
School Life

~The following day (Tuesday)~

I was walking along a sidewalk to my so called new school. I'll be honest I really would rather not attended it as I doubt they would be capable of teaching me something I don't already know. Unfortunately it isn't really a possibility as I can't just say that I am a God who lived for millions of years. At least I will have some quiet time to myself to think I guess.

As I was thinking all this over I was already nearing the park that was located next to my school. I could see some groups of children playing together, others just talking, some who just stood there alone. I won't lie, they all looked stupid... I continue to walk past some of the those playing and would often get glances from the kids, and sometimes even adults would look at me and raise an eyebrow in surprise.

Even at the small age of ten, I don't mean to brag but I was f*cking hot! Like 11/10 hot. I could probably make a living being a child actor or model. Wait... that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea... I will have to plan that out later.

I continued walking not bothered by the many stares in the slightest, I was already used to this from my life as a God. I arrived infront of the school and walked to the door which lead to the front of the office, as Grandma C was busy I would need to ask who my teacher and as well as where the class is. I open the front door of the office walk in to hear a man arguing with an office lady about what sounds like his boss's daughter, sounds boring. I completely ignore the two arguing and walk over to the other office lady who has seen me by now and just stares at me with a surprised look on her face. I love being handsome...

"Hello, my name is Luke Crates" I say to her politely. "I was told that I was signed up to attended school here by Grandma C and she also told me to get my teachers name at the office because she forgot it before she ever mentioned it to me" I continued speaking as she still stares at me.

"Ah yes" the office lady finally snaps out of it and searches my name of the computer. "Your teacher is Mrs. Brown and her classroom is in the building on the left from here numbered room 11" she replied while looking up from the computer.

I quickly reply with a "Thank You" and being walking out as I do not wish to be looked at for so long... getting looked at is fine, but she is just to old... freaks me out... I turn left as soon as I exit the door to the office and walk to my classroom arriving there right as the teacher who's name is apparently Mrs. Brown opens the door for the students to enter.

As I was about to step through the doorway Mrs. Brown stops me with a hand on my shoulder and asks me if I am Luke. I reply to her with a polite yes and she lets me in right after saying I sit in the back right cornor next to the blond haired boy.

Once everyone was seated she introduced me to the class and the day went on like that, I made a few friends if you can call them that, they are millions of years younger then me but their innocence is quite funny, although it can also just be called ignorance and stupidity. As I suspected before, school was boring but I did indeed get a lot of time to think and plan my later steps in the possible opportunity of modelling or acting to make money.

I decided I would try and skip as many grades as I could and attempt to become a thing I heard about called and Snapgram Stars. I heard that they would get payed a lot to wear and take pictures in cool expensive clothing that they not only get to wear for free but also get pay for it? How cool is that?! I will be rich I tell you... I'll be the next Bustin Jieber.

Now all I need is access to a phone to take use Instagram on... I'll need to talk to Grandma C about it I guess... I'm sure I will be able to convince her.

As my planning came to and end school did as well, It wasn't the worst waste of time as I did find a way to possibly earn a lot of money and also to gain popularity that I will need for later when I establish my own company to fulfill the body's orginal owner's wish. I walked home as quickly as I could to talk to Grandma C about possibly getting me a phone to take Instagram photos on.

I arrived home and right away went and knocked onto Grandma C's door, she slowly opened the door and said the following with a concerned face when she saw it was me, "Luke your home!, how was school, did anyone bully you, did you like it"?

"It was fine Grandma C, I do have one request though, can I get a phone so I can make an Instagram account and take pictures so I can get popular and earn alot of money", I asked her quickly all in one breath while making puppy eyes.

... there was an awkward silence for around a minute until she looked at me and with no hesitation and no place to argue and replied "No" and then shut the door.

Well that was unexpected I thought to myself. She just managed ruined my whole plan with a single word... what the hell is this! I'll need to plan this through some more maybe steal someone's phone... Yes that should work just fine, I thought as an mischievous smile formed on my young face, I walked away from her room wondering where and who to steal the phone from.

Alright, So I do want some suggestions, do you all wish to have a harem, single girl he likes, or that he doesn't really like any and just sleeps with any beautiful girl most likely never to see them again? This is all for later into the book ;p Thanks for reading!

L3wkscreators' thoughts