

Even after dodging her immediate attack, and receiving a glare from her filled with murderous intent, Alex's expression was a deadpan as he asked,

"Is something wrong Moka?" When she heard his question the angry vampire's expression darkened, before she stated coldly,

"You claim you want me to the point that you molest me every chance you get, yet you chase after every piece of ass that crosses your path? You promised to help me avenge my mother, yet drop everything for a pretty girl you've never met who flutters her eyes? AND YOU ASK ME IF THERES SOMETHING WRONG?!" At this point Moka was practically shouting as she glared at Alex furiously, the latter however just stared back expressionlessly as if waiting for her rant to finish, before asking with a slight teasing tone,

"Sooooooo, you're jealous?" When she heard that and the giggles of surrounding girls, the tips of Moka's ears and her cheeks turned a fair shade of red, before she stomped her foot into the ground with enough force to momentarily shake the entire villa while shouting,

"I AM NOT!" As the shaking stopped the spectating girls giggled once again at Moka's 'temper tantrum', making the silver haired vampire's face turn even redder with a mix of embarrassment and fury. Alex however stared at her seriously and intensely for a few seconds, before saying,

"If your issue is wether or not I'll accept you, then I am ready to do so at any given time. All I've been waiting on is your ok." As she heard what Alex said Moka gritted her teeth in frustration, the urge to hit him building within her once more. Vampires were naturally one of the most powerful and prideful beings on the planet, with only rare exceptions such as phoenixes exceeding them in both, and as such Moka couldn't truly lower herself to accept being one amongst the collection. With Alex being what the vast majority of vampires would consider the perfect mate, in terms of both power and pride during the few occasions when he was serious, it was frustrating to Moka that he wouldn't just take what he wanted even if it required force to do so. Instead, he was content to wait until she naturally accepted him despite the occasional slap or snide remark in response to his sexual harrassment. While clinching her fists angrily, she decided to give him one last chance to prove himself, and stated,

"I challenge you to a duel! If you win then you'll be able to as you wish to me, if I win however, then I'll be done with you and leave to avenge my mother on my own!" Immediately Alex's expression hardened at her challenge, while the girls surrounding them had stopped giggling and stared at the duo seriously. He was silent for a few seconds as he contemplated what he had done to drive Moka to make such a challenge, before realizing this was probably her way of making him try to take action instead of waiting. In the original series Moka had told Tskune several times that she hated indecisive men due to the constant rivalry between her 'outer' self, and the other girls vying for Tskune's affection. It wasn't until he had broke into Fairy Tale's headquarters to save her after she had been kidnapped, and his confession during the final battle, that Moka had accepted Tskune as her lover.

In comparison Alex had made his intentions known to her, and had simply been waiting for 'inner' Moka to accept him and allow her 'outer' self to act as she pleased. Meanwhile he had been accepting other girls into his ever increasing harem, while Moka was probably growing increasingly frustrated from watching this at the side. Realizing that Moka probably wanted him to take more decisive action and 'force' her to submit to him, even if she didn't have a submissive nature or fetish, Alex turned to the side and simply said,

"Kuroka." The nekomata nodded in understanding as space started distorting around Alex and Moka, as well as those in his peerage, before they found themselves standing in a small arena that was surrounded by a rock garden and trickling streams. While Moka glanced around Alex's private floating island to quickly take in her surroundings, Grayfia stated,

"As the members of our master's harem and peerage, we will be acting as the official witnesses to this fight! The match will begin on my mark and will continue until one of you is unable to go on, any questions?" While Moka shook her head, Alex however asked her,

"Are you truly sure you want to do this?" This made Moka's brows furrow, but, with her not otherwise responding, Grayfia sighed in exasperation before raising her hand into the air, the rest of the girls retreating from the arena while Shia led a confused Sun to the side. They were taking the current situation very seriously since they were aware that Alex had wanted to make Moka his second 'Rook', while Sun didn't understand what was happening besides the fact that her presence must have triggered it. She then asked Rias,

'Is this my fault? Should I do something to stop it?' Rias smiled wryly at her concern, and explained,

"It was bound to happen eventually anyways, Moka has too much pride to accept being a part of Alex's harem otherwise." Though her concerns were far from being alleviated, Sun could only watch fretfully from the side as the duo prepared for the fight. Moka was hopping lightly back and forth as if trying to loosen herself up, while Alex had simply removed his shirt and tossed it to the side so that he was bare chested, before he let out a shout and his hair turned golden as he activated his SSJ2 transformation. His preparations complete, Alex directed his attention on he silver haired girl before him and grimly said,

"Don't expect me to go easy on you just because I intend to make you mine." In response to this Moka flashed a fearless smile for the first time before stating,

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" With nothing else being said between them, Grayfia finally let her raised hand drop as she shouted,


The word wasn't even completely out of Grayfia's mouth before Moka's figure blurred, and she shot forward before bringing her foot down as if to plant her heel directly onto the middle of Alex's forehead, except as her foot touched him his figured blurred as the after image was distorted, and her foot instead impacted the ground hard enough that it left a crater and shook the entire floating island. Though she was slightly shaken that she hadn't been able to see Alex's movements at all, Moka didn't let it show on her face as she immediately pivoted to block the attack her instincts were screaming was coming on her right, only to be further shocked when the punch landed on her side from the left instead. Time seemed to slow as Moka felt the force of the punch slowly enter her body, before she was launched clear to the other side of the arena until she started twisting in midair to right herself, allowing her to land gracefully until she started grimacing from the pain in her side. Moka gingerly grazed her ribs with her fingers, only to even wince as she did so to conclude that several of them were in fact broken, something Alex didn't miss as he taunted,

"Don't tell me that was enough to faze you? That was just a gentle hello compared to what's coming." With her glower returning in force, Moka proceeded to ignore the pain in her side as her healing factor took over, and adopted a stance once more while she tried to think. Not only had she been unable to see or sense Alex's movements, but he had also seemingly managed to fool her instincts and attack from the opposite side of where she thought he was, something she couldn't understand. Having grown up in her father's house before being sent into the human world, Moka had fought other vampires for training literally hundreds of times, cultivating an extensive amount of battle experience and instinct despite being a mere child at the time, the fact that Alex was seemingly able to fool her instincts so easily confused her as she tried to understand how he was able to do so. What she didn't realize was that it was the same 'evasion' training she had watched Alex do numerous times to train his Observation Haki that allowed him to perform such feats, which not only allowed him to predict where an attack was coming from, but also how his opponent intended to either avoid or block his attacks.

With all of these thoughts running through her head in less than a second, Moka adopted a more defensive stance so that, instead of attacking and giving Alex an opening to exploit, he would have to come to her and potentially open himself up to an attack instead. What Moka never expected was that, as she directed her attention and defense towards the front in an attempt to bait Alex to attack her rear or sides, he instead came directly at her from the front at speeds she was able to follow this time, before punching directly through her guard until his fist connected with her body, and again sent her flying away. Instead of landing nimbly this time like before, Moka instead fell to the ground as she struggled to breath after Alex's punch had knocked the wind out of her, making her gasp repeatedly as her lungs struggled to fill with air even as her body started healing the damage done to her. As Moka struggled to stand once she finally started to get her breath back, she heard the sound of something tinging against the stone arena, and saw a glass vial fill with a dark red fluid in front of her. Before she could even say anything Alex's voice spoke up,

"Take it, it's my blood. You're injured and I want you at peak performance for this fight so there's no arguments like 'you were weak because you hadn't drank any blood' afterwards." Moka could only grit her teeth in response to Alex's words, as a part of her felt insulted that he would give her his blood in this situation, while a greater part felt thankful for it. It wasn't until this point that Moka had truly realized just how dependent she had become on Alex's blood, even if she had pointed it out before, a thought that both irritated and terrified her when she considered going without it in the future. With her frustration growing, Moka snatched up the vial and tore the cork out to down the entire contents in two gulps, before throwing it away forcefully as she stood while wiping her mouth.

"Don't expect me to thank you." She spat in annoyance, making Alex break the serious expression he had held throughout their match so far as a wry smile appeared on his lips, before it vanished just as quickly as it appeared. As Moka's body took in the power of the blood she had just digested, her supernatural power started skyrocketing as she utilized the power within Alex's blood for the first time since she had started drinking it. With her power increasing the way it was, Alex decided to see the power of Moka's attacks for himself and adopted a defensive stance, right before the silver haired girl vanished as she rushed him.


The surroundings suddenly shook as Moka's foot collided with Alex's defending arm, causing a series of shockwaves to to spread even as Alex's arm didn't budge an inch. Moka didn't let the fact that her first attack was blocked get to her though, as she suddenly unleashed a series of high speed attacks from every angle as she aimed for any gap in Alex's defenses, and every exposed part of his body in an attempt to get him to flinch. With Alex using Armament Haki to protect the weak parts of his body however, the most Moka's attacks did to him was impact him hard enough to result in some mild bruising later.

Instead, after enduring over thirty attacks within the span of a few seconds, Alex's fist suddenly came up right as Moka was about to bring her foot down on top of his head, and the two collided with enough force that the surrounding stone immediately fractured around them in a spider web while the girls that were spectating needed to brace against the resulting shockwave. As the shockwaves that resulted from their clash calmed down, Alex and Moka stared at each other before the former suddenly said solemnly,

"I've proved that you can't catch me, you can't defend against my attacks, and that you can't break through my defenses, it's time to bring this to an end." Though Moka didn't know what Alex meant, she quickly realized his intentions as he suddenly seized her ankle and swung her up and then down into the ground beneath them, adding even more cracks to the already vast network of them. Though she had barely been fazed when Shia did the same thing to her, Moka quickly realized that Alex's swings carried a lot more force as he repeated the move several times on her, before releasing her ankle mid swing.

As Moka flew through the air for the third time since the duel began, she nimbly twisted herself and landed neatly this time, except she felt as if her entire body was one big bruise this time as it seemingly pulsed with her heartbeat. Before she could try to assess the damage or even start healing, Moka found herself staring at a fist the split second before it impacted her face, starting the sudden intense beating she then received one sidedly at Alex's hands. At the side the girls watched the brutal attacks their beloved dished out while either wincing or showing faraway looks as they recalled doing close combat training with Alex themselves. The only ones who seemed concerned was Kurumu, who had thought at first that Moka was 'lucky' with the way this development was turning, but now had a pale expression as she watched the one sided beating; and of course Sun as she started fretting again and debated on stopping the fight herself, when Shia suddenly spoke up as if aware of what was going through her mind,

"Don't bother. This is what Moka herself asked for, and besides, the enemies we will have to face in the future will be even more brutal than this when we fight them, as members of Alex's peerage we need to be ready to face them full on." Sun's expression was conflicted as she heard what Shia said, and she responded with,

'But, this is too much!' Shia however shook her head and stated,

"No it's not, even if it seems like he isn't, Alex is still holding back enough to not do a significant amount of damage to Moka, since in the end his intention isn't to kill or seriously hurt her. Besides, as a potential 'Rook' she would need to be able to take at least this much." Shia then got a faraway look in her eyes as well as she recalled her own training with Alex, which mostly consisted of her acting as his punching bag while he was in his SSJ2 transformation, resulting in her becoming immune to the vast majority of physical attacks with her 'Durability', while her strength had also skyrocketed.

As bad as it sounded however it wasn't all bad, as Alex would try and make up for the brutal treatment afterwards due to the fact that, regardless of how readily he would do so, even he didn't like 'abusing' his women in such a way, and only did so since it would make them stronger for the future. Shia herself had even gotten her chance at revenge, as the way Alex had acquired his 'Automatic Regeneration' skill was by having her continuously beat on him with her hammer while he didn't even defend himself, and had only used his Regeneration magic to continuously heal his wounds until they started closing by themselves. Though Sun wasn't even remotely convinced, the rest of the girls nodded in agreement, sans Kurumu, as Rias even pointed at Moka and said,

"Look for yourself." Even though she didn't want to see the bloody spectacle any more, Sun made herself look at Moka and was surprised by what she saw; instead of anger, hatred, or resentment, there was only pure determination in Moka's gaze alongside what Sun could only see as acceptance, acceptance that Alex's strength significantly eclipsed her own, and that her place was beside him. Within her however her pride still fought, and, as Moka kneeled there on the ground after taking a countless number of Alex's kicks punches, she could feel a power awakening within her in response to the corner she was finding herself in. Even though she was telling herself in the back of her mind that accepting that power was a bad idea, she was unable to fight it before she noticed Alex's foot approaching her face once more, and Moka's vision was filled with darkness as she was made to instantly lose consciousness.

As he watched Moka fall to the ground unconsciously, Alex let out a sigh as he canceled his transformation and tried to calm himself, during which he noticed his hand shaking slightly. This made Alex smile wryly at himself, before he immediately knelt down and started healing Moka's injuries, despite the fact that they were already healing themselves. He then picked her up in a princess carry while Grayfia approached him, before saying,

"I'm going to take her back for some 'alone' time since she apparently wants me to make my move so badly." Alex then tossed Moka's rosary to the nearby Kuroka, before asking, "How are we on time regarding her sealing?" Kuroka snorted as she examined the rosary since Alex was basically asking how much time he had to be 'alone' with 'inner' Moka, before stating while tossing it back,

"There's a few hours yet before it become a concern since I've been keeping an eye on it~Nya. But don't push it." Alex smiled wryly as Kuroka referred to his tendency to overdo it in bed, but he chose to ignore her jab while saying,

"While I'm busy I want you guys to take Sun and experiment with her abilities. You can see how they work for yourself, and I want you to try and come up with a training regimen for her Grayfia." Though Sun looked anxious at how things were developing, what with Alex and Moka's fight and them being told to experiment with her abilities all of a sudden, Grayfia nodded and stated,

"Very well, I planned to do something similar soon anyways. There's also her inability to talk normally to work on as well..." As the serious maid started contemplating ways to help Sun speak normally, the girl in question couldn't help but think she might have underestimated what she had jumped into. With Kuroka taking them away with Spatial magic, Alex then teleported himself and Moka away as well since he figured she wouldn't stay unconscious for long.


Within only fifteen minutes of being knocks out, Moka groaned slightly as she started coming to and struggled to open her eyes, before stirring completely awake suddenly as she felt the cool metallic bands restricting both of her hands. When she opened her eyes Moka found herself laying in a bed within a grand room that could only belong to Alex, her hands bound above her head with a pair of metallic handcuffs. Though she thought that such a flimsy piece of metal wouldn't keep her restricted, the vampire was shocked to find that she couldn't access her supernatural energy that was the source of her strength. With the feeling of petite panic settling in for the first time, Moka was then startled as Alex's voice suddenly said,

"I wouldn't bother, those handcuffs are designed to block a person's access to magical, and even supernatural energies, as well as being made of the strongest ores of a fantasy world." Moka sharply turned her head to face him as he spoke, the previous events fresh in her mind as she quipped,

"Isn't this a little excessive? You're not really scared of me after that, are you?" Alex smiled wryly at her quip, before he slowly approached the bedside she was on, making Moka's heart rate increase with each step even though her face was a perfect mask of calm. As he reached her side Alex leaned down so that his face was right next to hers and said,

"This is just to make what comes next easier." Before Moka could ask what that was, the room was suddenly filled with the sound of cloth tearing as Alex tore away the top part of her school uniform, leaving her laying there with just her skirt and her pink bra edged with black lace. Even as her cheeks turned slightly red and her heart started pounding even harder from the forced exposure, Moka's face was a mask of calm as if Alex's actions hadn't effected her whatsoever, until he hooked his finger in the front of her bra. With the sound of several snaps this time Moka was forcefully relieved of yet another piece of clothing, revealing her breasts to Alex's greedy gaze for the first time since they met.

With her breasts being exposed to a man for the first time in her life, even the usually cool, calm, and collected Moka turned mostly red as she felt Alex's scrutinizing gaze take in the sight of her naked upper body. Seeing the fairly 'innocent' reaction from her, Alex smiled somewhat before he suddenly leaned forward so that their body's were pressed against each other, and Moka's exceptionally erect nipples seemingly tried to pierce his chest as her breasts were squished against him, while he got close to her face and whispered,

"Don't worry, no matter the methods I use I can guarantee that by the end of the night you'll have experienced more pleasure than you ever even conceived of before." Before Moka could respond Alex leaned forward and gently sealed her lips, his hands wrapping around her back as he embraced her and shared a passionate first kiss with her, until he felt a slight pain on his lips. Alex pulled away slowly even as Moka's teeth continued biting down on his lower lip until they even drew blood, leaving it smeared on her own lips before she used her tongue to seductively lick it off, and said,

"Imagine what else I can 'bite' if I need to." Alex smiled wryly as she continued her part of the resisting maiden, even if he was cringing slightly inside from her threat, despite that fact that even she couldn't bite through it. Then, as Moka smirked from her threat, Alex showed no hesitation as he suddenly tore off her skirt, leaving the silver haired beauty with nothing but her pink panties with black lace to cover her shame. Moka's smirk disappeared entirely as she tensed up while waiting for the inevitable removal of her last piece of clothing, leaving her bare and open for whatever Alex wanted to do to her. The seconds ticked by however as nothing happened, and instead Moka looked to see Alex stepping back slightly as if to admire the view before him, to which she snapped tauntingly,

"What, lose your nerve at the last second? Can't find within yourself to attack a defenseless maiden while you even have her tied up?" Though she showed some bravado, Alex's sudden smirk caught her off guard as he explained,

"I was just admiring the scenery in front of me, since the sight of a maiden tied up in nothing it her panties is actually quite a bit more attractive than I originally thought it would be. I did however just think of a new rule." Before Moka could ask what he meant, Alex slowly walked back towards her before he reached down and gently brushed the tips of his fingers against the thin cloth covering her most precious place, making the vampire shiver suddenly as she was stimulated there for the first time in her life. Alex then leaned down and whispered in her ear,

"These are going to stay on for the time being, until you beg me to remove them." He then stood straight again even as his fingers continued their assault on Moka's cloth covered crotch, making her demand with irritation,

"W-what?!" Alex's smirk widened as he explained,

"I can take you now by force if I wanted, I could take you any which way and in any hole I wanted, and there'd be nothing you could do to stop me. Instead however, I'm going to make you beg me. I'll continue toying with you as I like, but I won't let you reach climax at all until you beg me to fuck you, to breed you, to make you mine forever. You want me to take charge and make you mine? I want you to accept me even if I have to force you to submit before you do so." As Alex spoke Moka's face paled even as the flush in her cheeks persisted, and she felt a chill go down her spine that was easily contested and smothered by the fire spreading in her body, which was made evident by the increasingly visible line of moisture appearing down the middle of her panties.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts