
God Reincarnated as a Demon

Conflictus, the god of his word, has suffered a severed wound that has made him neglect his world for hundreds of years. He can die at any moment, but there is no way for his kind to be revived or reincarnated... or that was what his race thought, until he broke this natural law and reincarnated in the body of the most prosecuted race in his world, a demon.

Dimwitwriter · Fantasy
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15 Chs

For favor

Amused, Marcos said on himself while reading a letter from his informant, "Finally. They have already filed."

He then continued with hysterical laugh, "though I didn't expected that it would took longer than what I assumed."

The content of the letter was the enmity between Saryed region and Galven Region. The one being harassed, the Saryed, has just filed a private war against its suspect, to Galven Region or Baron Ralph. Although he didn't know how the Viscount of Saryed, Reymonds, reached this conclusion, he doesn't care about that anymore since the opportunity behind it was the only thing on his sight.

The rough idea of a private war was war against regions of one kingdom among humans. It was a smaller scale of a war and used to solve quarrels between nobles. The rule was simple for this complicated stuff, first, they will choose only one fortress to use as the site of battle. Secondly, soldiers and their sorcery levels has cap. Additionally, the one who filed the war that has some evidence backing them will be the one to attack during the war. So this means that Viscount Reymonds will be on attack to the chosen fortress of the Baron from Galven Region. Now, Marcus desires that made him extra work was only to… incur favor…

He said while combing his whitish hair, "It has been twenty seven days since I went to the demons."

"I will visit again, Raijin."


The demons' training continued for twenty seven days. After exchanging their sleep for these three weeks, almost all of them now know how to use sorcery. Among them, some really excelled like Kazan. Kazan who was known to learn on his first day had managed to conjure earth sorcery. And by their tenacious efforts, some of them have already tap the usage of their wings.

Well, the moment someone from them grasped the sorcery, they will hurriedly participate on digging the tunnel that really hasten the process. With their current effort in the span of twenty seventh days, they've already dug beyond the wall. From their rough estimation, ten days more and they will finally reached the forest.

It has been smooth until then, when...

"Please to meet you again, Mr. Raijin."

Marcos surprised them with his sudden appearance. He was facing them with his businessman facade, together with his subordinates with Gibbs who was looking down at them.

"What now, Mr. Marcos?" Kazan, who was chosen as the representative of the demons faced them.

With a dramatic voice, he said, "Well, you see, my business just now got screwed a little."

He then motioned his fingers, pinching it side to side.

"And?" Kazan was really intimidating when facing someone he dislike..

"Well, of course, that also affect something… really a something that you may concerned of…"

Many of them were being pissed off by his trailing voice. It was mocked for them that made them to grit their teeth.

"... What is it?" Kazan asked despite knowing what he was getting at.

"You see… a while ago, my business got rock down…"

"So what's you getting at? Say it already, you dumb a*s," Kazan said while clenching his fist.

It was at that moment that Marcus smiled creepily, revealing his clean teeth that covers his hollow being.

"An early payment for the debt."

[Knew it. And just like Raijin said… he didn't even bother on using logic on this move.] Kazan thought.

"H-how much?" One of the demon asked, he was probably among those who owed Marcos.

Then, Marcos said, "If you want to pay for this month—it—was—thirteen —gold —coinsssss, for all of them."

Hearing that, Kazan looked at Raijin who was watching the scenario. And of his dismay, Raijin shook his head slowly, confirming he don't have enough..


Kazan fell silent while Marcos' grin was getting wider.


"How about items? Items that hold the same amount?" Kazan asked.

Interrupting Marcus was one of their plan because they want to read his rawest reactions.

"I see, I see. Items huh… let see," Marcos pondered with some time then continued, "as I thought. That can't be. Although— since I am benevolent, I can let you sell those 'items' to others now."

With his grinning blow, all of the demons, including Kazan, fell silent. Certainly, Raijin may have the items that can match the price but, even if they go out their way to sell them, the people won't buy them as can be seen from some spectators' amused faces. Prejudice will always be a problem for them.

Then, a female demon that was older than Lucia kneeled to Raijin.

"R-Raijin, it might be selfish. But, can you pay for my son? I'm begging you, you can ignore mine. Please..."

"M-mom!" His grown a*s son went to the scene and tried to stop him.


The plan was to barter Raijin's stolen items to Marcus and since it didn't happened, those around him has started panicking. And soon enough, other demons follow suits with their selfish selflessness at the same time. All came out from their mouths were fine being left out in exchange for their son, daughter, father, mother, and lover. Clearly, the scene was field with people who were on the verge of ruin but…

"Pftt!" "Ghh, gaha… haha. I can't hold it." "Hahaha!"

Few of the humans who watched this scene started laughing. Enjoying the scene with their convenience.

Contrary to that, Raijin and Kazan remained calm.

But as they remained silent, Gibbs, who also enjoyed this scene, grabbed a middle aged demon name Cecile.

"Kyaa!" Cecile lost her balance as Gibbs handled her roughly, and he didn't even bother to look at their list.

"Mom!" Seeing this, his son Mafo has tried to get her but got punched instead.

"That should be it! Hahaha," he said loudly with a mocking grin and with a louder voice, he said, "Get the hidden cages!"

And just like he mentioned, cages that were hidden behind the buildings were driven to be parked near them. After seeing this, the demons has panicked more while people cheered for this sudden appearance..

"Now men! Get the slaves!" Gibbs said, without Marcus stopping him.

"Mom! Don't you dar—" Mafo who just learned body strengthening a week ago rushed again to get his mother. He was about activate sorcery when…

"Guhh." He was kicked flying.

"Shut up." The one who kicked him was a young man with a blonde hair, white eyes with a pair of wings, but unlike demons, his were brown that filled with feathers.

"Get them." He prompted his companions to also get the other demons on the list.

"Hey, missy, come here!" They divided their group and started harassing the demons.

The first one go get cornered was a young female demon name Liya. She attempted to use sorcery but she lost her focus and got railed hardly by the men. Among demons, some of those powerful enough to fight were about to step in but—

"Don't touch her." Raijin said in a cold voice while grabbing the armored wrist of the man.

"You…! nggg!" The man tried to get off his hand but not even an inch has moved.

At the corner of demon side, seeing that Raijin attacked, many of them were about to joined but got stopped by Kazan with a commanding voice.


"What are you doing Kazan?! Did you have a cold feet now!? That one already helped us a lot! Why hold us back!!"

One of the grabbed the collar of Kazan, lifting him for some feet.

"I said stopped." Kazan said while looking down at him without a hint of anger.

The man then scanned the scene again.

"But—" he started.

"Before going there, he said don't ever interfere if you want the plan to be successful'" Kazan, who was the person that Raijin trusted the most aside from his mother said so he easily recognized that he was saying the truth.

"Still…!" he complained.

"I know that you can't hold back now, but trust him!" Kazan said

As the both parties watched, Gibbs and the others were surprised on what they saw. Certainly, the man that Raijin grabbed hand wasn't the strongest, but he was at least expected to hold against a kid. But right then, his hands were like statue that were frozen in place despite the distributed body strengthening sorcery in his body. Having his face in front of this demon kid, he started sweating cold blood.

"Attack the kid!" Gibbs might be an idiot, but his instinct in many battles told him what the kid has, "he can use sorcery!"

And as expected, all of those who were against the demons, especially Marcos, were dumbstruck. Those chaotic men who were capturing their targets has shifted their attention to kid who Gibbs identified as some kind of threat.

Seven team in total, four city soldiers and three subordinates of Marcos including Gibbs. All of them came to face Raijin, a demon kid of the slums.