
God Slayer: The Tale of Humanity's Last Stand

// A System Built to Fight the Gods! // Mankind has existed for hundreds of thousands of years and the time has finally come for them to be judged by the Heavens. After being sentenced to complete annihilation, the planet is to be wiped clean for a new species to take its place. Even while Heaven's might rains down upon the Earth, not all hope is lost. The Queen of the Underworld has sent chosen souls of the damned, dubbed Slayers, from the Underworld to mount humanity's final defense! Reincarnated souls from Hell that are equipped with the all powerful God Core System that allows them to consume the powers of a God to enhance their own to unimaginable lengths. Gear up because it's literal Hell on Earth. [ Author here! If you guys are enjoying the series, please feel free to vote for this work with your powerstones and tickets! This will allow me to publish even more chapters, do special events, and let me know you guys are enjoying it! Also, there is more of a stat involved part of the system that has been introduced in the later chapters(63). Experience isn't visibly tracked until this point - up until then it is still gathered and slayers do grow slightly stronger from fights, but there's no way of knowing how much has been gained until the chapter it's introduced.]

Kenji_Tezuka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

Life on the Average Side

It was like a sudden explosion of incredible energy had kicked off and everyone was washed in the light of it - each expected that to be their quick end as they thought they were far enough out the way. But, just like with the wind, the explosion changed direction and began to suck back inwards like you were rewinding a tape. Except this time it was funneling into Axel.

Everyone opened their eyes to affirm their living status.

"Check out that energy..." Jayden said as he stepped a little closer. They could all sense the out of this world(literally) energy that Admin was surrounded by as she slowly circulated it into Axel. The energy covered every part of his body, bathing him in this divine light.

"Good, looks like it worked and I didn't end up nuking this planet." Admin stated plainly.

"Wait, that was a possibility?!" Jun exclaimed.

Axel however could care less about the possibly alternative. He could feel the hairs on his skin starting to rise as the energy poured into him. "I feel some of my energy returning to me. It's working! It's fucking working!!" Axel said as he rejoiced.

The seal that was overlaid on his skin began to shrink and recede until it was only around his chest. It was like a tattoo with 4 bands held together by the symbol of a raging fire. The unknown language that had been written in the pillars encircled the seal completely. The energy from the God Core, now fully drained, vanished and left a stark quietness in its wake.

< System Restored >

"The process has been complete. You should feel a bit of your former self again." Admin said as she backed away a few steps so Axel could stand up. "But keep in mind-"

"Woo-hoo! Let's goooooooo!" Axel reared his legs back and jumped forward up on his feet. "Fucking Conquest thought he was going to have the last laugh, well...think again!" He looked over to the other slayers as they sat on the sidelines.

"Thanks for coming guys, it really means a lot." Axel said as he yanked up his shirt and threw it on. "Now, think it's time I start getting back to doing what I do best...but...admin," Axel stopped as he stared at his hands while he flexed the fingers, "how long before the God energy FULLY kicks in. I'm still feeling a bit...weak."

"That's what I was trying to tell you." Admin said in an "I'm over this" tone.

"Oh, my bad. So when?" Axel said with a grin.

"This is it."

"What's it?"

"The energy has already kicked in. This is it."

"Sure you didn't have your sensors pointed over at Jayden? This can't be it." Axel joked. Jayden was silently raging in the background as Iris blocked his path.

"You don't seem to fully understand the situation you're in, Axel."

"....wait. You're serious?" He said with a weak grin. Axel stomped forward a few steps towards Admin. "You were supposed to fix this! Wasn't that the whole point of this wasted trip??"

Jun quickly ran up and tried to get in between them. "Axel, calm down. You truly don't understand-"

Axel quickly brushed him away. "No one asked YOU! You don't get it. I have to be strong. I have to have power. Only those who fight the hardest and take the most get to stand at the top! Otherwise.." Axel adopted a disgusted look. "I'm just like the rest of you." Axel stated.

The other slayers stood in silence at his words. They expected no less of him, but they thought there would be a little more gratitude-

"You red headed stepchild piece of shit! Who do you think you are?!" Jayden roared as he broke past Jun and headed for Axel.

Jun went to stop him but Admin's voice echoed in his mind, < Don't stop them. Axel needs to experience this. >

Jun looked over to Admin who was fixated on Axel and Jayden.

"Careful there, didn't you almost break your hand the last time you tried to lay down the law with me? I heard those fingers cracking!" Axel mocked. He also went to meet Jayden head on as the two were both in a mood that they really wanted to punch something.

Jayden went to grab Axel by the shirt, but he quickly evaded to the side and then rolled off the outside of his foot to aim a savage hook at Jayden's face.

Axel's fist made direct contact and Jayden stumbled to the side from the impact. Axel immediately went in for a follow up hit. "Your face looks extra punchable today!" He yelled.

He doesn't realize it, Jun thought.

The idiot, Iris thought.

As Axel closed in for another punch, Jayden quickly whipped around and punched him square in the gut. Axel's feet bounced off the ground slightly from the force of the hit. 

Axel paused for a moment as he was finding it hard to catch his next breath for some reason. That's odd, he thought.

Jayden smiled smugly, "Now that one felt like a winner."

Axel fell to his knees gasping for air. "Wheeze..wheeze....what...wheeze...was..that.." He forced out. Admin walked by his side as he grasped his stomach from the pain.

"I'm sure you've forgotten, but that's what a punch feels like for an average slayer. Get it now?" She wasn't even going to attempt to console him.

Axel looked up at Admin as though she had taken off her glove and slapped him with those words. "A-average?..."

Jayden snickered under his breath. "She called you mid bro."

Admin looked down into his eyes, in the cold unfeeling way only she could. "Yes. Average." She pointed her finger at the tattooed bands around his chest. "Those 4 bands represent the 4 layer seal that Conquest placed on you. Each one works to suppress more and more of your unholy energy. By utilizing Conquest's God core, I was able to re-configure the seal so that you could access your base energy you were reincarnated with....but not remove it. So you can wield your weapon and utilize your system ...but there's only one way to get all of your power back."

"Well...wheeze...I'm assuming you'll tell me.."

"This is a powerful seal. To remove a single layer of it would require the equivalent of God level energy."

"...oh no...." Jun muttered.

"So you'll need 4 God cores in total to remove the seal which means defeating 4 Gods to obtain them." Admin continued. "Which is why you can't do this alone. As you currently stand, you are no stronger than the other slayers here. Before you all can face a God again however, you'll all need to grow much stronger than you currently are. There are two problems with this plan though."

"You mean fighting 4 Gods wasn't the hard part?" Iris scoffed.

"The first is time. The longer this takes the more the holy energy will take hold in Axel's body as I mentioned earlier. There's no way we can stop this, but consuming cores will work in slowing down its progression as well as strengthening your base power. It won't be as large a boost as you normally would receive, but it'll be enough to get you to a level where you can be a threat again."

Axel yanked his sword out of the ground from nearby. "So, just 4 Gods? You should've just skipped all the rest and told me that in the beginning. I can go do this myself-"

"Really, how dense are you?" Admin demanded. "You. Are. Weak. Until you can remove the seal, you have no choice but to rely on their help." She then turned to the others. "And you all will need Axel if you wish to end this war. Theoretically speaking, if you guys can pull this off, Axel will hold the power of several Gods when the seal is fully removed. So, everyone wins."

No one calls Axel average.

Kenji_Tezukacreators' thoughts