

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 58 Abyss Past Events

According to the entourage of the cactus, [Black Abyss] is a forbidden area opened up by the God of the Forest. To a certain extent, He attaches no less importance to it than [Golden Field].

There are many special monsters sealed in [Black Abyss]. Most of them have powerful and mysterious abilities. Even if some monsters are killed, they will be reborn in various ways. So sealing and imprisoning them is the best way.

According to legend, deep in the bottom of the abyss, even the gods defeated by the forest god are sealed.

But this is also a small fire side of the word.

If you listen to it, you will understand.

Lu Yao immediately sent Isabel into the dungeon of the abyss.

Isabel's [Dying Prayer] can call the dead and get the words of the person concerned from their mouths.

Unfortunately, prayer work did not go well.

"My lord, the dead here are very powerful...almost none of them respond to me."

Isabel was a little embarrassed: "Please give me more time, sir."

She used [Death Prayer] very hard, and black smoke continued to rise from the ground, but it couldn't condense into a black ball of the dead.

Lu Yao took advantage of this time to get up from the chair and did a few squats and burpees in the room.

If you want to be a long-term gaming geek, you must have a healthy body and plenty of energy. Only in this way can we ensure a high degree of concentration in the game for a long time, maintain a stable state of mind, and avoid operational deformation.

Since the population has skyrocketed to 10,000+, Lu Yao can clearly feel that his physical condition has never been better. The usual sense of sight, hearing, and smell have become much more sensitive, and the whole person seems to have improved precision.

This change is more pronounced during exercise.

Although he used to be unlikely to get out of breath after running for a few steps, he was by no means a person with good stamina and physical strength.

But now Lu Yao found that he rode a bicycle all the way from home to work, and it was effortless to keep pedaling at a high speed all the way.

He could even feel the secretion of certain hormones in his body (but not sure whether it was adrenaline or endorphins), and the physiological changes brought a sense of comfort and relaxation that he had never had before.

Lu Yao is now used to commuting to and from get off work by bicycle, and he is no longer drowsy and tired when he leaves work, and his body becomes light and full of elasticity. This made him more motivated to do a good job on the population problem.

After a little exercise, he found that Isabel had gained something.

She finally found a dead person who was willing to communicate with [the first floor of the black abyss].

The two sides encrypted the communication for a while as usual, and the black ball dissipated.

Isabel Hui reported: "My lord, the dead nearby said that [Black Abyss] is a small world with a long history, which originally belonged to [God of Darkness], one of the main gods."

"The God of Darkness built [Black Abyss] to search for monsters and gods with mysterious abilities everywhere. He locked many defeated generals and slaves here to absorb their power."

"But I don't know why, the God of Darkness fell many years ago, and this place has become a closed world of fragments."

"The powerful gods and monsters trapped here joined together, exhausted all their strength, and opened a crack, allowing a forest witch to leave here."

"After the forest witch escaped, she didn't follow the agreement to open it completely. Instead, she further strengthened [Black Abyss], repaired the previous loopholes, and made the seal here even more unbreakable."

"Relying on the power gained in [Black Abyss], the witch has become a famous figure in the outside world, and even reached a very high position step by step."

"She is also the god of the forest."

Lu Yao called him a good guy in his heart.

No wonder the Forest God said that here is her most precious legacy and regret.

It turned out that she started out as a teenager and betrayed other inmates.

Isabel continued to state: "...The God of the Forest later created the [Golden Field], and the tree of Sylvanus was also obtained from the abyss."

"The tree of Sylvanus is a strange thing between life and treasure. Its roots are in the [Black Abyss], and its trunk and crown are in the [Golden Field]."

"The tree of Sylvanus absorbs the power of the sealed person in the abyss, and strips out all kinds of treasures carried and manufactured by the sealed person. This is why [Golden Field] is full of treasures."

Seeing this, Lu Yao's eyes lit up.

Let me stroke.

[Black Abyss] looks like an extremely dangerous cage for the main god... But from another perspective, this is the small treasury hidden in the dark by the forest god, and it is the source of the treasures on the tree in [Golden Field].

[Golden Field] I am so stingy that I only give a treasure after completing a trial. And why choose one of the three.

Lu Yao has been dissatisfied with this for a long time.

If you want to give it, you can give it all. The dignified master should be more generous. What's the point of taking it away after being seen twice?

Now he decided to shift his focus from [Golden Field] to [Black Abyss].

If I, Lu, want any treasure, I can get it here by myself!

What you can get in [Black Abyss] depends on your personal ability, and there are no middlemen to make the difference.

Two words: fairness.

The experience of the two or five sons of the Forest God raised Lu Yao's vigilance against the Forest God again.

He used to be the main god, and he was also a forest witch. He might be resurrected after falling... All kinds of conspiracy theories suddenly came to mind.

Lu Yao typed above Isabel's head and asked, "After the Lord God fell, did he disappear completely?"

"My lord, not as far as I know."

Isabel replied: "When a god falls, the qualifications and will of the god will be stripped by the rules. The past memory and the self-divinity of being a god will all be annihilated. He will lose his godly side and return to his pre-god posture."

"If the forest god hadn't fallen, an apostle of the old god like me wouldn't fall into a deep sleep or be on the verge of death."

"With the fall of following the gods, the fire of faith in the apostle's body was completely extinguished. If no other gods ignite the fire again, the life of the apostles will gradually be reduced to ashes, and die with the old gods..."

After inquiring carefully, Lu Yao made a simple sorting out.

Generally speaking, if the gods fall, they will lose their player qualifications and return to normal life. Everything about playing a god will be completely deleted.

It's easy to understand.

Lu Yao reckoned that once the gods simulated by players in "God Simulator" fall, the related archives will probably be deleted automatically.

He was quite at ease with Isabel.

There is a special bond between god players and apostles.

The fire of faith connects Lu Yao, Isabel, and the blood knight together, and the apostles are like the arms and limbs of the gods in the simulator.

The apostles can't disobey and resist the gods, just like the restraint mechanism of survival instinct on creatures.

Even if the satyr still exists in some way, she is no longer the main god, but the old forest witch.

The threat was temporarily eliminated, and Lu Yao turned his attention back to [Black Abyss].

He issued a series of orders.

Isabel carried it out quickly: she first let the entire East Hai clan migrate in batches, and took a galley to the Western Continent (that is, the land where the Garlic Tribe is located). This island only retained the role of a port and a sea transfer station.

There are no resources on the island, the only advantage is that the area is not small.

Now all the pixel villains who believe in Lu Yao add up to less than 5,000 people. This population is not yet ready for the big pie, so it is better to concentrate on infrastructure construction.

Furthermore, after opening [Black Abyss], the golden door of the entrance and exit is fixed and cannot be moved.

You need Lu Yao's key to open the door to get in and out.

Lu Yao simply used this island as a package for the instance of [Black Abyss].

As for tribal integration, he doesn't care at all. These internal problems should be solved by the little people themselves.