the agile soldier.

- Fuck... - Alex dropped to his knees and held his breath, taking aim at the runner. Waiting for it to hesitate, he fired. The beam hit the Krogan under his right arm, and after a few more metres, he fell into the hole, along with the bomb, just twenty metres short of the Veil.

- Well, we're lucky this time... - An explosion threw the two of them back onto the steps they had come from. A cloud of dust almost immediately covered them, blocking out the sun. But the desert winds roaming the planet for a thousand years quickly 'cleared' the air.

As they climbed back up, they saw a large crater where the road had once been wide. But most frightening of all was the partially collapsed canopy, which had even tilted slightly. The sounds of gunfire had also faded, replaced by shuttle engines coming in for a landing. As the landing party unloaded, Rex and his squadron caught up with the Commander.

- Luck never leaves you, Shepard. - The Crogan grinned and slung his rifle over his shoulder.

- That's for sure... - His brother murmured in a low voice, staring at the crater of the explosion. At that moment, the Adepts, who had arrived with the paratroopers, approached them.

- Commander?

- Is this going to be a problem? - The girl pointed to the warp tower. The Adept looked up at the structure after thinking about it:

- The structure is unreliable; the chance of falling is 58.40%. By then, the medicine will have finished dispensing, and its value will disappear.

- Then load it up. - Under escort, the hooded figures bowed and moved towards the adjoining laboratory.

- If all goes well, my people will be in your debt.

- The Emperor brings prosperity to all who accept his help.

The chieftain walked to the square's edge and looked out over the desert, where the occasional ruin could be seen.

- One day, we will regain our greatness. And this planet will flourish again... - As if to confirm his words, there was a booming sound, and the substance ejected from the Veil began to rapidly change colour to white with a blue tinge. Soon it had completely absorbed the virus and began to disappear into the sky.

- The effect is expected to last about a week when the substance will be completely dispersed in the atmosphere. - The substance will neutralise the virus, after which the device will no longer be needed.

Rex took a deep breath as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders and turned to Jane.

- I suggest we go back to town and discuss our cooperation.

- That would be... - She glanced at the Thresher's tail, which had disappeared into the sand.

The shuttles soared into the sky and raced back at high speed, leaving the old tower to live out its days...