
God Save the King

In Britain's long history many wars and conquests have been fought against many cultures and peoples, from the Jacobite's of the Highlands to the Zulus of Natal, the Afghans, to the Mauri - the sun truly never set on the British empire. But of all the wars waged across God's earth, none were quite as fantastical as the War of Atlantica and the establishment of New Haven as Britannia's new crown jewel.

adeadas · History
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Prologue – Introduction - Disclaimer

Major Disclaimer.

The following book is a fictional scenario that depicts events completely fictious and loosely based off of historical events for relevancy and accuracy. Any such events and stories that are told within the book are grounded in some true events that occurred in other parts of British history and should be treated with respect for any people involved – this is not a mockery nor a parody but an alternative history.

All major characters are fictious, and any names and places referenced, either historical or modern, are simply coincidence or to give the story historical context which includes but not limited to key figures in history. These figures are to be treated with respect and have been thoroughly researched to gain a better understanding of how they may respond to such crisis.

Some readers may find events and themes within this book disturbing and such reader discretion is advised. The realities of war are unfortunately as such, disturbing.

The author would also like to add that any and all policies and methods used are not condoned, but rather the tragedy that is war should remain at the forefront of our minds to prevent any such conflicts to occur again.

Thank you for reading.

In Britain's long history many wars and conquests have been fought against many cultures and peoples, from the Jacobite's of the Highlands to the Zulus of Natal, the Afghans, to the Mauri - the sun truly never set on the British empire. But of all the wars waged across God's earth, none were quite as fantastical as the War of Atlantica and the establishment of New Haven as Britannia's new crown jewel.

For fifty years the United Kingdom's forces occupied the newly found continent which happened to appear near its shores - until it vanished seemingly overnight. This is not a record of those events but rather of the very start - the discovery and subsequent colonisation of Atlantica and Hy-Brasil.

Many historians refer to this period as the forgotten war, as many documents were destroyed or locked away since the vanishing of Atlantica however of those that remain we are able to tell the whimsical adventures and the horrifying terrors of the unknown land.

The following contains diary entries, newspaper articles, field reports, and other official documents that reveal the true nature of this lost world.

Welcome. This will differ from the usual as it will be a Ψ solo story.

This is a passion project and a kind of what-if scenario.

Don't fret, however, as Chad is still in development - he's just on the back burner for now.

adeadascreators' thoughts