
God Slayer Max

In a world where gods walk among mortals, Max is an unlikely hero burdened with a dark destiny. Once a simple villager, his life is turned upside down when he discovers a hidden power capable of slaying the divine beings that rule over humanity with an iron fist. As Max embarks on a perilous journey, he must navigate treacherous alliances, battle fearsome deities, and unlock the secrets of his own lineage.

MysteryAuthor2000 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 5: The Invasion

It was now four days after the battle between Max and Pale.

News spread far and wide across Altair about the Brave that defeated one of the strongest district commanders.

In an isolated area not far from Bouchart, an army was being addressed by a man.

He was tall and skinny, had silver hair, and was clad in Violet armor with a cape around his back.

He was pacing about the lled with his hands positioned behind him.

"Soldiers, join our armies to become heroes the same way the legends of old did"

"They are born to rescue, to enter hell and conquer on behalf of the light!!"

"Let the children born of the hero's heart be the champions of the weary, let them take their strength and lift the broken, for they are the ones who would lay down life and limb to do what is right!!"

"So take up your arms and follow me as we go to battle against the accursed Relic users!"


All the soldiers raised their weapons in unison and led out their war cry.

"All hail Retina!"

They cheered.

"All hail Moon!!!".

He left the soldiers and walked into a tent, inside was a map dictating several parts of Altair and routes leading to Bouchart.

"General Moon, May I enter".

A woman's voice was heard from outside.

"Catherine, please do come in"

A woman entered the tent.

She was Clad in pink armor and a pink cape, she had brown hair that was barely visible over the helmet she was wearing which also covered her face.

"General, If I may, now is the perfect time to attack Bouchart".

She proclaims as she held up a phone depicting a roughly captured video of Max using Kill Switch on Pale.

"They were news that Pale was beaten by some kid in Asgar"


General Moon took the phone from her and played the video again.

'That armband on the kid's hand looks familiar but I can't seem to point out why'.

"Catherine, send a message to the Capital."

"Yes General!"

"Tell them we're moving the invasion by a week and get me, my brother".

Meanwhile, back in Asgar...

"Calm down, demon spawn or your wounds will open up".

Max had nearly woken up and was gleefully jumping around after seeing the finished emblem.

"Sheesh, why do I feel like I'm only here to babysit you".

The thief face-palmed.

He smiled...

'Well, I'm glad he's alright.

"All that's left now is an Ark".

An Ark as the name suggests is a Giant ship able to carry a large number of people and goods that every Clan has.

It, alongside an emblem, are the basic requirements needed in starting a clan.

Max who had calmed down was currently in the inn with Rex.

"And how on earth are we gonna get an Ark!?".

"I don't know".

"(- -)".


They heard large knocks coming from the door of the inn. Rex walked up and opened the door only for him to retreat and take a fighting stance.

The one who came into the room was none other than Pale.

"What are you doing here!". Rex exclaimed.

Pale seemed to ignore his existence entirely as he only had his eyes on Max.

"Hey! Don't tak-"

Before Rex could finish, Max held his arm out to stop him.

He then walked forward to come face to face with the large behemoth.

"Have you come for a rematch?".

He asked cracking his fists with a smirk on his face ready to throw down.

The large man then did something unexpected.

"Hey!! What are you doing, get up!"

Pale was on his knees.

"Please let me join your Clan!"


Rex plopped down in at this turn of events.

The man who tried to kill Max a few days ago was currently on his knees and begging to join their clan. But what happened next left him dumbfounded...

"Okay". Max said with the usual smile on his face like they were never foes.

"Great! I heard you were looking for a Clan, Captain".

"Yeah, you think you can help us out"

"Hahahaha! You're my Captain now, just give the order and I will follow".

Rex who had become a statue of shock could only turn his head as he witnessed the current conversation. And once again...


One week later, the trio arrived at Bouchart.


May, Puth, and Vidal, trusted compatriots came rushing towards him.

"W-we're so gl-ad y-you're okay!!". Puth sobbed as they all hugged the muscular man who patted them on their heads.

They were rejoicing at the fact that their Leader was back and safe after he got into a fight wi-

"You!". May pulled out his sword and pointed it towards Max. The man who defeated their captain and defamed him, they all watched a blurry clip of Max delivering the finishing blow to Pale.

"Stand down, May. He's not the enemy here".

Pale took the chance to tell them about how he had joined Max's clan and will be leaving in a short time as soon as they can get an Ark.

At first, the trio were perplexed and didn't want their leader to go.

"You just got back".

"Yeah and what about Bouchart?"

"Bouchart has done alright without me for five years now, and they're in perfect hands."

He placed his hand on May's shoulder.

"May, you have been a loyal and dear companion, all of you have, really, but I want to travel further across the world with Max here"

The three were all tearing down as he continued.

"I don't expect you guys to forgive me for abandoning Bouchart but we will always be allies and Bouchart has always been in good hands". He finished with a smile.


The trio burst into tears and hugged him one more time, then it happened.


A series of explosions could be heard around the District, smoke and flames were scattered everywhere.

A guard came running over, his face like he had seen a ghost only they were hundreds of them.

"Commander.... You're... here... we're... under... attack". The guard exclaimed panting heavily, he was also bloody and injured.

"Moon is attacking"