
God Slayer Max

500 years ago the human race went to war against the gods and lost everything. After the war a hero was born Max

MysteryAuthor2000 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 29: One Two Three

"So, it's settled then?"


"Yeah, and ol' gutsy here is more than willin' to blow a hole in that bastard's lil' head."

The Seven Saints were currently discussing their next course of action towards the war that's brewing.

Just then, The Sniper Saint aimed and red a shot at the entrance of the cafe, the bullet punctured through the closed door.

He then rushes outside to find no one there, but just before he could turn back, he noticed blood splattered on the ground.

A smile crosses his face as he made his way back into the cafe.

"I never miss."

Unbeknownst to all of them, in an alleyway just a few blocks away from the cafe, the injured figure was holding his left arm and applying pressure.

"Heh, that was close."

He pulled out a handkerchief and shoved it into his mouth.

Bracing himself, he closed his eyes and dug his hand deep into the open wound. Groaning in pain, he managed to pull out the bullet then followed up to cover the wound up with the handkerchief.

"Saints vs Dons eh? hehe, who doesn't love a little chaos?"

Inside the Aquarius zodiac crypt, Max and Paris have begun their battle.

With a sharp thrust, Max swings his blade forward only for Paris to sidestep him and strike his neck from behind.

Paris jumped back a few meters to create space between them.

"To make it a little fair, I won't be using my abilities."

Max clicked his tongue and charged at Paris once again.

The crew all watched as Paris counters and Dodges all of Max's attacks with zero effort.

Overhead kick, countered with a sidestepped punch to the face.

Leg sweep, dodged with a jump and retaliated with a kick of his own.

"Damn, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Demon spawn is outmatched."

"And his time is almost over, Sir Max hasn't gotten a single hit!"

"He has less than two minutes to land three hits or it's over."

"He'll win."

Pale said with his arms folded, concentrating deeply as the battle progresses.

"Ack! it doesn't look like it Pale, this is not a " believe in our Captain" type of moment, we have got to be real here. Paris is just too strong."

"I hate to agree with Sir Rex, but he's right, the keepers are one of the strongest Relimen in existence, and Sir Max can not use Shadow Apex again."

There was a cooldown period before Max could use his Shadow Apex technique again. And even if there wasn't, he doesn't plan on using it in this battle.

"Enough, surrender, and I will take back my condition for the challenge and you can be on your way."

Pale offered Max a way out, but the ex-assassin seemed to have gotten enraged by this. His aura flared up and his eyes darkened, He then spoke with a bleak voice.

"Surrender? You don't seem to understand the whole point in this challenge."

His shadow daggers dissolved and he walked towards the keeper until they were at point-blank range.

"It's not just about an apology, you keepers are one of the strongest beings in this world, it will be a total waste of time if I don't at least test my strengths against you. of course I do plan on making you apologize for the underhanded trick you played on us."


The crew all exclaimed upon hearing Max's true convictions for challenging the keeper.

Pale on the other hand bursts into laughter.

"A betting trial for a man!"

"This bastard! he would risk spending an eternity in the crypt for a sparing session!?"

Max and Paris once again jumped forward almost at the same time to create some distance between themselves.

Max waggles his finger as he heard Rex.

"This bastard is your captain!"

His shadow steeply moves towards Paris's shadow as the latter was paying attention to Max.

"I will never jeopardize my goals... I plan on winning this from the very beginning! Bind!"


"Paris, you're strong... super strong."

The time since their battle began: Four minutes, fifty seconds.

Ten seconds, was all it took...

"But... You've made three errors here, and I'll be more than happy to show you what they are."

Max dashed towards the shackled keeper and struck him in his solar plexus.

"One... You underestimated me by not using your full powers!"

"He got him!"

Paris grunted in pain as the shadow bind was undone. Before he could catch his breath, Max grabbed him by the head and slammed his head against him.

"Two... Your senses have dulled, I'm guessing it's been countless years since you fought anyone."

Paris's vision blurred for a little while but before he could even tell what was going on, he was sent flying by an uppercut.

"Three... You got complacent with the flow of the battle and let me take advantage at the end by lowering your guard."

Paris got back up and dusted his rob.

"You win..."

Paris was leagues far ahead of Max, it was his arrogance that led him to underestimate Max and drop his guard at the last minute.

If Paris had fought with his guard up at all times, Max wouldn't have been able to catch him off guard with Bind.

It was the split-second error on Paris's part that made him lose the match.

Another factor to take here was the fact that Max evolves with each battle he fights. The same could be said to Pale.

He was the only one that read the condition of the battle and was able to determine that Max would win provided being outclassed by Paris.

He noticed how Paris was toying with Max and determined that Max was biding his time and waiting for the right moment to use Bind.

What better time than when his opponent thinks that the battle is won?

"Phew... If we were to fight again, I know you won't be falling for the same trick. Let's have a rematch when I get stronger, I still have much to learn."

'Especially if I'm going to confront him, as it is I'm still too weak.'

Max stretches his hand out to Paris which the latter readily accepts.