
Jewelry Bonney

Bartholomew Kuma. The 'Tyrant'.

He was a 'character' of great interest and mystery within the world of One Piece since his first major introduction.

After the Straw Hat crew defeated the Warlord Gecko Moria, he appeared before them with the intention of taking Luffy's head to the World Government. With his great strength and the power of his Nikyu Nikyu no Mi he managed to defeat them almost effortlessly, only to be dissuaded from taking Luffy's head from Zoro offering his own in his place.

Though Zoro barely managed to survive from the deal he'd struck with Kuma at that moment, they encountered him again soon after that instance at the Sabaody Archipelago. At that time the Straw Hats were on the verge of destruction after Luffy punched one of the Celestial Dragons, and brought the might of a Marine Admiral down onto them, along with the might of the Pacifista cyborg units that had been based off of Kuma.

Using the power of his Devil Fruit, Kuma seemingly decimated the Straw Hat pirates by sending them all to the four corners of the world, separating them from one another for the next two years. The last to be sent off was Luffy, who Kuma told they would never meet again.

After that he reappeared at the battle between Whitebeard and the Marines over Ace's life, but he showed no sign of life or self any longer after having his entire body turned into that of a cyborg, including his mind. And as nothing more than a mindless puppet of the World Government, he began to ruthlessly attack even his own comrade from the Revolutionaries, Ivankov.

Two years later he appeared again, when the Straw Hats reunited and Franky returned to their ship, the Thousand Sunny. Franky then discovered Kuma guarding their ship, full of wounds and barely seemingly to function after two years of doing so.

The last Alex recalled of Kuma, he'd been turned into a shared slave by the Celestial Dragons, where they'd take turns owning and abusing him day after day.

Bonney however, painted a very different image of the Warlord.

Apparently he had raised her from infancy within a church on an island that housed the Sorbet kingdom, but due to a sickness she possessed called Sapphire Scales, she had never been able to leave the confines of the church for the majority of her life. The disease had also claimed the life of Bonney's mother, in which direct exposure to sunlight and moonlight would cause sapphire-like scales to form on her skin.

And while Kuma had seemingly been completely robotic and emotionless in every one of his appearances in One Piece, he was apparently the exact opposite to Bonney growing up. He would often laugh, sing and dance to cheer her up when she was down because of her disease, and would bring her books to discuss various places that she'd like to visit once she was cured.

He would even refer to the scale she had developed on her face as 'jewels', which she stated was where she got the inspiration to call herself 'Jewelry' Bonney.

Then, after she had somehow eaten the Toshi Toshi no Mi, he took her to the island of Egghead to meet with the mad scientist Vegapunk, who managed to somehow cure her disease.

What Bonney was asking for Alex's help for was that, if something wasn't done, things would develop just like they did in the original timeline. Kuma was already undergoing numerous procedures to become a cyborg, and if they weren't stopped soon he'd just become a mindless puppet again.

"Don't worry Bonney. I won't let that happen to your father if I can help it. And if I'm too late for whatever reason, then I promise to reverse whatever it is they do to him." Alex promised once she was done telling her story.

"Really!? You will!?" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course." He readily stated.

Alex already knew that there had to be more to Kuma's background than what was portrayed of him as 'The Tyrant'. And he knew to take anything the World Government said with a grain of salt.

"Perhaps we aught to continue this conversation elsewhere." Alex suddenly said, surprising Bonney.

"Why?" She asked curiously.


A explosion of light suddenly destroyed the branch the two of them were sitting on, sending them both plummeting through the air to the ground below. Alex was calm as he fell, but Bonney was screaming as she clung to him tightly, smothering his face in her breasts unintentionally.

And when the two of them hit the ground, it gave way and stretched beneath them harmlessly before bouncing them back up into the air. They bounced a few more times up and down before coming to a stop, at which point Alex lightly patted Bonney's butt to get her attention.

"Huh?" She uttered when she realized they were no longer falling, before pulling away from Alex hesitantly.

"Not that I'll complain, but you can let go of me now if you want." He said while giving her butt a light squeeze.

"Pervert!" Bonney exclaimed with a red face as she let go of him and stood on her own.

"What was that?" She asked while looking around for whatever it was that had caused the branch to be destroyed.

"I'm guessing it was one of those." Alex said casually as he pointed out no less than twenty identical figures surrounding them, accompanied by a man who's appearance was not unlike that of a sumo wrestler, with a massive battle axe slung over his shoulder.

"Dad!?!" Bonney exclaimed when she saw them, all hulking men that stood over twenty feet tall.

"No. They just look like him." Alex stated as he focused on the odd man out of the group.

"Dragon Emperor! I am Sentomaru, Captain of the Marines science unit, and the most tight-lipped man in the world! We have come to investigate after one of the Pacifista units detected your arrival, and will now take your head!" The sumo wrestler looking man declared as he pointed at Alex with his battle axe dramatically.

"Oh? And how exactly do you plan to do that?" Alex asked with a smirk.

"Simple! PX-7!" Declaring such, one of the Pacifista units suddenly rushed Alex with its hands raised, light gathering in its palms. The same light powers used by the Admiral Kizaru.

"Now this is just insulting." Alex uttered as the solitary unit attacked him.

Just as he stepped forward to deal with it though...

"Please don't!" Bonney cried as she grabbed his arm. She couldn't actually hold him back, but Alex still stopped and looked back at her curiously.

"And why not?" He asked without any worry, even as a powerful blast of light was fired at him, which Alex casually swatted away with a backhand.



"-that's my dad!" She declared with teary eyes.

"No it's not." Alex stated as he grasped the Pacifista with his telekinetic powers, and ripped it apart to show her the circuitry underneath.

"It's a bastardization of your father created by the Marines to use as their own weapons. And merely seeing them should make you want to destroy them!" He declared harshly, making Bonney genuinely start crying.

"You-! PX 1-10, get him!" Sentomaru declared after seeing Alex casually destroy one of their units.

"FREEZE!" Alex commanded, his voice echoing throughout the entirety of the Sabaody Archipelago, and even reaching clear up to Mary Geoise above them. And every single person, Pacifista, beast, and even sea King that heard his decree froze, their hearts seizing within their chests as they began to sweat uncontrollably.

Sentomaru, as the one directly in front of Alex felt it the worst.

In a mere second he went from a prospective Marine who had cornered the greatest villain in the world, to a VERY small man before a mighty emperor. And Sentomaru knew right then, nothing he could do would make any difference. If Alex willed it, he'd die right then and there.

And suddenly Alex began to approach him, making his heart beat faster as his life began to flash before his eyes, believing his death to be approaching with every step Alex took closer to him.

And with every step Alex seemed to grow in size, until he stood right in front of Sentomaru and towered over his nine foot self.

"You will turn around." Alex then stated in a calm voice, yet a voice full of authority. "You will turn around, and return to Mary Geoise with all of your Pacifista. If not, then I WILL destroy you all. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, your majesty..." Sentomaru uttered, not even noticing the slip of the tongue as he bowed his head both from awe and fear.

Without a second thought Alex turned and walked away from Sentomaru, not at all concerned about being attacked from behind. Instead, even the Pacifista had all turned to return to Mary Geoise at his command, despite Alex not at all being authorized to give them orders.

He himself returned to Bonney, who was staring at him dumbstruck from the display, until Alex suddenly threw her over his shoulder.

"Wait! What are you doing!?!" She demanded almost fearfully as Alex began walking towards the edge of the archipelago, to the ocean. If he threw her in or something, then she'd drown.

"I'm going to Fishman Island, and I'm going to take you with me since we still need to talk." Alex stated as he playfully slapped her ass without a care.

"WAIT A SECOND!" Bonney tried to protest, before Alex leapt into the water with her suddenly.

What he hadn't been expecting was for her to suddenly slip from his grasp as her entire figure shrunk suddenly, combined with her struggling to avoid getting in the water.

Before Bonney could drift too far from him though, Alex stretched his arm towards her and grabbed her by the waistband of her booty shorts, that were now too big for her smaller figure. Thankfully she was wearing suspenders though, which caught on her shoulders to avoid the usual scenario where Alex would accidentally strip her of her shorts and panties without meaning to.

But he was still curious about her sudden change in size, and hurried down to Fishman island so he could properly ask her about it.

Normally he'd just teleport in this situation instead of going through the trouble to bringing Bonney with him, since he had to protect her from the intense pressure and help her to breath the entire way down, but Alex wanted to make sure things leading to Fishman island were ok.

The two things he was checking for were signs of Hody Jones and Vander Decken around Fishman island, the former of which killed the former queen and would be planning to take over the island before waging a war with the surface, and the latter of which was a Fishman pirate that was obsessed with Shirahoshi.

Both of them should already be taken care of to an extent, as Alex gave Shirahoshi a pendant to return one of Vander Decken's weapons to him, while she also revealed the truth regarding Hody to her father after some encouragement from Alex. But it was better to be safe than sorry.

And when he located no sign of either, Alex immediately headed to the giant bubble that encased Fishman island.

The interior of the bubble though looked like a massive coral reef that had been turned into a city, while there was also a section outside of the bubble that housed a massive ship known as Noah. This was the Fishman district, a lawless region where Alex recalled Hody and his group based their plans from.

Alex ignored Noah for the moment though as he headed straight for the bubble, and emerged from the ocean with an sputtering and irritable Bonney on his shoulder.

"YOU BASTARD!" She screamed the moment Alex set her down, while she was trying to keep her soaking and oversized clothes from slipping off of her.

"What? I said we were going to Fishman island." Alex said as he looked around.

"What about my ship and crew!?!"

"I can send you back when we're done. But by the way, why did you shrink yourself when I jumped in the water?" Alex asked her curiously.

He knew Bonney had the power to influence the age of those round her, as well as herself. The first time it showed her using this power was when she took the form of a little girl when she prevented Zoro from killing a Celestial Dragon, and cried about her 'big brother' dying from his gun.

But she had also used the same ability to turn a group of Marines into both children and old men when they tried to capture her.

"Humph! I didn't use my powers! YOU canceled them out when you jumped into the ocean with me! By the way, how can you swim?! You said you ate a Devil Fruit too!"

Bonney then started going on about Alex not making any sense, but he didn't hear any of it as he realized what Bonney was saying.

She hadn't used her powers, the ocean CANCELED them when he'd jumped in. That meant she'd been using them when they met, and the Bonney before him was the real Bonney. A little girl who looked no older than ten years old, that he'd been fondling and groping before.


"OW! WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR!?!" She screamed when Alex knocked her on the head.

"YOU DESERVE THAT YOU PIECE OF JAILBAIT! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME ARRESTED OR SOMETHING!?" Alex screamed back at her, stunning Bonney as she wondered what he was talking about.

The duo continued arguing for several minutes about the use of her powers, during which Alex told her to stop using her powers to look older, and she called him a perverted old man even as he also used magic to make her clothes fit properly.

"Excuse me!" A self important voice said to the side.

""What!?!"" The two of them asked irritably at being interrupted, only to see a few dozen spears made of shells pointed at them.

"Who are you, and why have you entered our kingdom illegally?" The man from before asked, who was actually a merman now that Alex and Bonney got a good look at him.

"My name is Alexander D. Morningstar, and I didn't know where the official checkpoint was." Alex stated truthfully.


"The same Alex that the Princess Shirahoshi speaks so fondly of!?!" The man exclaimed in shock.

"I didn't know she spoke of me, but yeah. Probably."

"Report to the castle immediately!" The merman declared to one of his subordinates, before saying to Alex, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to keep you here until the princess can verify your identity."

"Alright, I'll wait." Alex said while conjuring himself a comfortable chair to sit on, making everyone look at him weirdly.

"Hey old man, where's my chair?" Bonney asked him irritably.

"There's plenty of rocks laying around, jailbait."

"Stupid old pervert!" She cried while kicking one of his legs.

"Do that again, and I bend you over my knee and tan your ass in front of all these people." Alex said without looking at her.

"Do that and I'll tell people you kidnapped me!" She declared while sticking her tongue out at him.

Rather than respond, Alex decided to shut her up by giving her mouth something else to do. So he conjured one of Mikan and Haruna's lunch boxes.


His plan worked as Bonney immediately began to eagerly scarf down the food, living up to her epithet as the 'Big Eater'.

The minutes passed as Alex lounged on his chair, and Bonney ate. And when she'd finished one lunchbox, he'd conjure another for her to keep her busy.

"Mr. Alex-Sama!" A shrill voice eventually cried out, drawing their attention to a massive and beautiful mermaid with light pink hair. Surrounding her was not only the royal procession that was composed of her father and brothers, but also a large shark, a Milotic, Gyarados, Sharpedo, and a Seadra.

"Shirahoshi-" Alex began as she approached him, only for him to suddenly be tackled.

"I'm so happy to meet you!" She cried while literally smothering him in between her MASSIVE breasts excitedly. Hard to believe she was still so young herself...

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts