
God Revival

(Work in progress)

Anaviosi · Urban
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5 Chs

The Eternal War

Nurse Jason was carrying Nick in his arms.

Nick was asleep because of the sedative that was injected to him by Nurse Jason. He was brought in a room with two beds, the other bed was occupied by Jonas who was also put to sleep by Nurse Jason.

After Nurse Jason put Nick into the other bed of the clinic, Jason went out and talked to Rebecca. "Why did you ask me to put Nick to sleep? Because of that, I was forced to put the other student to sleep also." says Jason.

"Asclepius, while me and your avatar are discussing, please go get Amelia. Tell them to go in here at this instant."

"Yes my Queen." Asclepius, despite the fact that he was speaking in Greek, was understood by Rebecca.

Asclepius walked through the wall, leaving Rebecca and his avatar, Jason.

Rebecca looked at Jason. She gave him her beautiful and fierce look which prompts Jason that she was about to tell him something serious. Jason nods and throws himself at the clinic's sofa. Meanwhile, Rebecca sat on the chair of the clinic's reception.

"Jason, the person who will end the Eternal war is the one you put to sleep." Jason's eyes widened and sat up. "No way! He's the avatar of Zeus?!"

"Yes Jason, finally, the unending war between the gods of Olympus is possible to be ended." Rebecca said, still giving Jason a fierce look.

"My Queen, finally, we are able to achieve that peaceful and normal life we are wishing for. The Eternal war will end! No more Future generations will suffer." Jason said, while beaming at Rebecca.

Rebecca peaked at the door, and saw Nick who was sleeping. "That's up to him Jason," says Rebecca.

Ever since the death of the Greek Gods. Every hundred years, the gods, and demigods were reincarnated in spiritual forms. In order for the gods and demigods to be reincarnated, they must find Avatars or mortals who will agree to have a contract with them. After agreeing with the contract, the avatars receive a fraction of power from the gods and demigods they had a contract with.

This phenomena happens every hundred years, and the war between the gods and demigods repeats. And this war is called the Eternal War.

Various Eternal War had occurred, and humans nearly got extinct because of this phenomena. Somehow, Mnemosyne manages to end the Eternal war, thanks to the guild she built - The Spires.

The Spires is the guild Mnemosyne established to prevent the Eternal war from happening again. However, they only manage to prevent the mastermind of the Eternal war from succeeding to win the Eternal war, and thus, making the mastermind wait a hundred years before he gets another shot to win the Eternal War.

The mastermind of the Eternal war is Kronos, the King of the Titans and the god of time, Kronos manages to find a way to revive the gods and demigods of Olympus. It was made possible by his Kronosphere.

With the Kronosphere, the king of Titans was able to revive the gods and demigods of Olympus in order to repeat the Eternal war.

"But, is it possible for a mortal like Nick to end the Eternal War?" Jason asked Rebecca.

Rebecca stood up, and went close to Jason. "He is the avatar of Zeus, the king of Olympus, the one who once defeated Kronos! Do you think it's not possible for the king of Olympus?!" Rebecca was so mad at Jason. She couldn't stomach the fact that an avatar of a lesser god doubts the ability of his king.

"You know, Jason has a point. Do you really think that a mortal can defeat Kronos?" Hera said who had just arrived and overheard their argument.

"Compared to us," Hera said and sat on the reception table, "Kronos was able to revive himself fully. Flesh and spirit."

"What do you mean?!" Rebecca asked angrily.

"You see, avatars only receive a fraction of power from the gods they represent." Hera said, "Isn't that the same case for the avatar of Kronos?" Rebecca asked in reply to what Hera just said.

"Hahaha! I can't believe I chose a foolish avatar." Hera gave Rebecca an irritating smile.

"Look Hera! You-" before Rebecca could finish what she was about to say, Hera pointed her sceptre to her avatar. "I won't allow you to speak to me that way, you may be my avatar but that doesn't mean you're exempt from referring to me as your Queen."

"Rebecca, Nick may be the avatar of Zeus, but Zeus wasn't able to revive himself fully."

"Which means?" Jason was eager to know what Hera's point was.

"Which means Kronos is revived with his full power, while the other gods, including me, can only guide the avatar who only has a fraction of our powers." Hera answered.

"Then we must immediately tell Nick and help him prepare to fight against Kronos!" Rebecca said. "No! I couldn't believe I choose someone as stupid as you to be my avatar." Rebecca clenched his fist and forced a smile, "Then what should we do, QUEEN?" Rebecca asked.

Hera noticed the sarcastic remark, but chose to ignore it. "It's best to take things slow for Nick because Nick is too weak willed to be chosen by Zeus, and yet he is chosen by Zeus."

Hera slowly paced around the clinic. "I wonder why that is? He might not be able to digest everything if we dropped it to him like a bomb."

"Hera, that is not our main concern right now! We need to prepare Nick to fight Kronos and end the Eternal War." Hera was ticked-off with Rebecca and said "Do you think I don't know that, huh, Rebecca?" Hera pointed her sceptre to Rebecca. "Talk to me like that or I will make you regret talking to me like that ever again." However Rebecca did not take Hera's warning seriously. "Or what, QUEEN? What are you going to do?" Rebecca said and gave a wry smile.

Hera raised her sceptre "Listen here bitch! Stop that bitchy attitude towards me or…" before Hera could finish her sentence, Rebecca immediately replied that it seemed to calm Hera down. "Or what? You get trapped for a hundred years in Astral Space?"

"..." Hera lowered her sceptre.

"You'll have to wait another hundred years before being able to choose a new avatar, remember that. I don't need you, you need me!" So Rebecca kept provoking Hera, the trade of bitching ended with Rebecca's side winning. "I'm glad I agreed that Amelia is the head of Guild Spire."

"That's enough Rebecca!" Jason decided to stop Rebecca. He thinks Rebecca is already being unfair with Hera.

"Don't worry Jason, I also agree with Rebecca, I'm also glad that Amelia is the head of Guild Spire."

Hera destroyed a wall and went to Astral Space.