
God Slayer Max

500 years ago the human race went to war against the gods and lost everything. After the war a hero was born Max

MysteryAuthor2000 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 1 :PILOT

500 YEARS ago, the human race was faced with a terrible disaster, the disaster was a war between the human race and the gods which went down in history as

Weapons and relics where lefts behind after the war with the gods.

The human race were possessed and controlled by the weapons.

After the war with the gods, the human race began fighting over the relics which brought upon another war amongst the human race which more than 60 percent of the population was lost

Few years after the war, some population of the human race developed abilities similar to the gods and which the relics where able to bring out the true potential of the powers.

After the foundings of the new abilities of the human race , A new world was born where those with abilities similar to the gods had the highest hierarchies in the new empire

YEAR – 620 AR

The burchart district is one of the 5 districts of the altair region, the place was filed with houses of people of nobility and a market adjacent it.

There were guards patrolling the market area looking for an escaped convict until they heard a loud boom

An explosion was heard from one of the nobles houses and there was a boy with a black t shirt and a white coat on top, a pair of red boots, white jeans to match the coat he was wearing and the most elusive detail was the watch on his right wrist

The guards froze up in shock that a single person managed to break in to one of the houses

He then used his sword to cause another explosion

The guards where all confused until a citizen shouted out he's a relic user

Some guards climbed the houses to take him out while the other guards began calling other relic users to come help out.

At las he wasn't alone he was accompanied by his friend max who was a normal person and he had a sword with him but he was weak in swordsmanship

Rex then leaped through the air and landed on the ground and made an exact tornado and wiped out the remaining guards

The guards left with no options retreated

It seems they've finally left Max says

Noises of horses came from the market square and it was a relic user that the guards had called before they retreated, It was Sir ray a relic user that controls the water.

Upon seeing sir ray, rex and his friend max wanted to retreat but sir ray used his relic to summon water to block the exit path and comes near them

So you are the kids that broke into the nobles houses , why don't you come and join me in the army seeing you are relic user and i can even get a spot for your friend here too

You will both get highly rewarded and we can even forget about today's incident says sir ray

Rex who was so pissed summoned water using his relic and attacked sir ray

Saying he would never join them in the army because they are all corrupt pigs who know nothing of what the people are thinking and doing

You guys only care for yourselves Rex exclaimed!!!

The guards then pounced on them hoping to capture them but they were taken out by max's tornado

Max then made a tornado that knocked all the guards out and they ecaped from the hands of sir ray

Cant you guy do anything right?!!! sir ray said

We are so sorry sir a guard said

This encounter wasn't a total loss, go and tell the general that I found a relic user that is in the possession of the heart of altair.