
Debauchery of the Dead pt 1

"What are you three doing here?" Alex asked Yuriko, Kuriko and Ichika as he entered the bathroom with Saya in his arms, and the rest of the girls behind him.

"We could ask you the same thing. Don't you knock?" Yuriko retorted as she made to cover her breasts, while Kuriko and Ichika did the same. Alex just snorted at them though as he made to enter the bath, and stated back,

"No, this is MY castle. I go where I want, when I want. AND I get to ogle whoever decides to walk around my place naked." As he said that Alex got into the water with Saya still in his arms, blatantly staring at the three women as they tried to cover their remarkable 'assets' all the while.

"Hey!" Saya exclaimed from Alex's arms, pinching his cheek as she pouted, "no ogling or hitting on my mom!"

Alex just smirked at her before bending down to seal her mouth with a kiss, momentarily pacifying Saya so he could tell her, "just wait. You haven't seen anything yet."

As he said that Alex began to channel the divine authority he had acquired from the Daedric Prince Sanguine, the authority of Debauchery.


Everything was like a haze for everyone caught up in Alex's divine aura.

Arousal like none of them ever felt before coursed through their bodies.

Even Alex was caught up in the desire filling his loins, never having expected such a 'strong' reaction from his newfound authority.

So when he had Saya and Yuriko pinned under him, mother and daughter both writhing in ecstasy as they made out with one another and his dual cocks lined up with their sopping wet cunts, there was no hesitation when he thrusted forwards into them.



Alex groaned while the mother-daughter duo cried out with one another, their velvety hot folds wrapping tightly around him as he plunged further and further into their depths. And as he bottomed out in them Alex paused for a moment to take in the sensation of two cunts wrapped around his cock, something that felt even sweeter since they belonged to a mother and daughter, before he pulled out to begin pistoning into them.



The sound of Alex fucking their sloppy pussies and the smacking of flesh reverberated along with their moans throughout the bedroom, which they had moved to at some point before anyone realized it.

And as Alex fucked them he was enveloped in softness as the rest of the women clung to every available part of his body, kissing and clinging to him desperately as he fucked like an animal.

One moment Alex would be kissing Rei before she was changed for HER mother, as Kuriko ran her fingers through his fur while Alex ran his fingers down her back, only for them to meet the top of Rei's head as she eagerly ate her mother's ass. On the other side Alex would alternate making out with Saeko and Ichika, who would in turn make out with one another when he was unable to while fingering each other.

They were only a few amongst the many women that were desperately crowding around Alex for their turn to be played with, and their need only grew as his pace picked up. And soon, he pumped both mother and daughter full of cum at the same exact moment, making both scream in ecstasy as they reached their greatest climax yet.




Ichika screamed as Alex fucked both her cunt and asshole simultaneously, giving her sensations and pleasures her husband had never been able to.

Her screams filled the air until Saeko got involved, shoving her butt into her mother's face to make her eat her cum-filled pussy and ass. Which Ichika, drunk on the power of Debauchery, eagerly did.


"Look at me mama!" Rei cried as she leaned back into Alex's chest, even as he drove his top dick up into her womb, while his second dick plowed her mother as she laid on her back beneath her.

Kuriko looked up at her beautiful daughter, her light brown hair going everywhere as her tits heaved and flopped in every direction, her expression twisted and red with pleasure. If it wasn't for Alex's hulking figure behind her daughter, then Kuriko would've thought it was her daughter fucking her from her current position, and vice versa as Rei rode her in cowgirl.


Hours? Days?

No one was aware of the passage of time as they all gave in to their carnal desires, losing themselves to their darkest indulgences.

With what little awareness Alex possessed aside from sex, he was glad that he'd had the forethought to alter the flow of time within the room, allowing everyone to indulge themselves as much as they desired without worry of wasting the entire night away.

It was only many, MANY hours later that Alex found himself lounging amongst what seemed to be a sea of of naked bodies, every single one of them too exhausted to continue their depraved activities, yet appearing content with smiles on their faces.

Alex however was facing a problem, as his erection hadn't calmed down in the slightest.

Normally Alex had pretty good control over his body, he had to since he was usually the last one standing every night anyways. This time however he couldn't calm himself down no matter what, even after cumming what must've been hundreds of times.

In order to try and get his mind off of the fire burning in his loins, Alex checked out the rewards he received for the hidden quests to kill the Lich King and the other Dragon Emperor. And while the last reincarnator he'd killed granted Alex a martial arts technique, this time he was surprised to receive all of the treasures that the duo had accumulated throughout their travels and conquests.

Literal mountains of gold, jewels, materials, artifacts, and much more had been deposited into Alex's spatial storages, stunning him at the sheer volume of the contents. Then again, it made sense considering they were the combined wealth of two entire world's.

And as he tried to pass the time by examining the contents of the treasures he had received, Alex noticed that amongst them were several 'divine' artifacts that he recognized.

Pulling a key out of space that radiated divine energy, Alex got an idea of who he could visit to burn off his remaining lust as he teleported directly into one of the realms of Oblivion, the Evergloam.


Within the plains outside the walls of the Takagi estate, there was a solitary figure who seemed to blend into the shadows as they slinked around completely undetected by those who were tightly packed around them.

The figure continued moving until they reached a secluded area where several other shadows had gathered undetected, and one looked to the newcomer as they asked, "And? What's the verdict lass?"

Every shadow turned towards the figure as they waited to hear her response, before she pulled out several rubbings and copies she'd made of numerous important looking documents.

"It appears they intend to follow the Dragon Emperor to a place called Asora. And on top of reviving the Snow Elves he apparently made peace with the Giants, goblins, Reiklings, nymphs, and even the dragons. Supposedly he got the dragons and nymphs to agree to go with him, while finding a new home for the others in this world."

"Aye. Makes sense that the Dragon Emperor would recruit the dragons. The nymphs are a surprise though." The man who spoke earlier said thoughtfully.

"I've also eard he's quite the ladies man." Another of the men present said with an almost wistful look in his eye.

"Keep it in your pants grandpa, or you'll lose your most valuable 'asset'." Another girl sneered as a dagger flashed in the scant moonlight, making the man shudder fearfully.

"I just meant he aught to be loaded is all. Having all those beauts at is beck and call, think of the fortune 'es got."

Though they didn't quite see his logic, everyone else agreed as types like the Dragon Emperor usually had tons of gold, jewels, and other treasures hidden away in some vault or something. Always sitting there and waiting to be plundered.

Would it be dangerous? Fuck yeah!

But they were thieves, there was never a moment on the job for them where there wasn't danger.

That was why the top brass barely reacted when they were suddenly enveloped in darkness, merely tensing their bodies as they readied to fight if need be. But as the darkness faded, they were all struck with awe.

"By the shadows..." The woman uttered as she instantly realized where they were, the stretching shadows and ominous architecture being a dead giveaway for her.

"What is it lass? Where are we?" The man from before asked, before noticing they weren't alone wherever they had been sent.

Surrounding them were numerous other...things. Humans, different types of elves, orcs(?), and several other beings that were completely strange to the man and his comrades. Bears that were walking upright, werewolves wearing armor, blue skinned beings with tusks, short goblin looking things, strange looking minotaurs, and even absurdly short humans.

Immediately the man and his companions drew their weapons while the group across from them did the same, before they noticed another group of people that he recognized as infamous assassins, amongst which were members of the Morag Tong.

"What is this?" The man questioned suspiciously.

"We should be asking YOU the same thing!" Snarled one of the alien beings as they too readied their weapons.

Just as the different groups were about to attack though, a single figure uttered in dumbfoundment,

"I-it can't be.... Lady Nocturnal!?!" The woman who spoke then fell to her knees in respect and reverence, despite the rather scandalous appearance her lady of shadows currently had.

Her outburst drew everyone's attention to what she was looking at, which stupefied them all as well as they beheld four figures they hadn't noticed before, all of which were completely naked.

To the right was a sensual and sinister looking woman with eight spider legs protruding from her back, while on the left was a another woman with a toned, muscular body. Both women were on either side of the sole male between them, a hulking figure covered in bright red fur with a mane of pitch black hair. The Dragon Emperor.

Both women were clinging onto him while simultaneously rubbing their arms up and down his body sensually, though the one on the right also had her spider-like legs wrapped around him possessively.

Most shocking though was the fourth figure amongst them, a breathtakingly beautiful woman with ashen skin, who was currently on her knees as her head bobbed back and forth in front of the Dragon Emperor's waist. What drew all of their eyes though, was the glowing bluish object lodged between her butt cheeks that contrasted with the rest of her body, and their surroundings.

"D-did you say Nocturnal!?!" The man from before exclaimed in shock as he beheld the shadow matron of all thieves, the one who'd cursed them for so long when their old guild master stole one of her sacred artifacts.

Though she acted as if she couldn't hear them for a moment as her head continued to bob, soon her movements halted all of a sudden as the lady of shadows froze in place, before turning while standing in one fluid movement.

"Hello Karliah. Long time no see." Nocturnal said in a condescending tone, not caring about her nakedness in front of all of them, or the smear of white fluid at the corner of her lips.

"What's the bloody lady of shadows doin with the bloody Dragon Emperor!?!" Another of the men from earlier exclaimed in shock.

"I'm fucking her. That's what Delvin." Alex stated plainly, making the man pale as he realized THE Dragon Emperor knew who he was.

"Yes, I know who you are Delvin. I also know of you, Brynjolf, Vex, and Karliah." Alex continued while ignoring their shocked expressions, before turning towards the rest of those gathered.

"As for the rest of you. Everyone here is a resident of the world of shadows and stealth, regardless of if they're a thief, assassin, or spy. And I have gathered you all here to discuss my plans for you in Asora."

"Well who says we want to work for you?" A Tauren rouge sneered disdainfully, prompting numerous jeers and comments from the rogues of Azeroth, while the people from the Thieves Guild of Tamriel remained silent as they studied Alex carefully.

"Because...." Alex began slowly. "If you chose not to work for me, and take out a contract on me or my family as a result, then I will personally slaughter every single person you care about before subjecting the offender themselves to an eternity of the most horrendous torment they could imagine. How's that sound?"

Dead silence met Alex's threat. A threat made all the more terrifying by the fact that he had been casually smiling while he said, while also leaking a 'little' bit of his killing intent.

The cherry on top? The entire time he'd been threatening them, Alex's boner was still rock hard and covered in Daedric saliva.

That alone was more than enough to cow several of them into submission.

"What are the terms?" Brynjolf asked eventually.

"You'll be based in Asora, but there will be rules. Firstly you don't steal from those who can't afford it. There is no beggar class in Asora, and I won't have you making one. Between the different worlds connected through Asora, there's plenty of wealthy nobles and such for you lot to go after.

"Second is to never hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it. I won't have any of you killing my people because of your own blunders. Finally you're all going to be MY underground, meaning you all essentially work for me. It'll be your job to keep all the thieves and assassins in Asora in line, while also keeping any independent workers out. Understood?"

Unsurprisingly, the members of the Thieves Guild immediately agreed to Alex's offer since all they cared about was making money, and an exclusive license to thief in numerous world's would make them all rich, regardless of if they had to be a bit pickier with their targets. The Molag Tong meanwhile were already planning to go along with what Alex wanted, as it was plain their lady, Mephala, was on his side.

The rogues of Azeroth on the other hand were more resistant. They were used to working independently for the most part, and not as an organization.

However if they didn't agree, then they'd either have to give up their lifestyles altogether, or risk incurring the Dragon Emperor's wrath.

"We'll do it." One man suddenly, surprising the rest of them before they too agreed to Alex's proposition. They had no choice.

"Excellent! When you arrive in Asora I'll have the Haulia get in touch with you. Until then, ta ta!"

With a snap of his fingers Alex sent the thieves, assassins, and other rogues away, leaving him alone with Nocturnal, Mephala, and Boethiah. And three others.

"What about us?" Asked the human woman who had Alex hadn't sent back, along with Karliah and an orcish woman with glowing eyes.

The three women looked to each other curiously as to why they had been left behind, but as Karliah looked to the other two, Tess Greymane and Garona Halforcen, a certain feeling began to creep up her spine. There was only THREE of them.

"You're correct Karliah." Alex said to her, shocking the Dark Elf woman to her core. He then looked to the other two, and explained to them,

"In the world Karliah and the others came from, there was a secret order of thieves dedicated to the Daedric Prince of shadows, the Nightingales."

Garona and Tess looked to each other in confusion, before the former stated, "I'm not a thief. I'm an assassin."

Alex nodded and said, "I'm aware, but I'm changing it since Nocturnal is no longer the Daedric Prince of shadows anymore. Now the title of Nightingale will belong to chosen masters in the art of stealth, not just thievery."

"Will we be stronger?" Tess asked him.

"Of course. You will be agents of night and darkness itself. You'll be tied to and strengthened by the energies of this world, the Evergloam." Alex told them seriously, to which Karliah was nodding slowly as a Nightingale herself, while Tess and Garona listened intently.

Eventually they both nodded as Tess said, "very well, I'll accept."

"Indeed. Killing is all I've ever known, and it is all I'm good at." Garona answered with resignation.

"Then we need to transact the oath." Karliah said as she looked towards Nocturnal and Alex expectantly, only for the latter to say,

"Actually, the 'oath' is made in a different way now."

Karliah looked at Alex in confusion as she was about to ask what he meant, only for her, Tess, and Garona's clothes to suddenly melt into the shadows, leaving them completely naked.

"What are you doing!?!" Karliah demanded while Garona glared at Alex for his trickery and Tess made to cover herself, though the man himself just shrugged as he said,

"I literally fought and destroyed the Daedra while fucking several of them, was getting head even as you all arrived, and I'm still hard as a rock. What else did you expect?"

None of the three women had an answer as they instead gaped at Alex incredulously.

Karliah was a Dark Elf, meaning she had lived for quite a while and had done away with most of her shyness as a result. However her last real partner had been her lover that had been murdered nearly twenty years ago.

Garona was half Orc, half Draenai, but she had been raised amongst the orcs, and suffered numerous abuses throughout her younger years, until she started proving her worth to the Horde. Now she was a well respected member of the horde, a Shadow and a Champion of the Uncrowned.

Tess meanwhile was a human princess. A human princess that watched her entire kingdom turn into mindless beasts, before they regained their senses to become the Worgen they were today. But a princess nonetheless.

Despite all that she was still an exceptionally skilled rogue, being a Shadow and Champion of the Uncrowned alongside Garona.

They were still staring at Alex while contemplating his 'offer', when Boethiah said while stepping up to his side yet again, one of her hands going to his cock as she did so,

"It's nothing new. All of us were fucked into submission by him at first, and I have personally never felt so 'satisfied' in my existence before."

"Indeed. Our master certainly knows how to please a woman." Mephala whispered as she too returned to Alex's side, her spider-like legs trailing up and down through his fur.

Nocturnal meanwhile went to Karliah's side, making the Dark Elf fidgety even before her mistress pulled her forward.

"You're already mine Karliah, that means you already belong to the Dragon Emperor as well. There's no refusing him."

Though Karliah wanted to deny what her dark mistress said, she was unable to before she was suddenly pushed into Alex's chest, her naked body suddenly being pressed up against his own.

Unknown to her, the remnants of Alex's Debauchery authority began affecting her immediately upon their contact. Not to the same point as alcohol or drugs, but still enough to slightly lower her inhibition.

One of Alex's hands gently caressed Karliah's chin to direct her face upwards, where he sealed her lips with his own in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

Alex was not Molag Bal. He would not Rape those he granted his 'blessings' to and leave them for dead.

No. This was to be a sacred ceremony where Karliah would swear herself in servitude to him, and Alex would reward her in return.

So he kept his increasingly ravenous self in check as Karliah slowly, yet swiftly, loosened her inhibitions even more, until his other hand was trailing down her back, before it was joined by the other. And when they reached her butt, Alex roughly seized the soft flesh, making her groan against his lips, before he began to knead her pliable backside.

After groping and playing with her backside, Alex's hands trailed further down to Karliah's thighs, and further than his arms should've been able to reach until he got to the back of her knees. It was then that things quickly accelerated as Alex grabbed her by the back of her knees and pulled them up so that her weight was being supported by him, surprising Karliah by the sudden shift so much she broke off the kiss.

But what surprised her even more was when she felt something hard and hot prodding against her entrance, which far wetter than she'd ever been in her life.

"Here I come Karliah." Alex told her in warning, before thrusting forwards suddenly, filling her with his impossibly large member.


Karliah groaned from the sudden intrusion, which was far larger than she had ever experienced before, and bit down on Alex's shoulder to keep her voice from leaking.

At first Alex only made slow rhythmical movements as thrusted in and out of the Dark Elf, but gradually his pace began to pick up until he was full on fucking her as the wet and sloppy sounds of their sex reverberated throughout the room.

Tess and Garona watched as Karliah went from the distinguished and collected master thief, to a complete and utter whore as her cries of ecstasy rang out without any of her earlier control. And without either of them even noticing it, their own arousal increased as they watched the erotic and debaucherous show.

By this point Alex was no longer being gentle as he roughly fucked Karliah, thrusting his entire length into her with reckless abandon until he pulled it out of her entirely, confusing the Dark Elf before her flipped her around.

Now facing Tess and Garona, Karliah only just recalled they weren't alone in their rutting, but she couldn't summon the will to care before she felt TWO objects press against her this time. One on her hot and soaked cunt, and the other against her tightly puckered black door.

"Wait-!" Karliah tried to say, before Alex suddenly filled both holes, and anything else she was going to say was cut off by her own cries of pleasure.

Instead of the pain she expected from taking something back 'there', Karliah was now experiencing twice the pleasure as Alex fucked her, her ass and thighs rippling with each of his thrusts.

It felt like an eternity for Karliah as Alex continued to fuck her, making her cum over and over again as he moved her into various positions, which she readily did regardless of how humiliating they were in front of their audience.

After a tortuously long session of fucking though, finally came the moment she'd begun to desperately crave as Alex himself finally came, filling both her womb and bowels with his potent and powerful seed.

As the torrents of burning hot fluid filled her though, Karliah also experienced a mysterious sensation as renewed strength flowed through her tired body. Even as Alex pulled out of her to move on to his other two new devotees, Karliah could feel herself becoming steadily stronger. Becoming one with the shadows around her.

Alex meanwhile turned his attention to Tess and Garona, both of which were far more aroused after watching him fuck Karliah. With their bodies fidgeting unconsciously, neither refused Alex's touch as he pulled them close so they were both pressed up against him, each one subject to his hand's wandering.

What happened next was like a haze for them as they entered a world of ecstasy and pleasure. While Garona had already even birthed her own son, Tess was new to everything Alex was making her experience as he filled her time and again with his mass.

And after he pumped them both full of his power-infusing seed, Karliah rejoined them along with the three former Daedric Princes. And the more Alex filled them with his cum, the more they felt the shadows surrounding them becoming a part of them, strengthening them, heeding their summons, bending to their wills.

None of them knew how much time had passed within the Evergloam, and once they had all finally fallen to Alex's never ending stamina, the only thing they heard before losing consciousness was him saying,

"I accept your oaths, and name you all Nightingales."



Simultaneously the three women awoke within the shadow world, Alex gone along with Mephala and Boethiah, leaving only Nocturnal as the original ruler of this world, now it's warden under Alex.

"Congratulations, Nightingales." Nocturnal said with a voice full of what sounded like disdain, though Karliah knew that was just her usual way of speaking.

"How long were we out?" Garona immediately asked, making Nocturnal sneer as she answered,

"Time has no meaning here after the Dragon Emperor took over. I am return you to where he plucked you three from after you familiarized yourselves with your new abilities, and when you are returned you will find that no time has passed from when the others were returned as well."

The three women looked at her in awe from the information, even as the information to use said abilities flowed through their minds at the same time.

"It's so.....different." Karliah said, as she became amazed at the numerous abilities she now possessed, that she hadn't had when she was formerly a Nightingale.

"That is my master's generosity. Instead of merely protecting my shrines in life and death in exchange for power like before, you three are to be his shadows that will serve him directly, and watch over the guild when not. Now begin familiarizing yourselves with them so that I may return you."

With Nocturnal's command the three women began working on just that, starting with fixing their current nakedness. Unlike before however when their armor was a thing they had to store away and change into manually, with a single thought Karliah, Garona and Tess were suddenly surrounded in shadows that solidified around them to form a uniform of form fitting black clothes, complete with capes, hoods, a multitude of bottomless pouches, and masks that concealed their faces from view.

Additionally, when the women looked to each other they realized that they were completely indistinguishable from one another. They all had an idea of who the other two were, probably thanks to their being Nightingales, but wether it was physical figures or their respective auras, they were all identically undetectable.

And just like their clothes, with a mere thought they were all suddenly armed as the shadows answered them yet again, taking the form of either daggers, short swords, or even a bow with all the arrows they could ever need.

The three then got to work.


In another realm that Alex had acquired, a solitary figure stood at the window of a massive and menacing looking castle. She looked out with awe and intrigue at this alien world, having only been here for a few hours.

"Fascinating..." She uttered while looking out over the cold and desolate world, which one of the inhabitants that reside within the castle told her was called Coldharbour.

"Do you like it?" A voice suddenly asked, making the figure whirl around in alarm, only to see the one who banished her there, the Dragon Emperor.

"Your majesty." She said politely while giving a mock curtsy, making Alex snort as he said,

"Save your false pleasantries for someone else, and answer the question Sylvanas."

Raising her brows curiously at his curt response, despite the fact that he was currently naked and erect, which she readily took note of, Sylvanas answered,

"It is.....alluring your majesty." As she said that Sylvanas gazed out the window at the rising jagged peaks, the dead trees, endless chasms of razor sharp rock, freezing air that felt pleasantly cool on her undead skin. No matter how long she admired the landscape, she could not tear her gaze away from it.

"I am in need of a warden for it." Alex said suddenly, making the banshee look back at him curiously as she asked,

"A what?"

Alex stepped up to the window beside her to look out over the realm as well, and explained,

"This world, Coldharbour, was ruled over by a god-like being known as Daedric Princes, Molag Bal. After killing him and consuming his soul, I obtained his divine authority over this realm, but have neither the time nor the intention to rule over it personally. Or any of the realms I acquired from his fellow Daedric Princes, which is why I need wardens to watch over them for me. Interested?"

Sylvanas was stunned at the offer as she looked between Alex and the frozen realm before her in rapid succession, before asking him, "why?"

For a moment Alex didn't say anything as he looked out over the frozen world, before finally saying,

"I intend to change this world, and several of the others I acquired, but I need wardens in place to keep an eye on them. You have experience ruling over the Forsaken, as well as the Horde as their Warchief. Yes you've made mistakes, but you've also learned from them.

"Of course I'm also not going to just give you free reign to do whatever you want. You'll be bound to me like the other wardens, and also empowered by my demonic energies. But you'll also be incapable of acting or planning against me."

"That is fair..." Sylvanas reluctantly said as she turned away from him. She knew she didn't not have the right to be trusted by others after the things she'd done, the sins committed in the name of freeing all, but was actually a trap to bind her and all others in Azeroth to the will of the Jailer.

So she was surprised suddenly when Alex laid his hand upon her shoulder, prompting her to turn towards him suddenly.

"My offer is not without merit Sylvanas." Alex told her, even as he slid the armor covering her shoulder off of her.


The sound of her armor hitting the stone floor rang out, but neither of them paid it any heed. Instead the next piece of armor fell from her body, followed by the next, and the next.

Soon Sylvanas was standing before Alex, completely naked as he gazed upon her features. Her pale blue skin, her darker blue nipples erect in the cold air, and her nearly white hair flowing gently in the freezing breeze.

And as he admired her, Alex said softly,

"I could heal you. Turn you into a true state of neither living nor dead, but something in between. The first of a new race. The first TRUE banshee."

As Alex spoke Sylvanas shivered slightly, her long dormant desire growing with each word. Both sexually, and for what he promising.

"Please..." She breathed out, despite having not needed to breath for so long.

And with that single word, Alex's fingers finally made direct contact with her cold flesh. And with that contact his magic began to flow within her body, changing it from the inside as she leaned into his embrace.

Time passed slowly for the two of them, a haze enveloping the room as they became one.

And as he entered her cold folds, Alex channeled both his demonic energies to brand and tie her to Coldharbour, as well as Alteration magic to change her body into a completely new race, something aside from an undead.

As the time passed and the changes to her body were finished, Alex prepared to fill her with his seed, but instead of the usual he filled with the divine authority of Life that he had obtained from Merida.

Instead of bearing him a normal hybrid child like the rest of his wives, Sylvanas would birth an entirely new race to Asora. A race of beautiful ethereal women similar to the Yuuki-Onna. The Banshee.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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