
God Sword of Justice: A DxD Fic

In the world of supernatural beings, Kaen Tengukenshi, a skilled warrior known as the God Sword of Justice, finds himself embroiled in a fateful journey. Maybe Bleach...? there gon b a harem, yes.

maafi888 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Justice

It was a dark and eerie night, with a chilling breeze rustling through the desolate streets. The feeble glow of the streetlamps cast long, distorted shadows that danced ominously on the pavement. Issei, his expression a mixture of perplexity and unease, walked cautiously along the silent thoroughfare. The weight of confusion burdened his mind, refusing to dissipate despite his best efforts.

The events of the previous day had left him shaken to his core. Memories of Yuuma, the girl he had believed to be his companion, now haunted his every waking moment. How could someone he had trusted so deeply be responsible for his death? Or was she even real, or merely a figment of his imagination? If she was real, then why had she betrayed him and taken his life so mercilessly? And if she had indeed killed him, how was he standing here now, breathing and walking?

Or was it all just a terrible dream?

"Damn it!" Issei muttered under his breath, frustration lacing his voice. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with the confusion that consumed him. He had thought he understood the world, the rules that governed life and death. But now, everything seemed twisted and distorted, defying his comprehension.

"What is happening to me?" Issei whispered to himself, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

His footsteps faltered as an inexplicable chill ran down his spine. The air around him seemed to grow heavy, the atmosphere thick with an ominous presence. Issei's instincts screamed at him, warning of impending danger lurking in the shadows. His gaze shifted, scanning the darkness of the alley, as he searched for the source of the foreboding sensation that pricked his skin.

And then, as if materialising from thin air, a figure emerged under the eerie glow of a nearby streetlamp. The man loomed above, his imposing height casting a long, menacing shadow over the dimly lit surroundings. The perfectly tailored trench coat clung to his frame, accentuating his broad shoulders and adding an air of intimidation. Atop his head perched a stylish hat, its brim partially concealing his face, shrouding him in an aura of enigma and imminent danger.

"How unfortunate for you to cross my path," the mysterious figure taunted, his voice echoing eerily through the night. "Yet, it seems luck is on my side tonight, for I have found someone of your kind here."

Issei's confusion transformed into a mix of fear and curiosity. His eyes narrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What do you mean, 'someone of my kind'...? Who are you…?"

The figure chuckled sinisterly, relishing in the fear they evoked. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and malevolence as he continued to toy with Issei's confusion and apprehension.

"Ah, the questions of the ignorant," the figure hissed, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "Confused, are we? Wondering what is real and what is not? Such delicious torment."

Desperate, Issei mustered the courage to speak, though his voice trembled with a mix of fear and curiosity. His eyes locked onto the enigmatic figure, his gaze burning with determination.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me…?!" Issei pressed, his voice trembling but resolute. "Tell me, or... or I won't go down without a fight!"

The figure's twisted grin widened, relishing in Issei's defiance. He took another step forward, his presence suffocating as he loomed over Issei.

"Oh, how amusing," the figure drawled, his voice dripping with a sinister tone that resonated with malevolence. "Your resolve is commendable, little Devil. But I assure you, your resistance is futile. As for your questions, allow me to introduce myself. I am Dohnaseek, a Fallen Angel, and I have but a singular want from you, Issei Hyoudou—your death."

Issei's mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. Fallen Angels? Weren't they just myths and legends? He had always believed them to be nothing more than stories told to scare children. Yet here he stood, face to face with a real Fallen Angel. One that wanted him dead. The realisation sent a chill down his spine, intertwining with his fear and confusion.

The figure known as Dohnaseek seemed to relish in Issei's disbelief. His eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction, confirming the existence of a world beyond Issei's wildest imagination.

"You think we are mere legends, figments of your imagination?" Dohnaseek sneered, his voice dripping with scorn. "Oh, how naïve. The truth is far more terrifying than any bedtime story."

Issei's mind spun with a whirlwind of thoughts. If Fallen Angels truly existed, what else lay hidden within the shadows of the world? What other creatures, forces, or powers lurked in the depths of reality?

"Why...? Why are you here? What have I done to deserve all this…?" Issei managed to muster, his voice quivering with a mix of fear and frustration. The events of the past days had left him bewildered and tormented. First, there was Yuuma, the girl he believed he was dating, who then took his life. And now, here stood a Fallen Angel, hellbent on killing him. The pieces of the puzzle refused to fit together, leaving Issei in a state of confusion and despair.

Dohnaseek's sinister grin widened, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. He took a step closer, closing the distance between them, and spoke with a twisted delight.

"Deserve? Oh, my dear Hyoudou, it's not about what you have done. It's about what you are," Dohnaseek taunted, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "You're a Devil."

Issei staggered back, his mind reeling from the revelation. A Devil? Was this the reason behind his inexplicable resurrection, his entanglement with supernatural forces? The weight of his newfound identity crashed upon him, and he struggled to comprehend its implications.

"But I... I didn't ask for any of this," Issei stammered, his voice trembling with a mix of confusion and desperation. "I don't even know what it means to be a Devil. Why am I being targeted…?"

Dohnaseek's twisted grin widened as he revelled in Issei's confusion. The dimly-lit alley seemed to shudder under the weight of his malevolence, amplifying the sinister aura that radiated from him. His voice dripped with venomous intent, each word laced with a threatening undertone that sent shivers down Issei's spine.

"A slight correction: Why was I being targeted?" Dohnaseek sneered, his voice laced with a chilling mixture of malice and arrogance. The atmosphere itself seemed to acknowledge the imminent danger that surrounded them, as if holding its breath in anticipation. Shadows danced and swirled, their sinuous forms amplifying the intensity of the moment.

"Start living your life in the past tense, pathetic Devil," Dohnaseek's words dripped with contempt, his tone emphasizing Issei's perceived insignificance. The malevolence in his voice was palpable, resonating with the weight of his superiority. "For soon, there will be no future or present for you. You fail to comprehend, don't you? You, a lowly Devil, and I, a mighty Fallen, our kinds forever locked in enmity." Dohnaseek's sinister voice echoed through the darkened streets, the sound carrying a chilling satisfaction. Each word he uttered dripped with malevolence, sending shivers down Issei's spine.

"It is my glorious purpose to see you dead," Dohnaseek proclaimed, his voice resounding with a twisted sense of delight. As he spoke, Issei's breath caught in his throat as the surge of darkness intensified, swirling and coiling around Dohnaseek like a tempest. The air grew heavy with an oppressive aura, and a palpable sense of dread settled upon the surroundings.

With an eerie grace, a pair of large, obsidian wings unfurled from Dohnaseek's back. They stretched wide, their span casting a sprawling shadow that devoured the feeble rays of moonlight. Issei's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind unable to grasp the sight unfolding before him. It was as if the memories of yesterday's events had materialized right in front of him, a haunting reminder of the horrors he had experienced. The image of Yuuma, with her own dark wings outstretched, flashed vividly in his mind.

Dohnaseek's laughter echoed through the desolate street, the sound filled with a chilling blend of satisfaction and malice. It reverberated in Issei's ears, intensifying his sense of disbelief and unease. His mind struggled to reconcile the unimaginable truth before him.

"Yuuma..." Issei managed to muster.

"Indeed, little Devil," Dohnaseek proclaimed, his voice resounding with a blend of satisfaction and superiority. "The events that unfolded, the girl who betrayed you and took your life, Yuuma, it was all undeniably real. Your world has been forever changed, and now you must face the consequences of crossing paths with beings like us."

Issei's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of the truth pressing down upon him. The images of Yuuma's betrayal, her spear piercing through his chest, replayed in his mind like a nightmare. And now, standing face to face with Dohnaseek, a Fallen Angel who seemed to revel in his suffering, it was all too much to bear. The similarities were uncanny, and Issei couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of dread crawling up his spine. The memory of Yuuma's face twisted in malice, her dark wings unfurled, merged with the sight of Dohnaseek's own ominous wings stretching wide. It was as if he had stepped into a world where nightmares were tangible and the lines between reality and fantasy blurred.

"I... I can't believe this," Issei muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and fear. His mind raced, desperately trying to find an explanation for what was happening. "Wasn't it all just a dream?" He rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before his eyes.

Dohnaseek smirked, revelling in Issei's torment. "Oh, she was real indeed," he taunted, his voice dripping with a wicked delight. "She even killed you. Wouldn't it have been better if you had stayed dead? But no, fate has a cruel sense of humor, keeping you alive. You were reborn. As a pathetic Devil, no less. Beings like you deserve nothing but death." His words seethed with venomous contempt as he relished in Issei's suffering. "Oh, how fortunate for me to have the pleasure of ending your wretched existence."

Dohnaseek's words cut deep, his voice dripping with venomous contempt. Issei's trembling hands slowly unclenched, his eyes narrowing with a newfound resolve. The pain and anguish that had consumed him moments ago transformed into a steely determination. In that moment, something inside Issei snapped. He realized he couldn't allow himself to be belittled any further, to be pushed around and mocked by this Fallen Angel. His fists tightened, his nails digging into his palms as sudden rage and determination surged within him. The weight of his newfound identity as a Devil pressed heavily on his shoulders, but it also ignited a spark of defiance within him.

"No... more," Issei declared, his tone laced with newfound strength. "I won't let your words define me. I won't be shackled by your hatred and disdain. I am not just a pathetic Devil. I am Issei Hyoudou, and I will rise above your twisted expectations."

"I won't let you, or anyone else, decide my fate," Issei growled, his voice laced with determination. "I am the one who shapes my own destiny, and I will not be a pawn in your twisted game."

Dohnaseek's menacing chuckle echoed through the desolate street, a chilling sound that seemed to seep into Issei's very core. The Fallen Angel relished in Issei's unwavering determination, his eyes narrowing with cruel amusement, as if savouring the imminent clash of wills.

"Oh, how amusing," Dohnaseek sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "You possess quite the fire within you. But you truly believe you can defy the natural order? Such arrogance."

Issei's resolve burned brightly within him, undeterred by Dohnaseek's mocking words. He stood tall, his gaze piercing through the darkness with unwavering determination.

"I may not have all the answers, but I refuse to accept a predetermined fate," Issei declared, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction.

Dohnaseek's twisted grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Bold words, little Devil," he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. As he advanced closer, his malevolent presence grew suffocating, threatening to engulf Issei. But the young man stood his ground, his voice growing stronger and unwavering.

Issei's clenched fists trembled, but his resolve burned brightly within him. He refused to be intimidated by Dohnaseek's menacing aura. With each step the Fallen Angel took, Issei's determination only grew stronger.

Issei squared his shoulders, his eyes locked onto Dohnaseek's malevolent gaze. He may have been facing a powerful adversary, but he refused to let fear consume him. With unwavering determination, he braced himself for the battle that lay ahead, ready to prove that his resolve was not to be underestimated.

"Destiny or not, I won't let anyone take my life without a fight!" Issei declared, his voice carrying a resolute determination that echoed through the desolate street. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest, his entire being electrified with a newfound sense of purpose. His fists clenched tightly, his muscles tensing as he prepared himself for the imminent confrontation.

The declaration hung in the air, reverberating with undeniable strength. Issei's unwavering resolve sent a ripple of surprise through Dohnaseek's demeanour. The glimmer of amusement in his eyes faded, replaced by begrudging respect as he paused his advance, studying Issei intently.

There was a momentary silence, broken only by the faint rustle of the wind, as the two adversaries locked eyes. Dohnaseek's twisted grin wavered ever so slightly, revealing a crack in his façade. It was as if he had recognized a formidable spirit within Issei, one that refused to be crushed by the weight of fate.

"Very well," Dohnaseek finally spoke, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration. "If you wish to challenge your destiny, then show me your resolve, Issei Hyoudou. Let's see if you truly have what it takes to defy the inevitable."


"Let him show his resolve when the right moment arises, Fallen," a commanding voice resounded from behind Dohnaseek. As he turned around, his gaze locked with the sight of an imposing presence standing before him. The newcomer, with raven hair cascading down to his neck in untamed waves, possessed a youthful countenance that contradicted the power emanating from his very being. His chiselled features exuded an air of stoic determination, carved by the weight of countless battles fought and won. His piercing amber eyes, like pools of ancient wisdom, seemed to hold the stories of ages past, their depths uncharted and mysterious.

Clad in a sleek, black samurai haori that fell gracefully around his broad shoulders, the figure commanded attention with every movement. The haori, adorned with intricate golden embroidery, depicted celestial motifs and fierce dragons, symbolizing the delicate balance between justice and power that he embodied. Its dark fabric, as if woven from the essence of night itself, provided a striking contrast to the resplendent golden accents, shimmering like molten sunlight. As he stepped forward, the haori billowed with a grace all its own, catching the wind like ethereal wings unfurling. Its patterns seemed to come alive, dancing with an otherworldly radiance that mirrored the figure's indomitable spirit.

The katana nestled within its sheath at his waist was a testament to the artistry of the highest order. Crafted by the skilled hands of a master swordsmith, it embodied both elegance and deadly precision. The hilt, expertly wrapped in supple black leather, offered a firm and comfortable grip, as if it were an extension of the warrior's very being. Its seamless design allowed for effortless handling, ensuring a seamless connection between wielder and blade.

The tsuba, the handguard of the katana, was a mesmerizing work of art. Adorned with intricate, swirling patterns, it seemed to capture the essence of celestial wings in motion. Every line and curve held a mesmerizing grace, evoking a sense of divine presence. As the warrior's fingers grazed the tsuba, he could almost feel the ethereal feathers caressing his skin, whispering tales of grace and power.

Though sheathed for now, the katana exuded an aura of restrained might, its tempered steel eager to be unleashed. It was a weapon honed to perfection, a blade that had tasted the blood of countless adversaries and remained ever eager for more. Its resplendent edge, hidden from view, was a reminder of the formidable force that lay dormant within.

Dohnaseek's twisted grin faltered, his narrowed gaze scrutinizing the formidable newcomer before him. The unsettling presence of the Fallen Angel was overshadowed by an undeniable surge of unease, his instinctive recognition of the sheer strength emanating from the figure. The significance of the arrival washed over him, a stark realization that a truly formidable opponent had entered the fray.

Stepping forward with unyielding confidence, the enigmatic figure locked his unwavering gaze upon Dohnaseek. "As for you," he stated, his tone firm and commanding, "come at me." The weight of his words hung in the air, suffused with a quiet confidence that brooked no doubt or hesitation.

"Well, well," Dohnaseek replied, his voice oozing with arrogance and amusement. He relished the opportunity to demonstrate his supposed superiority to this newcomer. His sneering tone conveyed a sense of delight in his own perceived dominance. "A newcomer ready to test his mettle, huh? How delightful. Let's see if you possess even an ounce of the power that matches your grandiose presence."

With a swift and confident flick of his hand, a vibrant blue light materialized, coalescing into a formidable spear within Dohnaseek's grasp.

"You still have the chance to surrender," the figure advised, his voice infused with a calm yet resolute determination. In his words, there was an unwavering conviction that carried the weight of his purpose. As he spoke, his katana emitted a subtle but ominous vibration, as if it hungered for the taste of the Fallen Angel's essence. Its mere presence exuded a foreboding aura, hinting at the devastating power it held within.

"For you are nothing compared to the justice I uphold," the figure declared, his voice resonating with an undeniable strength.

Dohnaseek's eyes widened mockingly, a twisted grin spreading across his face. He burst into laughter, a maniacal sound that echoed through the desolate street.

"Me? Nothing against your so-called justice?" he sneered, his voice dripping with arrogant contempt. "What a delusional fool you are! Your concept of justice is nothing more than a pathetic figment of your imagination! It holds no power over me!"

His laughter continued, growing louder and more deranged with each passing moment. "I don't give a damn about your twisted sense of righteousness! I will tear you apart, and then I will crush that Devil boy you so desperately want to protect! Justice? Ha!"

"In the end, it's all just a joke!"

The young warrior's hand slowly withdrew from the sheath of his katana, revealing the glimmering blade partially exposed to the ethereal moonlight. His piercing gaze locked onto Dohnaseek, a subtle flicker of disappointment shadowing his unwavering determination. His voice resonated with a calm yet resolute tone, commanding attention.

"Pitiful," he spoke with a voice tinged with genuine disappointment, his words carrying a weight of both disdain and regret. The figure's piercing gaze bore into Dohnaseek, his disappointment palpable as he surveyed the Fallen Angel's twisted form. With a graceful motion, his hand lightly caressed the hilt of his katana, as if soothing a restless beast.

"A wretched creature like you," he continued, his voice infused with a blend of sorrow and determination, "will not have the privilege of witnessing the true power that resides within my blade. It stands as a symbol of my strength, yearning to be unleashed upon the shadows that engulf our world, and beings like yourself." His fingers gently traced the contours of the katana's sheath, his touch reverent and commanding.

A hint of regret flashed across the figure's eyes as he patted the sheath, his voice laden with a solemn tone. "Sorry, it appears that you will not have the opportunity to taste the blood of this creature," he declared, his words resonating with finality. He turned his gaze back to Dohnaseek, his expression firm but filled with an underlying mercy. "Consider yourself fortunate that I spare you from my blade's deathly embrace."

Dohnaseek's scoff echoed through the desolate street, his laughter mingling with the tension in the air. He seemed determined to cling to his arrogance, refusing to acknowledge the weight of the situation. His voice dripped with condescension as he taunted the figure before him. "Your loss, you dumbass!" he jeered, his words laced with a mocking tone. "It doesn't matter how you choose to fight, because in the end, you're going to lose anyway. Honestly, I couldn't care less! Hahaha!" His laughter reverberated through the night, a stark contrast to the figure's stoic demeanor.

The Fallen Angel's words were filled with defiance and a desperate attempt to preserve his pride. He refused to yield to the gravity of the situation, dismissing the figure's power with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"I've faced beings like you before," Dohnaseek continued, his voice growing more derisive. "You think you're special? Just another fool who believes they can bring me down. Well, I hate to break it to you, but I've seen it all, and I'm still standing. Your grandiose presence means nothing to me!"

His voice carried a stubborn determination, a stubbornness that bordered on delusion. Dohnaseek was determined to cling to his illusions of invincibility, even in the face of an opponent who exuded an aura of unwavering strength.

But beneath his bravado, there was a flicker of uncertainty in Dohnaseek's eyes, a hint of fear masked by his arrogance. He couldn't completely ignore the undeniable power radiating from the figure before him, and a part of him wondered if he had underestimated the magnitude of the impending battle.

Issei stood at a safe distance, his eyes widening as he witnessed the unfolding confrontation between the enigmatic figure and Dohnaseek. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and a mixture of awe and trepidation swirled within Issei's heart. He recognized that the figure before him was far from ordinary; there was something otherworldly about him, an ethereal aura that surrounded him, signifying his immense power and purpose.

As Dohnaseek seized the moment, launching his spear of pulsating blue light towards the young warrior, Issei held his breath, fearing the imminent clash. The spear sailed through the air with deadly precision, aimed straight at its intended target. Yet, to Dohnaseek's astonishment, the young warrior stood unwavering, unaffected by the imminent danger that loomed before him.

Issei couldn't comprehend what he was witnessing. It was as if time itself had slowed down, each moment stretching into an eternity as the spear neared its destination. The young warrior's posture remained unchanged, his stoic expression revealing a calmness that defied the chaos of the situation. The spear drew nearer, closing the distance between them with each passing second, but the warrior's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Dohnaseek.

With an almost casual grace that belied his true strength, the warrior extended his hand and caught the incoming spear mid-flight, effortlessly halting its trajectory. The energy coursing through the weapon pulsed through his palm as he gripped it firmly, the display of control and power leaving Dohnaseek in stunned disbelief.

Dohnaseek's eyes widened in disbelief as he stuttered, struggling to comprehend the feat before him. "H-How?! You can grab my spear... What are you then, An angel!?" he exclaimed, his voice wavering with a mixture of awe and disbelief.

The warrior's response was calm and unwavering, his voice brimming with unshakable confidence. "I am a human," he stated, his words carrying a subtle weight that echoed with resolute determination. "And you think a mere spear can best me?"

As the warrior's grip tightened on the spear, the pulsating light began to dim, its once vibrant glow subdued under his touch. It was as if his very presence sapped the power from the weapon, rendering it dull and lifeless. With a seemingly effortless motion, he tossed the disempowered spear aside, its trajectory sending it hurtling into a nearby wall with a resounding thud.

The impact reverberated through the desolate street, causing debris to scatter and shimmering fragments to dissipate into the air like stardust. The warrior's action spoke volumes, a testament to his unrivalled strength and mastery over his surroundings. It was a display that left Dohnaseek momentarily speechless, his arrogance overshadowed by the undeniable power before him.

In that moment, Issei could only watch in awe, his breath caught in his throat. The young warrior's prowess was unlike anything he had ever witnessed, and a newfound sense of hope swelled within him. It was clear that this encounter was far from ordinary, and the unfolding battle held the promise of uncovering truths and unveiling powers that transcended the boundaries of his existence.

Dohnaseek's arrogance resurfaced, his sneer twisting his features into a mask of overconfidence. He refused to let his initial setback dampen his spirit, determined to showcase his superiority to the mysterious warrior. With a flick of his hand, he summoned multiple spears of the same pulsating blue light, surrounding himself with a menacing array of deadly weapons. The air crackled with anticipation as the spears hovered around him, waiting to be unleashed.

"Impressive as your little trick was, don't think for a second that was all I have," Dohnaseek taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. His eyes glimmered with malicious delight as he prepared to unleash his onslaught. "Let's see if you can handle this!"

With a swift and calculated motion, Dohnaseek propelled the spears forward, launching a barrage of deadly projectiles towards the warrior. The air filled with the whistling sound of their trajectory, each spear aimed with deadly precision. Yet, to Dohnaseek's astonishment, the young warrior moved with an almost ethereal swiftness, evading each attack with an effortless grace.

With uncanny speed and agility, the warrior weaved through the onslaught of spears, his movements akin to a graceful dance. He sidestepped, twisted, and leaped, navigating the lethal rain of projectiles with unwavering accuracy. Not a single spear grazed his form, as if he existed in a realm beyond the reach of mortal weaponry.

The young warrior's evasion was a testament to his honed skills and heightened senses. His every movement seemed preternatural, as if he could anticipate the trajectory of each spear before it even left Dohnaseek's grasp. His body moved with precision and grace, a testament to his unwavering focus and unwavering resolve.

As the last spear hurtled towards him, the warrior executed a flawless backflip, narrowly escaping its lethal path. The spear collided with the ground, sending vibrations coursing through the desolate street. Dohnaseek's confidence wavered, a flicker of doubt momentarily crossing his eyes. It was a rare moment of vulnerability that betrayed the chinks in his arrogant facade.

Issei, his wide eyes fixed upon the unfolding spectacle, felt a mix of awe and trepidation. The young warrior's unparalleled display of skill and evasion left him in awe of the power that stood before him. It was a sight that surpassed his wildest imaginings, fueling a renewed sense of hope and curiosity within him.

Dohnaseek's frustration boiled over as his initial assault failed to achieve the desired result. In a fit of determination, he clenched his teeth and conjured yet another spear, his intent now crystal clear. With a deceptive flick of his wrist, he hurled the spear towards the warrior, its trajectory designed to distract and divert attention.

As the spear soared through the air, the young warrior's keen senses detected the ruse. He recognized the feigned attack for what it was—a calculated distraction. With unwavering focus, he remained steadfast, refusing to be lured into complacency by Dohnaseek's cunning tactics.

Dohnaseek, fueled by his arrogance and desperation, seized the opportunity presented by the diversion. With an explosive burst of speed, he charged towards the warrior, his form blurring with unrestrained velocity.

But the warrior had anticipated Dohnaseek's move. With a display of remarkable reflexes, he spun with graceful precision, his hand reaching out to snatch the incoming spear from the air just moments before Dohnaseek could strike. The speed and accuracy of his motion were awe-inspiring, a testament to his honed skills.

In one fluid and seamless motion, the warrior hurled the spear back towards its origin, his gaze filled with unwavering determination. Dohnaseek's expression shifted from arrogance to alarm as he realized the imminent danger hurtling towards him. Reacting swiftly, he leaped backward, narrowly evading the incoming projectile.

However, before Dohnaseek could regain his balance and find footing on the ground, the young warrior descended upon him with astonishing speed and precision. Their bodies intertwined in a mid-air clash, suspended in a moment of intense confrontation.

With a resounding crash that echoed through the desolate street, the warrior's foot connected with Dohnaseek's face, a display of sheer power. The impact sent the Fallen Angel hurtling through the air, his body propelled towards a nearby wall. Debris scattered in all directions as Dohnaseek collided with the unforgiving surface, the sound of the impact reverberating through the surrounding silence.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the clash subsided, a heavy silence hung in the air, engulfing the desolate street. The encounter between the young warrior and Dohnaseek had left its indelible mark, revealing the vast chasm that separated their abilities. Yet, amidst the lingering aftermath, Dohnaseek's spirit burned with a fervent determination, refusing to be subdued.

Struggling to regain his footing and pushing through the pain that wracked his body, Dohnaseek rose to his feet with a stubborn resolve. Gritting his teeth, his voice trembled with a potent mixture of frustration and defiance. "You think you can mock me, play with me? You will pay for this, you arrogant fool!"

His words carried a fiery intensity, his anger fueling a renewed determination to prove his worth. The young warrior simply raised an eyebrow, his unwavering gaze fixed on Dohnaseek. In the face of the Fallen Angel's outburst, he remained composed and silent, letting the weight of his stoic presence speak volumes on behalf of his unyielding confidence and unwavering strength.

Dohnaseek's rage intensified, his face contorted with a mix of fury and wounded pride. "Say something, you pathetic excuse for a warrior! Or do you think you're above me? Huh?!" The young warrior remained unmoved, his silence an infuriating response to Dohnaseek's provocation. But then, a deep sigh escaped the warrior's lips, as if he found the situation tiresome. His hand instinctively gravitated towards the hilt of his katana, slowly pulling it out from its sheath, revealing a mere glimpse of the blade that shimmered with an otherworldly radiance.

In a calm yet commanding tone, the warrior finally spoke, his voice cutting through the tension. "It appears that my blade yearns for the taste of the demise of one as wretched as you, Fallen Angel Dohnaseek. Prepare yourself, for you will need to give everything you have to protect yourself. But rest assured, your efforts will never be enough."

A sliver of cold steel emerged from its sheath, catching the moonlight and casting an ethereal glow upon the warrior's face. The air grew heavy with anticipation as the young warrior's katana remained only partially unsheathed, its gleaming blade a testament to the hidden power it held within. The ethereal glow radiating from that exposed fraction of the blade illuminated the surrounding darkness, casting an ominous aura over the confrontation.

As the glimmering steel met Dohnaseek's eyes, his arrogance wavered for a moment. A sliver of unease danced in his gaze, for he could sense the latent power resonating from that single sliver of the blade. It made him question the depths of the young warrior's strength and the gravity of the impending battle.

However, Dohnaseek, refusing to back down, summoned all his remaining courage. He clung to his defiance, determined to reclaim his superiority. "You dare mock me, you insolent mortal! You think that little blade scares me, huh?!" he bellowed, his voice laced with defiance and a touch of desperation. "I'll tear you apart with my bare hands! I'll show you your place, you arrogant fool!"

With a fierce determination, Dohnaseek charged at the young warrior, his body trembling with a mixture of anger and desperation. His every step echoed with his resolve to overpower his opponent. However, as he closed the distance, his gaze fixated on the warrior's unyielding stance, a sense of unease tugging at his heart.

Meanwhile, the young warrior's resolve remained unshaken. With a steady hand, he continued to pull his katana out of its sheath, the blade emerging inch by inch, as if eager to be unleashed upon its destined target. As the cold steel shimmered in the moonlight, the warrior swiftly adapted a stance, his movements fluid and deliberate. His lips moved, uttering words that resonated with ancient power, a chant that stirred the very essence of his being. The surrounding atmosphere responded, crackling with charged energy, as if eagerly awaiting the culmination of this fateful encounter.

In the final moments, as Dohnaseek closed the gap between them, his claws crackling with blue light energy, the anticipation reached its peak. Their eyes locked, a clash of determination and defiance, as the air became heavy with tension. Each passing second seemed to stretch, prolonging the moment before their ultimate collision.

And then, with a voice that carried the weight of ages, the young warrior muttered a phrase filled with potent meaning, a declaration of his intent:

"Crescent Moonlit."

In that instant, time seemed to slow down. The warrior's blade moved with unimaginable speed and precision, cleaving through the air as it sliced through Dohnaseek's form. A blinding arc of light followed the path of the katana, illuminating the surrounding darkness with its brilliance. The force behind the strike was overwhelming, cutting through the very fabric of reality.

Dohnaseek's body was rent asunder, severed cleanly in two. Both halves of his form fell to the ground, lifeless and defeated. As the final echoes of the clash reverberated through the desolate street, the young warrior sheathed his katana with a sigh of relief. His amber eyes shimmered with a mix of exhaustion and triumph, their glow a testament to the power he had unleashed.

The Fallen Angel's body dissipated, disintegrating into countless light fragments that dispersed into the night. The battle had reached its decisive conclusion, and the young warrior stood alone amidst the aftermath, his form radiating with a newfound aura of victory.

Nearby, Issei stood frozen in fear, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to comprehend the swift and merciless action that had unfolded before his eyes. The reality of the situation seemed to blur, the world around him fading into a haze as his mind grappled to process the gruesome sight before him. The severed halves of Dohnaseek's body lay motionless, a testament to the unyielding power of the young warrior who had appeared in Issei's darkest hour.

Trembling, Issei's gaze slowly shifted towards the enigmatic figure who had emerged from the shadows, his amber eyes piercing through the veil of uncertainty. There was an undeniable intensity in their depths, a weight that sent shivers down Issei's spine. The young man's presence seemed to emanate a strange mixture of strength and calm, leaving Issei both in awe and apprehension.

Time appeared to suspend as their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. In that fleeting moment, Issei felt a glimmer of hope ignite within his chest, dispelling the lingering shadows of despair that had consumed him. The presence of the young warrior served as a beacon of strength, offering a ray of light amidst the encroaching darkness. It became clear to Issei that he was now an integral part of this tumultuous world, intertwined with the figure before him.

Issei managed to find his voice, though it quivered with a mix of fear and curiosity. "Who are you? Why did you save me from this... this Fallen Angel?" he asked, his eyes locked onto the approaching warrior.

The warrior continued to walk toward Issei, his steps measured and purposeful. His presence radiated an undeniable aura of righteousness and power, commanding attention and respect. Issei's eyes widened as he listened to the warrior's words, his voice infused with unwavering conviction.

"Justice does not tolerate those who prey upon the innocent," the warrior declared, his voice resonating with the weight of his beliefs. "My name is Kaen Tengukenshi, Issei Hyoudou. Fate has brought us together for a reason."

Issei's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his own name. How could this warrior know who he was? The realization sent a shiver down his spine, a mixture of awe and trepidation coursing through his veins. It was as if destiny had intertwined their paths, connecting them in ways that he couldn't comprehend.

"Kaen..." Issei repeated, the name sinking deep into his consciousness. He found himself simultaneously grateful for the young man's intervention and uncertain about the implications it carried. Questions flooded his mind, each one more urgent than the last, as he sought answers in the face of this extraordinary encounter. He mustered the courage to speak, his voice a fragile thread in the stillness that enveloped them.

"Thank you for saving me, Kaen," Issei began, his voice tinged with gratitude. "But... what happens now? I know for sure that whatever has been happening to me since yesterday, and now… this, my life won't be normal anymore. I know. So… what do I do?"

Kaen's gaze softened, the cold intensity giving way to a hint of understanding. He recognized Issei's desperation for answers and the weight of uncertainty that burdened him. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Kaen spoke with a calm yet determined tone.

"You… possess something, Issei." Kaen began, his voice steady and resolute. "Being a Devil is merely scratching the surface of what you truly are. There is a power within you, a power that sets you apart and makes you a prime target. The events of yesterday, when that girl Yuuma, revealing her true nature as a Fallen Angel, attempted to end your life, and today, with Dohnaseek's relentless pursuit, are clear evidence of this fact. You possess something that goes far beyond your mere nature as a Devil, and that is precisely why Yuuma targeted you. And why you will continue to be targeted from now on."

Kaen paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "I don't have all the answers, but I can sense that there is an extraordinary power within you, one that draws attention and poses a danger. It is important to understand what this power is and how to control it. That is why we need to find someone who can provide us with the answers we seek."

Issei's gaze sharpened, his curiosity and resolve intertwining. "Who?" he asked, his eagerness evident as he yearned for any clue that could lead him closer to the truth.

Kaen uttered but one word, his voice carrying the weight of importance.

"Rias Gremory."

Issei's mind raced as he processed the name. Rias Gremory, the red-haired beauty of his school. Memories of her flashed through his thoughts—her confident demeanor, her captivating presence, and the way she seemed to hold a mysterious power of her own. "Rias Gremory," he repeated, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and determination. He couldn't ignore the undeniable connection he felt towards her, a pull that went beyond mere curiosity.

"Let's go see her right away," Kaen suddenly declared, his voice brimming with seriousness and determination. Issei stared at him with a perplexed expression, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He couldn't help but think about the absurdity of their situation. Who casually visits a Devil in search of answers? It was like scheduling a tea party with the devilish neighbour next door.

"At this time...?" Issei began to question, his expression a mix of confusion and incredulity, but before he could finish, he found himself abruptly lifted off the ground. Kaen had grabbed him by the collar, suspending him in mid-air like a short coat hanging on a hanger. Issei's arms flailed wildly as he struggled to regain his balance, his voice oscillating between panicked screams and bewildered protests.

With a determined tone, Kaen replied, "Every moment counts, Issei. Brace yourself." And without any hesitation, he propelled himself forward, his movements swift and agile, effortlessly leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Issei, taken aback by the sudden burst of action, couldn't help but let out a string of startled screams as he flailed his arms, desperately trying to keep pace with the warrior's extraordinary display of athleticism.

Issei's voice reached new heights as he clung onto Kaen for dear life, his grip tightening with each wild manoeuvre. "A-Are you insane?! Slow down! I don't have superpowers like you do! What if you let go of me? I'll become a human pancake or something!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with a mix of terror and exhilaration.

Kaen maintained his calm demeanour, his stoic expression unchanged. "Don't worry, Issei. I've got you," he reassured, his voice steady and reassuring. With an effortless grace that belied his immense strength, he effortlessly navigated the rooftops.

As they soared through the night sky, Issei couldn't help but feel a strange mix of fear and excitement. The wind whipped through his hair, his heart pounding in his chest, and all he could do was trust in Kaen's seemingly superhuman abilities to carry them to their destination. The wind rushed past them, tousling Issei's hair and filling his ears with a symphony of whistling gusts. His heart pounded in his chest, and a mixture of exhilaration and fear coursed through his veins. The cityscape blurred beneath them as they traversed the urban labyrinth, each leap bringing them closer to their destination.

It appeared that the journey to meet Rias Gremory, even at this unconventional hour, was shaping up to be quite an adventure.